Teaching Climate Change in Business Schools: Virtual Event Series
Join a global converation on best practices for teaching climate change in business schools. Get inspired by new approaches and share your experience. Next event is Feb 23.
Apply for the ONE-SIM Outreach Award, supported by NBS. The award recognizes scholars who effectively communicate their insights to broader audiences.
Sustainability Centres Knowledge Exchange: Open Space Event Series
Join virtual discussions to share knowledge, get advice, and build community with business school sustainability centre leaders from around the world. The next session is April 10.
January 2024 Table of Contents
NBS’s monthly compilation of the latest business sustainability research prioritizes in-press articles, in order to highlight cutting-edge knowledge. The list draws from Financial Times Top 50 journals and other publications.
Opportunities and Announcements
Please share your information about opportunities related to sustainability scholarship on our Opportunities page.
- Symposium: Symposium on Contemporary Issues in Sustainability Reporting (February 22-24, 2024, Waterloo, Canada, CPA Ontario Centre for Sustainability Reporting and Performance Management, University of Waterloo)
- Roundtable: Rotman Sustainable Finance Research Roundtable (March 6, 2024, Hybrid, Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto)
- Webinar: IHMA Necessary Conversation with Mike Barnett: How Do We Get UnStuck (March 8, Virtual, International Humanistic Management Association)
- Event: Reynolds and Gifford PRI Grant Launch (March 25, 2024, London, United Kingdom, Principles of Responsible Investment)
- Summer School: Organizing for Sustainable Futures: Micro and Macro-institutional Conditions of Transformation (June 17-20, 2024, Venice, Italy, Venice International University)
- Summer School: Medici Summer School in Management Studies (June 23-28, 2024, Bologna, Italy, Bologna Business School, HEC Paris, MIT Sloan School of Management)
- Summer School: Advanced Transportation, Logistics, and Supply Chain Management (July 1-5, 2024, Venice, Italy, Venice International University)
- Seminars: PRI Academic Seminar Series (Multiple dates, Multiple locations, Principles for Responsible Investment)
- Doctoral Programme: Design Science, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Impacts (ESCP Business School, Paris, France)
- Postdoctoral Researcher: Sustainability & Organizations (HEC Paris S&O Institute, Paris, France)
- Postdoctoral Research Associate: Sustainable Business Models, Net Zero, and Socio-Ecological Systems (King’s Business School, London, United Kingdom)
- 6 Researcher Positions: Ecological Economics (Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain)
- Assistant Professor/Research Chair: Sustainability Transition (School of Public Policy & Administration, Carleton University, Carleton, Canada)
- Award: ONE-SIM Outreach Award (April 30, 2024, Organizations and the Natural Environment (ONE), and Social Issues in Management (SIM))