NBS’s monthly compilation of the latest business sustainability research prioritizes in-press articles, in order to highlight cutting-edge knowledge. The list draws from Financial Times Top 50 journals and other publications.
See all monthly Table of Contents.
Research for February 2022
Academy of Management Learning and Education
Developing Moral Muscle in a Literature-Based Business Ethics Course. Inge M. Brokerhof, Sandra J. Sucher, P. Matthijs Bal, Frank Hakemulder, Paul G.W. Jansen, Omar N. Solinger.
From the Editors—Studying the Ongoing Change at the Individual Level: Who Am I (Becoming) as a Management Educator and Researcher?. Olga Ryazanova, April Wright, Oliver Laasch.
Academy of Management Review
Rethinking Corporate Power to Tackle Grand Societal Challenges: Lessons From Political Philosophy. Ruth Aguilera, Juan Alberto Aragon-Correa, Valentina Marano.
Continuums and Dichotomies in Necessity Entrepreneurship Research. John C. Dencker, Sophie Bacq, Marc Gruber.
Accounting Review
Does Board Demographic Diversity Enhance Cognitive Diversity and Monitoring? Jun-Koo Kang, Seil Kim, Seungjoon Oh.
Fracking Disclosure, Collateral Value, and the Mortgage Market. Kirti Sinha.
Administrative Science Quarterly
How Do Employees React When Their CEO Speaks Out? Intra- and Extra-Firm Implications of CEO Sociopolitical Activism. Adam J. Wowak, John R. Busenbark, Donald C. Hambrick.
Supporting Mental Health at Work (Comment on “The Epidemic of Mental Disorders in Business”). Lamar Pierce, Christopher I. Rider.
Business Ethics Quarterly
When Workplace Norms Conflict: Using Intersubjective Reflection to Guide Ethical Decision-Making. Tobey K. Scharding, Danielle E. Warren.
The Ethics of Alternative Currencies. Louis Larue, Camille Meyer, Marek Hudon, Joakim Sandberg.
Deep Learning Meets Deep Democracy: Deliberative Governance and Responsible Innovation in Artificial Intelligence. Alexander Buhmann, Christian Fieseler.
Ideologies of Corporate Responsibility: From Neoliberalism to “Varieties of Liberalism”. Steen Vallentin, David Murillo.
Affects in Online Stakeholder Engagement: A Dissensus Perspective. Itziar Castelló, David Lopez-Berzosa.
Editorial Musings on What Makes the Blood Flow in Business Ethics Research. Frank den Hond, Mollie Painter.
“Woke” Corporations and the Stigmatization of Corporate Social Initiatives. Danielle E. Warren.
Contemporary Accounting Research
Product Market Competition and Voluntary Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosures. Ji Woo Ryou, Albert Tsang, Kun Tracy Wang.
Human Resource Management
HR analytics: An emerging field finding its place in the world alongside simmering ethical challenges. Martin R. Edwards, Andy Charlwood, Nigel Guenole, Janet Marler.
Journal of Applied Psychology
Female CEOs and the compensation of other top managers. Cristian L. Dezső, Yixuan Li, David Gaddis Ross.
Promotive and prohibitive ethical voice: Coworker emotions and support for the voice.
Anjier Chen, Linda K. Treviño. -
(Mitigating) the self-fulfillment of gender stereotypes in teams: The interplay of competence attributions, behavioral dominance, individual performance, and diversity beliefs. Bertolt Meyer, Hans van Dijk, Marloes van Engen.
Are there cracks in our foundation? An integrative review of diversity issues in job analysis. Nicole Strah, Deborah E. Rupp.
Class advantage in the white-collar labor market: An investigation of social class background, job search strategies, and job search success. Ray T. Fang, Alan M. Saks.
Journal of Business Venturing
Taking root in fertile ground: Community context and the agglomeration of hybrid companies. Michael V. Russo, Andrew G. Earle, Brooke A. Lahneman, Suzanne G. Tilleman.
Align or perish: Social enterprise network orchestration in Sub-Saharan Africa. Christian Busch, Harry Barkema.
The challenges of supporting necessity entrepreneurs: Understanding loan officer exit in microfinance. Laura Doering, Tyler Wry.
The evolution of founder identity as an authenticity work process. Isobel O’Neil, Deniz Ucbasaran, Jeffrey G. York.
A social model of opportunity development: Building and engaging communities of inquiry. Dean A. Shepherd, Rose Sattari, Holger Patzelt.
Journal of Consumer Marketing
Rescuing marketing from its colonial roots: a decolonial anti-racist agenda. June N.P. Francis.
The 40 years of discourse on racism in the Brazilian advertising self-regulation system. Laís Rodrigues, Marcus Wilcox Hemais, Alessandra Costa.
The impact of advertising exposure on the gendered perceptions of men with mental health concerns. Tianyi Li.
An ethnographic analysis of consumer information processing and decision-making at farmers’ markets. Benjamin Garner.
Effects of institutions on the eco-brand orientation of millennial consumers: a social cognitive perspective. Hernan ‘Banjo’ Roxas, Rodilina Marte.
Journal of Financial Economics
Let the rich be flooded: The distribution of financial aid and distress after hurricane harvey. Stephen B. Billings, Emily A. Gallagher, Lowell Ricketts.
Consumer-lending discrimination in the FinTech Era. Robert Bartlett, Adair Morse, Richard Stanton, Nancy Wallace.
Journal of Industrial Ecology
Castoff from the West, pearls in Kantamanto?: A critique of second-hand clothes trade. Lydia Ayorkor Manieson, Tiziana Ferrero-Regis.
A critical perspective on uncertainty appraisal and sensitivity analysis in life cycle assessment. Samuele Lo Piano, Lorenzo Benini.
Project portfolio planning under CO2 fleet emission restrictions in the automotive industry. Christian Thies, Christoph Hüls, Karsten Kieckhäfer, Jörg Wansart, Thomas S. Spengler.
How do justice and top management beliefs matter in industrial symbiosis collaboration: An exploratory study from China. Yang Liu, Peng Cheng, Li Hu.
The role of community-based learning in teaching about industrial ecology and sustainability in the context of engineering education: A case study from the field. Andrea L. Hicks.
Multi-scenario simulation on reducing CO2 emissions from China’s major manufacturing industries targeting 2060. Sheng Zhou, Alun Gu, Qing Tong, Yuefeng Guo, Xinyang Wei.
Impacts of electric vehicles on the European high and extra high voltage power grid. Viktor Slednev, Patrick Jochem, Wolf Fichtner.
Machine learning-assisted industrial symbiosis: Testing the ability of word vectors to estimate similarity for material substitutions. Chris Davis, Graham Aid.
A data framework for assessing social inequality and equity in multi-sector social, ecological, infrastructural urban systems: Focus on fine-spatial scales. Lara P. Clark, Samuel Tabory, Kangkang Tong, Joseph L. Servadio, Kelsey Kappler, Corey Kewei Xu, Abiola S. Lawal, Peter Wiringa, Len Kne, Richard Feiock, Julian D. Marshall, Armistead Russell, Anu Ramaswami.
Contribution of circular economy strategies to climate change mitigation: Generic assessment methodology with focus on developing countries. Teddy Serrano, Sandra Aparcana, Fatemeh Bakhtiari, Alexis Laurent.
Journal of Management
More Bang for Their Buck: Why (and When) Family Firms Better Leverage Corporate Social Responsibility. James G. Combs, Peter Jaskiewicz, Rahul Ravi, Judith L. Walls.
Organizing the Exploitation of Vulnerable People: A Qualitative Assessment of Human Trafficking. Dean A. Shepherd, Vinit Parida, Trent Williams, Joakim Wincent.
Disparate Safety Enforcement: Curvilinear Effects, Mechanisms, and Boundary Conditions of Supervisor-Rated Leader–Member Exchange. Sara Jansen Perry, Natalia M. Lorinkova, Melih Madanoglu.
Understanding the Spread of Sustained Employee Volunteering: How Volunteers Influence Their Coworkers’ Moral Identity Work. Michael J. Gill.
Leader Unethical Pro-Organizational Behavior and Employee Unethical Conduct: Social Learning of Moral Disengagement as a Behavioral Principle. Huiwen Lian, Mingyun Huai, Jiing-Lih Farh, Jia-Chi Huang, Cynthia Lee, Melody M. Chao.
Racial Biases in the Publication Process: Exploring Expressions and Solutions. Derek R. Avery, Darren K. B, Tracy L. Dumas, Elizabeth George, Aparna Joshi, Denise L. Loyd, Daan van Knippenberg, Mo Wang, Haoying (Howie) Xu.
Journal of Management Studies
How do Intermediaries Build Inclusive Markets? The Role of the Social Context. Babita Bhatt, Israr Qureshi, Christopher Sutter.
The Roles of Celebrities in Public Disputes: Climate Change and the Great Barrier Reef. Christopher Wright, Daniel Nyberg.
Incomplete Institutional Change and the Persistence of Racial Inequality: The Contestation of Institutional Misalignment in South Africa. Ansellia Adams, John M. Luiz.
The Tragic Failings of Political CSR: A Damning Verdict from the Indigenous Pehuenche Highlands in Chile. Rajiv Maher, Hilda Huenteao, Eduardo Quintremán.
On Gendered Justification: A Framework for Understanding Men’s and Women’s Entrepreneurial Resource-Acquisition. Talia Pfefferman, Michal Frenkel, Sharon Gilad.
Grand Societal Challenges and Responsible Innovation. Christian Voegtlin, Andreas Georg Scherer, Günter K. Stahl, Olga Hawn.
Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (JAERE)
Noah’s Ark in a Warming World: Climate Change, Biodiversity Loss and Public Adaptation Costs in the United States. Frances Moore, Arianna Stokes, Marc Conte, Xiaoli Dong.
Are Residential Energy Efficiency Upgrades Effective? An Empirical Analysis in Southern California. Yating Chuang, Magali A. Delmas, Stephanie Pincetl.
Environmental Hazards and Local Investment: A Half-Century of Evidence from Abandoned Oil and Gas Wells. Max Harleman, Jeremy G. Weber, Daniel Berkowitz.
Management Science
Simple and Approximately Optimal Contracts for Payment for Ecosystem Services. Wanyi Dai Li, Itai Ashlagi, Irene Lo.
Design of Electricity Demand-Response Programs. Vishal V. Agrawal, Şafak Yücel.
Online Policies for Efficient Volunteer Crowdsourcing. Vahideh Manshadi, Scott Rodilitz.
Carbon Offsetting with Eco-Conscious Consumers. Fei Gao, Gilvan C. Souza.
Public Concern About Immigration and Customer Complaints Against Minority Financial Advisors. Kelvin K. F. Law, Luo Zuo.
Bunching with the Stars: How Firms Respond to Environmental Certification. Sébastien Houde.
Investor Tastes, Corporate Behavior, and Stock Returns: An Analysis of Corporate Social Responsibility. Chuan Yang Hwang, Sheridan Titman, Ying Wang.
Do Board Gender Quotas Matter? Selection, Performance, and Stock Market Effects. Giulia Ferrari, Valeria Ferraro, Paola Profeta, Chiara Pronzato.
Black and White: Access to Capital Among Minority-Owned Start-ups. Robert Fairlie, Alicia Robb, David T. Robinson.
Hedging on the Hill: Does Political Hedging Reduce Firm Risk? Dane M. Christensen, Hengda Jin, Suhas A. Sridharan, Laura A. Wellman.
See all monthly Table of Contents.
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