NBS’s monthly compilation of the latest business sustainability research prioritizes in-press articles, in order to highlight cutting-edge knowledge. The list draws from Financial Times Top 50 journals and other publications.
See all monthly Table of Contents.
Research for August 2024
Academy of Management Learning and Education
Creating “Liminal Community”: Communal Liminal Experience and Identity Transformation Among Black Women Tech Founders in Detroit. Shuang L. Frost, Yuson Jung, Marlo Rencher, Dawn Batts.
Unequal Worlds: Management Education and Inequalities. Arun Kumar, Vivek Soundararajan, Hari Bapuji, Tine Köhler, Rafael Alcadipani, Mette Morsing, Diego M. Coraiola.
Book Review: Transforming Indigenous Higher Education: Privileging Culture, Identity and Self-Determination. Emily Salmon, Mick Elliott-Keewatin.
Book Review: Dissecting Caste Discrimination in Indian Universities from Admissions to Placements: Part 1 – IITs and Part 2 – IITs, IIMs, and Beyond. Rahul Kamble.
Piercing the Veil of Colorblindness with an Anti-Racist Identity: Sensemaking, Power, and the Reproduction of Racialized Socioeconomic Inequality. Patricia T. Naya, Alessia Contu, Jared M. Poole.
Addressing Economic Inequality Through Management Education: Disrupting Student Attraction to the Myth of Neoliberal Meritocracy. Micki Eisenman, Hamid Foroughi, William M. Foster.
Feelings for the Planet: An Alternative Vocabulary for Incorporating Biosphere-Focused Emotions into Management Learning and Education. Mark G. Edwards, Wendelin Küpers.
Book Review: How to Do Relevant Research: From the Ivory Tower to the Real World. Sylvia Grewatsch, Wren Montgomery.
Academy of Management Review
A Promise Not (Yet) Fulfilled: Entrepreneurship Opportunity Underexploitation and the Reproduction of Inequality via Consumer Markets. Alexander C. Lewis, Garry D. Bruton, Dean A. Shepherd.
The Art of Blending Stakeholders: “Bootlegger and Baptist” Coalitions in Corporate Constituency-Building. Maurice J. Murphy, Edward Walker, Nan Jia.
Accounting Review
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System Implementations and Corporate Misconduct. Jonas Heese, Joseph Pacelli.
CEO Risk Taking Equity Incentives and Workplace Misconduct. Justin Chircop, Monika Tarsalewska, Agnieszka Trzeciakiewicz.
Administrative Science Quarterly
This Is Why I Leave: Race and Voluntary Departure. Adina D. Sterling.
Book Review: Power and Progress: Our Thousand-Year Struggle Over Technology and Prosperity. Alex Murray.
The Unequal Effects of Pollution on Labor Supply. Bridget Hoffmann, Juan Pablo Rud.
Multinational Enforcement of Labor Law: Experimental Evidence on Strengthening Occupational Safety and Health Committees. Laura Boudreau.
Human Resource Management Journal
Gender Composition at Work and Women’s Career Satisfaction: An International Study of 35 Societies. Jane L. Y. Terpstra-Tong et al.
Which Organisational Context Factors Help Women to Obtain and Retain Leadership Positions in the 21st Century? A Systematic Review and Research Agenda for Human Resource Management. Lioba A. Gierke, Sofia Schlamp, Fabiola H. Gerpott.
Journal of Applied Psychology
Beyond the Prototype: Unpacking the Intersectional Identity and Image Work of Female Minority Founders in a Startup Context. Pisitta Vongswasdi, Julia de Groote, Janine Heinrich, Jamie Ladge.
Examining the Effectiveness of Interventions to Reduce Discriminatory Behavior at Work: An Attitude Dimension Consistency Perspective. Elaine Costa.
The Other Side of the Coin: An Integrative Review Connecting Pay and Health. Gordon M. Sayre, Samantha A. Conroy.
The Non-White Standard: Racial Bias in Perceptions of Diversity Equity and Inclusion Leaders. Rebecca M. Paluch, Vanessa Shum.
Journal of Business Venturing
The Internet and the Gender Gap in Entrepreneurship: Evidence from China. Xiaoyan Sun, Waverly Ding, Xuanli Xie.
Journal of Consumer Marketing
Promoting Proactive Helping Behaviour: The Role of Positive Psychological Capital and Emotional Self-Control. Estelle van Tonder, Daniel J. Petzer, Sam Fullerton.
Journal of Financial Economics
The Risk and Return of Impact Investing Funds. Jessica Jeffers, Tianshu Lyu, Kelly Posenau.
Racial Disparities in the Paycheck Protection Program. Sergey Chernenko, David Scharfstein.
Journal of Industrial Ecology
Unpacking the Path Toward a Sustainable Circular Economy Through Industrial Ecology. Magnus Fröhling, Chika Aoki-Suzuki, Bhavik Bakshi, Sina Leipold, Xin Tong, Hannah Su-Han Wang, Dominik Wiedenhofer.
Prospective Life Cycle Assessment of Climate and Biodiversity Impacts of Meat-Based and Plant-Forward Meals: A Case Study of Indonesian and German Meal Options. Sandra G. Marquardt, P. James Joyce, Giles Rigarlsford, Mariska Dötsch-Klerk, Kathelijn van Elk, Jonathan Doelman, Vassilis Daioglou, Mark A. J. Huijbregts, Sarah Sim.
Additive Inclusion in Plastic Life Cycle Assessments Part I: Review of Mechanical Recycling Studies. H. Logan, T. F. Astrup, A. Damgaard.
Additive Inclusion in Plastic Life Cycle Assessments Part II: Review of Additive Inventory Data Trends and Availability. H. Logan, S. DeMeester, T. F. Astrup, A. Damgaard.
A Business Value Framework for Industrial Symbiosis. Murat Mirata, Axel Lindfors, Marianna Lena Kambanou.
Biodiversity Impact Assessment for Finance. Viktoras Kulionis, Stephan Pfister, Jeanne Fernandez.
Environmental Analysis of Returnable Packaging Systems in Different eCommerce Business and Packaging Management Models. Jonghun Park, Zuha Waqar, William Ralph Snyder.
Book Review of Material Matters: Developing Business for a Circular Economy. Bart Claus.
Product Lifetimes and Industrial Ecology. Jessika Luth Richter, Tamar Makov, Keshav Parajuly, Conny Bakker, Colin Fitzpatrick.
Pathways to Zero Plastic Waste Landfill: Progress Toward Plastic Circularity in South Africa. Kunle Ibukun Olatayo, Paul T. Mativenga, Annlizé L. Marnewick.
Designing Circular Economy Strategies in Distributed Generation for Small- and Medium-Sized Enterprises Using Monte Carlo Simulation. Jaime González-Domínguez, Gonzalo Sánchez-Barroso, Francisco Zamora-Polo, Justo García-Sanz-Calcedo.
Toward a Policy Landscape to Support the Product-as-a-Service Design Process for a Circular Economy. Abhijna Neramballi, Leonidas Milios, Tomohiko Sakao, Johannes Matschewsky.
Circular Battery Production in the EU: Insights From Integrating Life Cycle Assessment Into System Dynamics Modeling on Recycled Content and Environmental Impacts. Raphael Ginster, Steffen Blömeke, Jan-Linus Popien, Christian Scheller, Felipe Cerdas, Christoph Herrmann, Thomas S. Spengler.
Circular Strategies for Building Sector Decarbonization in China: A Scenario Analysis. Alessio Mastrucci, Fei Guo, Xiaoyang Zhong, Florian Maczek, Bas van Ruijven.
Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services in Business Sustainability: Toward Systematic Value Chain-Wide Monitoring That Aligns With Public Accounting. Dalia D’Amato, Alessandra La Notte, Mattia Damiani, Serenella Sala.
A Metric for Tradable Biodiversity Credits Quantifying Impacts on Global Extinction Risk. Axel G. Rossberg, Jacob D. O’Sullivan, Svetlana Malysheva, Nadav M. Shnerb.
Journal of Management
Gaining Perspective: Leveraging Employee Volunteering to Improve Inclusive Behavior. Braydon C. Shanklin, Jessica B. Rodell, Olympia M. Nakos, Gokhan Oztunc.
Paddling Against the Tide: The Micro-Level Strategies Entrepreneurs Employ to Resist Endemic Corruption in Tanzania. Neema M. Komba, Dean A. Shepherd, Joakim Wincent.
Oh the Anxiety! The Anxiety of Supervisor Bottom-Line Mentality and Mitigating Effects of Ethical Leadership. Marie S. Mitchell, Andrea L. Hetrick, Mary B. Mawritz, Bryan D. Edwards, Rebecca L. Greenbaum.
Avoiding the Ties That Bind: Entrepreneurial Orientation and the Creative Constraint of Corporate Political Activity. Varkey Titus Jr., Izuchukwu Mbaraonye, Mirzokhidjon Abdurakhmonov, Owen Parker.
Journal of Management Studies
Getting Down to Business: Governing the Hybridization of UK Charities. Kevin Curran, Pinar Ozcan.
The Political Side of Social Enterprises: A Phenomenon-Based Study of Sociocultural and Policy Advocacy. Johanna Mair, Nikolas Rathert.
Preparing for a Day that May Never Come: Venturing in Limbo. Ramzi Fathallah, Trenton Alma Williams, Jeffery S. McMullen.
Why a Little Diversity Doesn’t Go a Long Way: A Collective Moral Licensing Explanation for Homosocial Reproduction. B. Parker Ellen III, Jennifer C. Sexton, Marla Baskerville Watkins.
Conform and Oppose through Numbers: Quantifying Hybrid Organizations at the International Cooperative Alliance. Benjamin Huybrechts, Dylan Nelson, Teresa Nelson, Noreen O’Shea, Frédéric Dufays.
Breaching, Bridging, and Bonding: Interweaving Pathways of Social-Symbolic Work in a Flanked Healthcare Movement. Susi Geiger, Emma Stendahl.
Journal of Marketing Research
Mitigation in Marketing: Concept, Definition, and Scope. Sachin Gupta, Peter Danaher, Vikas Mittal, Maureen Morri.
Debunking Misinformation About Consumer Products: Effects on Beliefs and Purchase Behavior. Jessica Fong, Tong Guo, Anita Rao.
Journal of Operations Management
All along the asset life cycle: Research opportunities for operations and supply chain management. Henk Akkermans, Wendy van der Valk, Luk N. Van Wassenhove, Finn Wynstra.
Toward health promotion and prevention: Evidence from a food and health partnership model of care. John Lowrey, Aravind Chandrasekaran, Amy Headings, Ayaz Hyder.
Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists
Information Matters: Feasible Policies for Reducing Methane Emissions. Karl Dunkle Werner, Wenfeng Qiu.
The Implications of Pre-Existing Market Power Distortions for Electric Vehicle Tax Policies: Evidence from Colombia. Jerónimo Callejas, Joshua Linn, Jevgenijs Steinbuks.
The Economic Costs of NIMBYism: Evidence from Renewable Energy Projects. Stephen Jarvis.
The Environmental Challenge in Aviation: Can Airport Charges Be Part of the Solution? Xavier Fageda, Ricardo Flores-Fillol.
Patent Protection and the Transition to Clean Technology. Maria Alsina-Pujols, Isabel Hovdahl.
The Effect of Temperature on Energy Demand and the Role of Adaptation. Edward Manderson, Timothy Considine.
Management Science
Penny Wise and Pound Foolish: Does Striving to Meet Earnings Expectations by Manipulating Real Activities Trigger Product Recalls? Yangyang Chen, Lijun Ma, Jeffrey Pittman, Xin Yang.
Estimating Stockout Costs and Optimal Stockout Rates: A Case on the Management of Ugly Produce Inventory. Stanley Frederick W. T. Lim, Elliot Rabinovich, Sanghak Lee, Sungho Park.
Managerial and Financial Barriers to the Green Transition. Ralph De Haas, Ralf Martin, Mirabelle Muûls, Helena Schweiger.
Dynamic ESG Equilibrium. Doron Avramov, Abraham Lioui, Yang Liu, Andrea Tarelli.
Equity and Efficiency in Dynamic Matching: Extreme Waitlist Policies. Afshin Nikzad, Philipp Strack.
Managing Volunteers and Paid Workers in a Nonprofit Operation. Gemma Berenguer, William B. Haskell, Lei Li.
Buying the Verdict. Lauren H. Cohen, Umit G. Gurun.
See all monthly Table of Contents.
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