Each month, NBS compiles the latest research on management and sustainability by scanning the tables of contents of academic journals. Journals we draw from include the Financial Times Top 50 list as well as sustainability-focused publications.
Research for August 2017
Academy of Management Journal
The Multiple Pathways through which Internal and External Corporate Social Responsibility Influence Organizational Identification and Multifoci Outcomes: The Moderating Role of Cultural and Social Orientations. Omer Farooq, Deborah E. Rupp and Mariam Farooq.
Academy of Management Review
An Identity-Based Approach to Social Enterprise. Tyler Wry and Jeffrey G. York.
Business Ethics Quarterly
The Nature of the Relationship Between Corporate Identity and Corporate Sustainability: Evidence from The Retail Industry. Cláudia Simões and Roberta Sebastiani.
The Importance of Ethics in Branding: Mediating Effects of Ethical Branding on Company Reputation and Brand Loyalty. Sharifah Faridah Syed Alwi, Sulaiman Muhammad Ali and Bang Nguyen.
Guest Editors’ Introduction: Ethical Management of Intangible Assets in Contemporary Organizations. Rossella C. Gambetti, T. C. Melewar and Kelly D. Martin.
Profit and Other Values: Thick Evaluation in Decision Making. Bastiaan van der Linden and R. Edward Freeman.
No Malibu Surfer Left Behind: Three Tales About Market Coercion. Åsbjørn Melkevik.
Business Strategy and the Environment
Effects of Environmental Regulations on Trade Flow in Manufacturing Sectors: Comparison of Static and Dynamic Effects of Environmental Regulations. Jung-Ah Hwang and Yeonbae Kim.
Measuring the Choice of Environmental Sustainability Strategies in Creating a Competitive Advantage. Philip R. Walsh and Rachel Dodds.
A Personal Construct Psychology Based Investigation Into A Product Service System For Renting Pushchairs To Consumers. Maurizio Catulli and Nick Reed.
The Influence of Board Composition on Sustainable Development Disclosure.Mohammad Jizi.
Toward Sustainable Livelihoods: Investigating the Drivers of Purchase Behavior for Green Products. Chiou-Fong Wei, Chang-Tang Chiang, Tun-Chih Kou and Bruce C Y Lee.
The Value Relevance of Environmental Audits: Evidence from Japan.Ki-Hoon Lee, Bum-Jin Park, Hakjoon Song and Keun-Hyo Yook.
Business Model Innovation for Sustainability: Towards a Unified Perspective for Creation of Sustainable Business Models. Steve Evans, Doroteya Vladimirova, Maria Holgado, Kirsten Van Fossen, Miying Yang, Elisabete A. Silva and Claire Y. Barlow.
Environmental Strategy and Competitive Advantage: The Role of Small- and Medium-Sized enterprises’ Dynamic Capabilities. Wai Wai Ko and Gordon Liu.
Corporate Sustainable Development and Marketing Communications on Social Media: Fortune 500 Enterprises. Ya-Ching Lee.
California Management Review
Sleepwalking into Catastrophe: Cognitive Biases and Corporate Climate Change Intertia. Daina Mazutis and Anna Eckardt.
Harvard Business Review
Managing Climate Change: Lessons from the U.S. Navy. Forest L. Reinhardt and Michael W. Toffel.
Human Relations
Evaluation of an organizational health intervention for low-skilled workers and immigrants. Christine Busch, Tobias Koch, Julia Clasen, Eva Winkler and Julia Vowinkel.
ISACA Journal
Journal of Business Ethics
Strategic Outcomes in Voluntary CSR: Reporting Economic and Reputational Benefits in Principles-Based Initiatives. Jorge A. Arevalo and Deepa Aravind.
Socioemotional Wealth and Corporate Social Responsibility: A Critical Analysis. Piotr Zientara.
What Do Stakeholders Care About? Investigating Corporate Social and Environmental Disclosure in China. Yingjun Lu and Indra Abeysekera.
Stakeholder Salience for Stakeholder Firms: An Attempt to Reframe an Important Heuristic Device. Mohammad A. Ali.
Sharing the Shared Value: A Transaction Cost Perspective on Strategic CSR Policies in Global Value Chains. Aurélien Acquier, Bertrand Valiorgue and Thibault Daudigeos.
Religiosity, Attitude, and the Demand for Socially Responsible Products. Johan Graafland.
Civil Governance in Work and Employment Relations: How Civil Society Organizations Contribute to Systems of Labour Governance. Steve Williams, Brian Abbott and Edmund Heery.
Towards Understanding Stakeholder Salience Transition and Relational Approach to ‘Better’ Corporate Social Responsibility: A Case for a Proposed Model in Practice. Michael O. Erdiaw-Kwasie, Khorshed Alam and Md. Shahiduzzaman.
Enhancing the Role and Effectiveness of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Reports: The Missing Element of Content Verification and Integrity Assurance. Prakash Sethi, Terrence F. Martell and Mert Demir.
The Impact of Stakeholder Identities on Value Creation in Issue-Based Stakeholder Networks. Thomas Schneider and Sybille Sachs.
Unpacking the Drivers of Corporate Social Performance: A Multilevel, Multistakeholder, and Multimethod Analysis. Marc Orlitzky, Céline Louche, Jean-Pascal Gond and Wendy Chapple.
One Rule to Rule Them All? Organisational Sensemaking of Corporate Responsibility. Tiina Onkila and Marjo Siltaoja.
Virtual Special Issue on ‘Sociology and Business Ethics’. Gibson Burrell.
Improving Social Responsibility in RMG Industries Through a New Governance Approach in Laws. Mia Mahmudur Rahim.
The Power(lessness) of Industry Self-regulation to Promote Responsible Labor Standards: Insights from the Chinese Toy Industry. Nick Lin-Hi and Igor Blumberg.
Industry-Specific Multi-Stakeholder Initiatives That Govern Corporate Human Rights Standards: Legitimacy assessments of the Fair Labor Association and the Global Network Initiative. Dorothée Baumann-Pauly, Justine Nolan and Auret van Heerden.
Collectively Designing CSR Through Meta-Organizations: A Case Study of the Oil and Gas Industry. Heloïse Berkowitz, Marcelo Bucheli and Hervé Dumez.
Industry Business Associations: Self-Interested or Socially Conscious? José Carlos Marques.
The Abandoned Stakeholders: Pharmaceutical Companies and Research Participants. Pepe Lee Chang.
Corporate Stakeholder Orientation in an Emerging Country Context: A Longitudinal Cross Industry Analysis. Tanusree Jain, Ruth V. Aguilera and Dima Jamali.
The Fine Jewellery Industry: Corporate Responsibility Challenges and Institutional Forces Facing SMEs. Marylyn Carrigan, Morven McEachern and Caroline Moraes.
Reconceptualizing CSR in the Media Industry as Relational Accountability. Mollie Painter-Morland and Ghislain Deslandes.
Can Sinful Firms Benefit from Advertising Their CSR Efforts? Adverse Effect of Advertising Sinful Firms’ CSR Engagements on Firm Performance. Hannah Oh, John Bae and Sang-Joon Kim.
Responsible Practices are Culturally Embedded: Theoretical Considerations on Industry-Specific Corporate Social Responsibility. Thomas Beschorner and Thomas Hajduk.
Manufacturing and Service Operations Management
Strategic Investment in Renewable Energy Sources: The Effect of Supply Intermittency. Sam Aflaki and Serguei Netessine.
Organization Studies
Tinkering with Space: The Organizational Practices of a Nascent Social Venture. Ester Barinaga.
Materializing Power to Recover Corporate Social Responsibility. Jean-Pascal Gond, Daniel Nyberg.
A Resource Dependence Perspective on Low-Power Actors Shaping Their Regulatory Environment: The Case of Honda. Ei Shu and Arie Y. Lewin.
Production and Operations Management
Supply Chain Models with Mutual Commitments and Implications for Social Responsibility. Jiguang Chen, Qiying Hu and Jing-Sheng Song.
Quarterly Journal of Economics
Lemon Technologies and Adoption: Measurement, Theory and Evidence from Agricultural Markets in Uganda. Tessa Bold, Kayuki C. Kaizzi, Jakob Svensson and David Yanagizawa-Drott.
Discrimination as a Self-Fulfilling Prophecy: Evidence from French Grocery Stores. Dylan Glover, Amanda Pallais and William Pariente
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