View all NBS reports on knowledge priorities for business sustainability.
Business Sustainability Priorities in 2016
Public Policy & Climate Change (access previous research)
Collaborating for Sustainability (access previous research)
Respecting Aboriginal Rights
Measuring & Reporting Sustainability
Sustaining Sustainability Programs (learn about the Embedding Project)
Educating Consumers (access previous research)
Creating a Long-term Orientation (access previous research)
Previous Reports
Business Challenges for Sustainability
Top Challenge Statement: Canadian firms need to play a greater role in decarbonizing the economy and building resilience to climate impacts. To do so, they need consistent, flexible, and predictable policies that foster emission reductions without compromising firm competitiveness.
From Challenges to Opportunities
Collaborating for Sustainability (See Manager's Guide, Assessment Tool)
Communicating for Sustainability (Coming in 2017)
Simplifying Complexity
How can businesses act for tomorrow today? (See Systematic Review, Executive Report)
Changing the System
How can companies best engage value chain, industry and NGO partners to achieve sustainability goals? (See Systematic Review, Executive Report)
How can businesses help Canadians become informed, inspired and engaged in a national dialogue about responsible consumption? (See Business Briefing, Best Practices Guide)
Canadian Business Sustainability Challenges
How can sustainability drive innovation (and vice-versa) within companies? (See Systematic Review, Executive Report)
How can we mobilize citizens to take more sustainable actions? (See Systematic Review, Executive Report)
Canadian Business Sustainability Priorities
Which outcome-based government policies are most effective for addressing sustainability issues? (See Systematic Review, Executive Report)
How do individuals make decisions regarding social and environmental issues? (Systematic Review, Executive Report)
Knowledge Priorities
How can we build a durable, enduring sustainability corporate culture? (See Systematic Review, Executive Report)
How can we promote and ensure sustainability within our supply chains? (See Systematic Review, Executive Report)
How can we measure and value a firm’s ecological impacts (e.g. ecological footprint)? (See Systematic Review, Executive Report)
Knowledge Priorities
How do businesses incorporate adaptation to climate change into their business strategies? (See Executive Report)
Do consumers consider social or environmental attributes when making purchase decisions? (See Systematic Review, Executive Report)
Knowledge Priorities
What are the business tools with which managers can value the business case for sustainability? (See Systematic Review, Executive Report)
What are the best practices in community engagement? (See Systematic Review, Executive Report)
Further Research Required
Due to resource limitations, NBS can address only up to three business sustainability challenges each year. We strongly encourage management researchers to undertake their own projects on the remaining issues. Please let us know about your work.
Contact Us
If you’re an academic:
If you are investigating one of the above research questions, NBS may be able to connect you with collaborators, company access, funding, or teaching resources.
If you’re a manager:
If you want additional evidence on sustainability issues, NBS can connect you with researchers in your area of interest.
Additional Resources
Thought Leaders
NBS Thought Leaders offer guidance on sustainable business models for the 21st century. Thought Leaders are leading academics and practitioners: world…
John Robinson
News and Events
Making a business sustainable is challenging. Just ask any sustainability manager. Or 14 of them. On September 25, 2012 our Leadership Council – comprised…
Research and Insight
What do a tire company, yogurt company, and luxury goods producer have in common? Five practices to reduce waste, improve reputation, and increase revenues.
Marie Demode
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