NBS’s monthly compilation of the latest business sustainability research prioritizes in-press articles, in order to highlight cutting-edge knowledge. The list draws from Financial Times Top 50 journals and other publications.
See all monthly Table of Contents.
Research for February 2020
Academy of Management Review
Editors’ Comments: Is Research on Corporate Social Responsibility Undertheorized? Heli Wang, Cristina Gibson, Udo Zander.
Reflections on the 2018 Decade Award: The Meaning and Dynamics of Corporate Social Responsibility. Dirk Matten, Jeremy Moon.
A bait-and-switch model of corporate social responsibility. Patrick Haack, Dirk Martignoni, Dennis Schoeneborn.
Diversity Initiative Effectiveness: A Typological Theory of Unintended Consequences. Lisa M. Leslie.
Why the Time Has Come to Retire Instrumental Stakeholder Theory. David Weitzner, Yuval Deutsch.
Instrumental Stakeholder Theory Makes Ethically Based Relationship Building Palatable to Managers Focused on the Bottom Line. Jeffrey S. Harrison, Will Felps, Thomas M. Jones.
2018 Presidential Address—The Mission of Community and the Promise of Collective Action. Mary Ann Glynn.
Let’s Not Focus on Income Inequality. Rajshree Agarwal, R. Michael Holmes.
On Addressing the Puzzle of Extreme Income Inequality: A Response to Agarwal and Holmes. Anne Tsui, Georges Enderle, Kaifeng Jiang.
Accounting Review
A Dollar for a Tree or a Tree for a Dollar? The Behavioral Effects of Measurement Basis on Managers’ CSR Investment Decision. Bryan K. Church, Wei Jiang, Xi (Jason) Kuang and Adam Vitalis.
Investor Sentiment for Corporate Social Performance. James P. Naughton, Clare Wang, Ira Yeung.
Business Ethics Quarterly
Injustice in Food-Related Public Health Problems: A Matter of Corporate Responsibility. Tjidde Tempels, Vincent Blok, Marcel Verweij.
A Common Good Perspective on Diversity. Sandrine Frémeaux.
A Qualified Account of Supererogation: Toward a Better Conceptualization of Corporate Social Responsibility. Antonio Tencati, Nicola Misani, Sandro Castaldo.
Contestation in Multi-Stakeholder Initiatives: Enhancing the Democratic Quality of Transnational Governance. Daniel Arenas, Laura Albareda, Jennifer Goodman.
Recovering the Logic of Double Effect for Business: Intentions, Proportionality, and Impermissible Harms. Rosemarie Monge, Nien-hê Hsieh.
Reducing Ingroup Bias in Ethical Consumption: The Role of Construal Levels and Social Goodwill. Diego Costa Pinto, Adilson Borges, Márcia Maurer Herter, Mário Boto Ferreira.
Human Resource Management
Human resource management practices in the context of rising right‐wing populism. Douglas J. Cumming, Geoffrey Wood, Shaker A. Zahra.
Boundaryless careers in the gig economy: An oxymoron? Dominique Kost, Christian Fieseler, Sut I Wong.
Journal of Applied Psychology
What’s in it for you? Demographics and self-interest perceptions in diversity promotion.
Danielle M. Gardner, Ann Marie Ryan. -
From helping hands to harmful acts: When and how employee volunteering promotes workplace deviance. Teng Iat Loi, Kristine M. Kuhn, Arvin Sahaym, Kenneth D. Butterfield, Thomas M. Tripp.
Bargaining while Black: The role of race in salary negotiations. Morela Hernandez, Derek R. Avery, Sabrina D. Volpone, Cheryl R. Kaiser.
Journal of Consumer Marketing
Attracting prosocial lenders from different cultures to help others in microlending. JungHwa (Jenny) Hong, Kyung-Ah (Kay) Byun.
Deactivating economic motives in green consumption through social and moral salience. Lars-Olof Johansson, Isak Barbopoulos, Lars E. Olsson.
The healthy and sustainable bugs appetite: factors affecting entomophagy acceptance and adoption in Western food cultures. Wided Batat, Paula Peter.
Local versus global food consumption: the role of brand authenticity. Petra Riefler.
Healthy lifestyle and food waste behavior. Elisabetta Savelli, Barbara Francioni, Ilaria Curina.
Journal of Economics and Management Strategy
Merchants of doubt: Corporate political action when NGO credibility is uncertain. Mireille Chiroleu‐Assouline, Thomas P. Lyon.
Journal of Financial Economics
Socially responsible corporate customers. Rui Dai, Hao Liang, Lilian Ng.
Air pollution, affect, and forecasting bias: Evidence from Chinese financial analysts. Rui Dong, Raymond Fisman, Yongxiang Wang, Nianhang Xu.
Journal of Industrial Ecology
A review of methods for characterizing the environmental consequences of actions in life cycle assessment. Joseph Palazzo, Roland Geyer, Sangwon Suh.
Restorative and regenerative: Exploring the concepts in the circular economy. Piero Morseletto.
Toward sustainable climate change adaptation. Yi Yang, Beibei Liu, Peng Wang, Wei‐Qiang Chen, Timothy M. Smith.
LCAart: Communicating industrial ecology at a human scale. Matthew J. Eckelman, Michelle M. Laboy.
Circular economy innovations, growth and employment at the firm level: Empirical evidence from Germany. Jens Horbach, Christian Rammer.
Bringing a life cycle perspective to emerging technology development. Joule Bergerson, Stefano Cucurachi, Thomas P. Seager.
Life cycle assessment of emerging technologies: Evaluation techniques at different stages of market and technical maturity. Joule A. Bergerson, Adam Brandt, Joe Cresko, Michael Carbajales‐Dale, Heather L. MacLean, H. Scott Matthews, Sean McCoy, Marcelle McManus, Shelie A. Miller, William R. Morrow III, I. Daniel Posen, Thomas Seager, Timothy Skone, Sylvia Sleep.
Life cycle assessment of emerging technologies: A review. Sheikh Moniruzzaman Moni, Roksana Mahmud, Karen High, Michael Carbajales‐Dale.
Operational Perspectives on Extended Producer Responsibility. Atalay Atasu.
Relationship between Positive Environmental Disclosures and Environmental Performance: An Empirical Investigation of the Greenwashing Sin of the Hidden Trade‐off. Manpreet Hora, Ravi Subramanian.
Packaging Strategies That Save Food: A Research Agenda for 2030. Fredrik Wikström, Karli Verghese, Rafael Auras, Annika Olsson, Helén Williams, Renee Wever, Kaisa Grönman, Marit Kvalvåg Pettersen, Hanne Møller, Risto Soukka.
Material Recycling and the Myth of Landfill Diversion. Trevor Zink, Roland Geyer.
What Affects the Secondhand Value of Smartphones: Evidence from eBay. Tamar Makov, Tomer Fishman, Marian R. Chertow, Vered Blass.
Journal of Management
CEO Greed, Corporate Social Responsibility, and Organizational Resilience to Systemic Shocks. Miha Sajko, Christophe Boone, Tine Buyl.
Beyond Good Intentions: Designing CSR Initiatives for Greater Social Impact. Michael L. Barnett, Irene Henriques, Bryan W. Husted.
On the 2019 Business Roundtable “Statement on the Purpose of a Corporation”. Jeffrey S. Harrison, Robert A. Phillips, R. Edward Freeman.
CEO Gender-Based Termination Concerns: Evidence From Initial Severance Agreements. Felice B. Klein, Pierre Chaigneau, Cynthia E. Devers.
Journal of Management Studies
Toward a Theory of Activist‐Driven Responsible Innovation: How Activists Pressure Firms to Adopt More Responsible Practices. Theodore L. Waldron, Chad Navis, Elizabeth P. Karam, Gideon D. Markman.
The Bribery Paradox in Transition Economies and the Enactment of ‘New Normal’ Business Environments. Kimberly A. Eddleston, Elitsa R. Banalieva, Alain Verbeke.
Managing Legitimacy in Business‐Driven Social Change: The Role of Relational Work. Verena Girschik.
An Institutional Theory Approach to the Evolution of the Corporate Social Performance – Corporate Financial Performance Relationship. Jacob Brower, Peter A. Dacin.
Packs, Troops and Herds: Prosocial Cooperatives and Innovation in the New Normal. Pablo Muñoz, Jonathan Kimmitt, Dimo Dimov.
The Sociomaterial Negotiation of Social Entrepreneurs’ Meaningful Work. Gillian Symon, Rebecca Whiting.
Journal of Operations Management
When do appointments of corporate sustainability executives affect shareholder value? Priyank Arora, Manpreet Hora, Vinod Singhal, Ravi Subramanian.
Green supply chain management in Chinese firms: Innovative measures and the moderating role of quick response technology. Guo Li, Lin Li, Tsan‐Ming Choi, Suresh P. Sethi.
Process network modularity, commonality, and greenhouse gas emissions. Kevin J. Dooley, Surya D. Pathak, Thomas J. Kull, Zhaohui Wu, Jon Johnson, Elliot Rabinovich.
Who pays you to be green? How customers’ environmental practices affect the sales benefits of suppliers’ environmental practices. Chien‐Ming Chen, Hillbun Ho.
Management Science
Managing Supplier Social and Environmental Impacts with Voluntary Versus Mandatory Disclosure to Investors. Basak Kalkanci, Erica L. Plambeck.
Bad Greenwashing, Good Greenwashing: Corporate Social Responsibility and Information Transparency. Yue Wu, Kaifu Zhang, Jinhong Xie.
Whistle Blowing, Forced CEO Turnover, and Misconduct: The Role of Socially Minded Employees and Directors. Frederick Bereskin, Terry Campbell II, Simi Kedia.
Do Politicians “Put Their Money Where Their Mouth Is?” Ideology and Portfolio Choice. Adam L. Aiken, Jesse A. Ellis, Minjeong Kang.
Corporate Social Responsibility and Firm Risk: Theory and Empirical Evidence. Rui Albuquerque, Yrjö Koskinen, Chendi Zhang.
Sex Matters: Gender Bias in the Mutual Fund Industry. Alexandra Niessen-Ruenzi, Stefan Ruenzi.
Market Reaction to Mandatory Nonfinancial Disclosure. Jody Grewal, Edward J. Riedl, George Serafeim.
See all monthly Table of Contents.
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