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What helps shift CEO decision-making around sustainability? How can corporate change agents support this process?
Business schools train tomorrow’s leaders and create rigorous research. They can advance sustainability by producing knowledge on pressing issues and by preparing students to work on society’s challenges. They can also partner with institutions across sectors to address issues directly.
Business schools are already beginning to make the sustainability shift. NBS Founder Tima Bansal says: “The business school community is awakening to the importance of sustainable development. As COVID-19, climate change and social movements affect companies, the relevance of sustainability to business school research and curricula becomes clearer.”
Educational institutions don’t change easily, but many stakeholders are committed. Students want to use their education to shape a better future. Faculty and staff want their work to have meaning and impact. And businesses need employees with new skills and perspectives, able to lead in a changing world.
NBS supports this shift to sustainable business education, with resources emphasizing different roles of a business school.
Business school sustainability centres can play a central role. The NBS Sustainability Centres Community brings together more than 200 business school centres across the globe. Join the Community.
What helps shift CEO decision-making around sustainability? How can corporate change agents support this process?
New research places business leaders at the centre of management innovation, providing inspiration for researchers and leadership for fellow practitioners.
“What is a business model?” is a popular opener in business publications. NBS interviews Florian Lüdeke-Freund to learn more..
Abby Litchfield
| November 11, 2021
We can’t address Sustainable Development Goals without considering their social context. Energy and gender provide an example.