Adanma Onuoha: Spreading the Word

NBS Staff discuss their interests, their goals, and what drove them to pursue business sustainability.

What is your official job description at NBS?

I’m responsible for managing marketing and communications, both traditional and digital, for NBS. I have the exciting role of brainstorming and executing ideas that would grow the NBS community, and importantly, educate our audience on sustainability and related matters.  

I regularly do social media management, content marketing management, website analytics, email marketing, and SEO. My ambitious goal is to grow NBS to at least 100k monthly readers globally because I believe that businesses (and individuals) can only take action if they have the information they need.

Why did you decide to work at NBS?

I’m passionate about digital marketing and contributing to social issues. Working with NBS has presented an opportunity for me to merge two areas of interest. I’m also interested in learning more about sustainability, especially as regards social issues.

How did you become interested in business sustainability?

Before NBS, I mostly had a basic knowledge of sustainability. I tried, as an individual, to play my role in maintaining the environment. However, since joining NBS, I’m learning that sustainability is much more than recycling or patronizing green brands. 

I’m excited to learn about how much businesses play a role in creating a sustainable environment. One of the biggest lessons I’ve learned so far is that business sustainability isn’t just for large manufacturing companies; it encompasses all areas of business practices, including marketing!

What are your interests outside work? 

I love long walks, blogging on CanadaBuzz and creative writing. I also love listening to Nigerian music by artists like Asa, The Cavemen, Reggae and any old school Highlife music. I love cooking too when I’m not under too much pressure. 

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever received?

The best advice I’ve received is embodied in the saying ‘Little drops of water make an ocean’ I used to be very impatient about results whenever I began something. 

However, my mum would often sit me down and let me know that success isn’t instantaneous. It takes time, and every little effort counts even when it doesn’t seem that way. This single piece of advice has changed my life in so many positive ways.

Who would you like to invite to a dinner party?

I would love to invite Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, a renowned Nigerian author who has had a global impact on social issues, especially regarding women. My passion for creative writing influences my choice. 

I believe that creative writing can be a powerful tool for addressing the many social, economic and political issues that plague my home continent, Africa and, in fact, the rest of the world.

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  • The Network for Business Sustainability (NBS) is a non-profit advancing sustainable development to build a fairer and more environmentally sound future. We aim to improve business practice by facilitating knowledge sharing across an international community of business leaders, scholars, students and policy makers. With these stakeholders, we co-create high-quality content that enables practical action. Our content focuses on 6 critical sustainability themes, from climate change to social justice.

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