Each month, NBS compiles the latest research on management and sustainability by scanning the tables of contents of academic journals. Journals we draw from include the Financial Times Top 50 list as well as sustainability-focused publications.
See all monthly Table of Contents.
Research for February 2018
Academy of Management Review
Income Inequality in the United States: Reflections on the Role of Corporations. Anne S. Tsui, Georges Enderle, and Kaifeng Jiang.
Accounting, Organizations and Society
Accounting, performance measurement and fairness in UK fresh produce supply networks. Lisa Jack, Raquel Florez-Lopez, Juan Manuel Ramon-Jeronimo,
Administrative Science Quarterly
A Fair Game? Racial Bias and Repeated Interaction between NBA Coaches and Players. Letian Zhang.
Pursuing Quality: How Search Costs and Uncertainty Magnify Gender-based Double Standards in a Multistage Evaluation Process. Tristan L. Botelho, Mabel Abraham.
Business and Society
The Penalization of Non-Communicating UN Global Compact’s Companies by Investors and Its Implications for This Initiative’s Effectiveness. Estefania Amer.
Ramping Up Resistance: Corporate Sustainable Development and Academic Research. Helen Tregidga, Markus J. Milne, Kate Kearins.
Corporate Boards and Ownership Structure as Antecedents of Corporate Governance Disclosure in Saudi Arabian Publicly Listed Corporations. Waleed M. Al-Bassam, Collins G. Ntim, Kwaku K. Opong, Yvonne Downs.
Trust in the Workplace: The Role of Social Interaction Diversity in the Community and in the Workplace. Victor Cui, Ilan Vertinsky, Sandra Robinson, Oana Branzei.
Business Strategy and Environment
Sustainable Retailing – Influencing Consumer Behaviour on Food Waste. C. William Young, Sally V. Russell, Cheryl A. Robinson and Phani Kumar Chintakayala.
Measures for Sustainable Investment Decisions and Business Strategy – A Triple Bottom Line Approach. Maite Cubas-Díaz and Miguel Ángel Martínez Sedano.
Green Innovation, Managerial Concern and Firm Performance: An Empirical Study. Mingfeng Tang, Grace Walsh, Daniel Lerner, Markus A. Fitza and Qiaohua Li.
Institutional Pressures and Environmental Management Practices: The Moderating Effects of Environmental Commitment and Resource Availability. Shanyong Wang, Jun Li and Dingtao Zhao.
Routine Rigidity and Environmental Sustainability: Why Rational Innovations are Regularly Ignored. Kenneth Dooley.
Does the Eco-Management and Audit Scheme Foster Innovation in European Firms?. Fabio Montobbio and Ilaria Solito.
Supplier Development Practices for Sustainability: A Multi-Stakeholder Perspective. Lingxuan Liu, Min Zhang, Linda C. Hendry, Maoliang Bu and Shi Wang.
Market Orientation and FIRMS’ Environmental Innovation: The Moderating Role of Environmental Attitude. Zhongju Liao.
Identifying Worldviews on Corporate Sustainability: A Content Analysis of Corporate Sustainability Reports. Nancy E. Landrum and Brian Ohsowski.
Sustainability and Environmental Behaviour in Family Firms: A Longitudinal Analysis of Environment-Related Activities, Innovation and Performance. Hüseyin Doluca, Marcus Wagner and Jörn Block.
California Management Review
Open Innovation: Research, Practices, and Policies. Marcel Bogers, Henry Chesbrough, and Carlos Moedas.
Burying the Hatchet for Catch-Up: Open Innovation Among Industry Laggards in the Automotive Industry. Marcelo Cano-Kollman, Snehal Awate, T. J. Hannigan, and Ram Mudambi.
Harvard Business Review
The New CEO Activists. Aaron K. Chatterji, Michael W. Toffel.
Inclusive Growth: Profitable Strategies for Tackling Poverty and Inequality. Robert S. Kaplan, George Serafeim, Eduardo Tugendhat.
More Than a Paycheck. Dennis Campbell, John Case, Bill Fotsch.
Human Relations
Gender segregation, underemployment and subjective well-being in the UK labour market. Daiga Kamerāde, Helen Richardson.
Human Resources Management
Ownership, governance, and the diffusion of HRM practices in multinational worker cooperatives: Case-study evidence from the Mondragon group. Ignacio Bretos, Anjel Errasti and Carmen Marcuello.
Journal of Accounting and Economics
The effect of mandatory CSR disclosure on firm profitability and social externalities: Evidence from China. Yi-Chun Chen, Mingyi Hung, Yongxiang Wang.
Journal of Business Ethics
Business Cases and Corporate Engagement with Sustainability: Differentiating Ethical Motivations. Stefan Schaltegger, Roger Burritt.
Unmasking Corporate Sustainability at the Project Level: Exploring the Influence of Institutional Logics and Individual Agency. Jacqueline Corbett, Jane Webster, Tracy A. Jenkin.
Internalization of Environmental Practices and Institutional Complexity: Can Stakeholders Pressures Encourage Greenwashing?. Francesco Testa, Olivier Boiral, Fabio Iraldo.
Is Sustainability Reporting Becoming Institutionalised? The Role of an Issues-Based Field. Colin Higgins, Wendy Stubbs, Markus Milne.
Driving Factors for the Success of the Green Innovation Market: A Relationship System Proposal. Janine Fleith de Medeiros, Gabriel Vidor.
Environmental Sustainability and Implied Cost of Equity: International Evidence. Kartick Gupta.
GHG Reporting and Impression Management: An Assessment of Sustainability Reports from the Energy Sector. David Talbot, Olivier Boiral.
Retail Chains’ Corporate Social Responsibility Communication. Jakob Utgård.
Bankers Bashing Back: Amoral CSR Justifications. Peter Norberg.
Mapping the Relationship Among Political Ideology, CSR Mindset, and CSR Strategy: A Contingency Perspective Applied to Chinese Managers. Fuming Jiang, Tatiana Zalan, Herman H. M. Tse, Jie Shen.
Why so Few Women on Boards of Directors? Empirical Evidence from Danish Companies in 1998–2010. Nina Smith, Pierpaolo Parrotta.
Aggressive Tax Avoidance: A Conundrum for Stakeholders, Governments, and Morality. Dinah M. Payne, Cecily A. Raiborn.
Stakeholders’ Perspectives on the Role of Regulatory Reform in Integrated Reporting. Wendy Stubbs, Colin Higgins.
The Moderating Role of Perceived Organisational Support in Breaking the Silence of Public Accountants. Philmore Alleyne, Mohammad Hudaib, Roszaini Haniffa.
Product Placement in Old and New Media: Examining the Evidence for Concern. Lynne Eagle, Stephan Dahl.
Gender Biases in Bank Lending: Lessons from Microcredit in France. Anastasia Cozarenco, Ariane Szafarz.
Consumer Participation in Cause-Related Marketing: An Examination of Effort Demands and Defensive Denial. Katharine M. Howie, Lifeng Yang, Scott J. Vitell.
Journal of Consumer Marketing
Investigating consumer ethics: a segmentation study. Denni Arli.
No pain, no gain: how PACE information attenuates consumption. William J. Montford, John Peloza, Ronald Earl Goldsmith.
Journal of Finance
Why Do Investors Hold Socially Responsible Mutual Funds?. Arno Riedl and Paul Smeets.
Journal of Financial Economics
The consequences of managerial indiscretions: Sex, lies, and firm value. Brandon N. Cline, Ralph A. Walkling, Adam S. Yore.
Journal of Management
Large-Scale Events as Catalysts for Creating Mutual Dependence Between Social Ventures and Resource Providers. Peter McNamara, Federica Pazzaglia, Karan Sonpar.
How Do Employees Perceive Corporate Responsibility? Development and Validation of a Multidimensional Corporate Stakeholder Responsibility Scale. Assâad El Akremi, Jean-Pascal Gond, Valérie Swaen, Kenneth De Roeck, Jacques Igalens.
Do Ethical, Authentic, and Servant Leadership Explain Variance Above and Beyond Transformational Leadership? A Meta-Analysis. Julia E. Hoch, William H. Bommer, James H. Dulebohn, Dongyuan Wu.
Journal of Marketing
Crisis Management Strategies and the Long-Term Effects of Product Recalls on Firm Value. Yan Liu, Venkatesh Shankar and Wonjoo Yun.
Inferring Corporate Motives: How Deal Characteristics Shape Sponsorship Perceptions. David M. Woisetschläger, Christof Backhaus and T. Bettina Cornwell.
Demand for “Healthy” Products: False Claims and FTC Regulation. Anita Rao and Emily Wang.
Management Science
Everything We Do, You Do: The Licensing Effect of Prosocial Marketing Messages on Consumer Behavior. Maryam Kouchaki, Ata Jami.
Impact of Electricity Pricing Policies on Renewable Energy Investments and Carbon Emissions. A. Gürhan Kök, Kevin Shang, Şafak Yücel.
Egregiousness and Boycott Intensity: Evidence from the BP Deepwater HorizonOil Spill. Zhongmin Wang, Alvin Lee, Michael Polonsky.
Organizational Behaviour and Human Decision Processes
When corporate social responsibility motivates employee citizenship behavior: The sensitizing role of task significance. Madeline Ong, David M. Mayer, Leigh P. Tost, Ned Wellman.
Who cares if “service with a smile” is authentic? An expectancy-based model of customer race and differential service reactions. Lawrence Houston III, Alicia A. Grandey, Katina Sawyer.
Does gender diversity help teams constructively manage status conflict? An evolutionary perspective of status conflict, team psychological safety, and team creativity. Hun Whee Lee, Jin Nam Choi, Seongsu Kim.
Quarterly Journal of Economics
Ban the Box, Criminal Records, and Racial Discrimination: A Field Experiment. Amanda Agan; Sonja Starr.
Research Policy
The new production of legitimacy: STI policy discourses beyond the contract metaphor. Tim Flink, David Kaldewey.
Framing inclusive innovation within the discourse of development: Insights from case studies in India. Mario Pansera, Richard Owen.
Collingridge and the dilemma of control: Towards responsible and accountable innovation. Audley Genus, Andy Stirling.
Unintended consequences on gender diversity of high-tech growth and labor market polarization. Elsie L. Echeverri-Carroll, Michael D. Oden, David V. Gibson, Evan A. Johnston.
Uncovering the link between governance as an innovation process and socio-economic regime transition in cities. Geoff Simmons, Jorge Esteban Diez Giraldo, Yann Truong, Mark Palmer.
From invisibility to impact: Recognising the scientific and societal relevance of interdisciplinary sustainability research. Henrike Rau, Gary Goggins, Frances Fahy.
Strategic Management Journal
Valuing Stakeholder Governance: Property Rights, Community Mobilization, and Firm Value. Sinziana Dorobantu and Kate Odziemkowska.
Government’s green grip: Multifaceted state influence on corporate environmental actions in China. Ruxi Wang, Frank Wijen and Pursey P.M.A.R. Heugens.
MNC foreign investment and industrial disasters: The moderating role of technological, safety management, and philanthropic capabilities. Simon Pek, Chang Hoon Oh and Jorge Rivera.
Organization–stakeholder fit: A dynamic theory of cooperation, compromise, and conflict between an organization and its stakeholders. Jonathan Bundy, Ryan M. Vogel and Miles A. Zachary.
Capabilities, technologies, and firm exit during industry shakeout: Evidence from the global solar photovoltaic industry. Nathan Furr and Rahul Kapoor.
See all monthly Table of Contents.
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