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John Sterman


MIT Sloan School of Management

PhD in System Dynamics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

John D. Sterman is the Jay W. Forrester Professor of Management and the Director of the System Dynamics Group at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Sloan School of Management. Sterman’s research centers on improving decision-making in complex systems, including corporate strategy and operations, energy policy, public health, environmental sustainability and climate change. He is the author of many scholarly and popular articles on the challenges and opportunities facing organizations today, including the book Modeling for Organizational Learning and the award-winning textbook Business Dynamics. He works with businesses, non-profits and governments to build a sustainable world in which all can thrive, and has been widely honored for his research and innovative use of interactive simulations in management education and policymaking.

Articles by John Sterman

How to Handle Complexity

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Complexity is everywhere, bringing uncertainty and interdependence. Managing it requires "systems thinking" — expanding your mental model.

Dr. John Sterman, a world leader in the field of system dynamics, identifies how businesses can incorporate systems thinking.

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