Specific strategies for teaching sustainability in finance and accounting classes, shared by award-winning instructors from around the world.
Faculty members from across the globe came together in summer 2013 for an interactive webinar on strategies for teaching sustainability in finance and accounting. The webinar began with presentations from two award-winning instructors: Charles Cho (ESSEC Business School) and Mark Cohen (Vanderbilt University). (Biosketches are below.) They described specific strategies they’ve used: e.g. student assignments, cases and other approaches. Participants then asked questions and shared their own strategies for teaching sustainability.
Resources from Speakers and Participants
From Charles Cho (all videos)
From Carol Seagle
Tempes Corporation; teaching note. Students calculate NPV and payback on investment while considering environmental risks and regulation.
From Oliver Laasch
United Nations Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME) textbook; chapter on accounting. Contact Oliver Laasch for chapters.
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Other Webinars in the Series
Additional webinars focused on teaching sustainability in other disciplines:
Marketing: View webinar video and materials.
Operations: View webinar video and materials
Strategy: View webinar video and materials
Webinar Guest Speakers
Mark Cohen, Vanderbilt University Mark Cohen has extensive experience analyzing government enforcement policies, with particular emphasis on environmental and criminal justice issues. He is an expert on enforcing environmental regulations and on corporate crime and punishment. Teaching: He received 'Honorable Mention' from the Page Prize for Environmental Sustainability Curriculum (2012) for his course “Financial Analysis of Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Data.”
Charles Cho, Schulich School of Business (Formerly at ESSEC Business School) Charles Cho is an Associate Professor of Accounting at ESSEC Business School, with a strong background in the teaching, research and practice of sustainability. His research focuses on social and environmental accounting, corporate social responsibility, and accounting and the public interest. He is also a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) and a Certified General Accountant (CGA), and worked for KPMG LLP and other public accounting firms for several years.
Teaching: Charles has taught financial and managerial accounting courses at the graduate and undergraduate levels and designed CSR-related courses at the PhD, MBA and undergraduate levels. He also has experience teaching corporate sustainability and business ethics to executives.
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