Each month, NBS compiles the latest research on management and sustainability by scanning the tables of contents of academic journals. Journals we draw from include the Financial Times Top 50 list as well as sustainability-focused publications.
Research for January 2017
Academy of Management Journal
Coordinated Exploration for Grand Challenges: The Role of Advocacy Groups in Search Consortia. Anders Ørding Olsen, Wolfgang Sofka and Christoph Grimpe.
Management’s Science–Practice Gap: A Grand Challenge for All Stakeholders. George C. Banks, Jeffrey M. Pollack, Jaime E. Bochantin, Bradley L. Kirkman, Christopher E. Whelpley and Ernest H. O’Boyle.
Selective Regulator Decoupling and Organizations’ Strategic Responses. Jonas Heese, Ranjani Krishnan and Frank Moers.
Echoes of Our Upbringing: How Growing Up Wealthy or Poor Relates to Narcissism, Leader Behavior, and Leader Effectiveness. Sean R. Martin, Stéphane Côte and Todd Woodruff.
Engage Me: The Mature-Age Worker and Stereotype Threat. Carol T. Kulik, Sanjeewa Perera, and Christina Cregan.
Funding Financial Inclusion: Institutional Logics and the Contextual Contingency of Funding for Microfinance Organizations. J. Adam Cobb, Tyler Wry, and Eric Yanfei Zhao.
Building Resilience or Providing Sustenance: Different Paths of Emergent Ventures in the Aftermath of the Haiti Earthquake. Trenton A. Williams and Dean A. Shepherd.
Mobilization in the Internet Age: Internet Activism and Corporate Response. Xiaowei Rose Luo, Jianjun Zhang and Christopher Marquis.
Scaffolding: A Process of Transforming Patterns of Inequality in Small-Scale Societies. Johanna Mair, Miriam Wolf, and Christian Seelos.
Not All Inequality Is Equal: Deconstructing the Societal Logic of Patriarchy to Understand Microfinance Lending to Women. Eric Yanfei Zhao and Tyler Wry.
Some Things Can Never Be Unseen: The Role of Context in Psychological Injury at War. Mark de Rond and Jaco Lok.
Understanding Community Dynamics in the Study of Grand Challenges: How Nonprofits, Institutional Actors, and the Community Fabric Interact to Influence Income Inequality. Pascual Berrone, Liliana Gelabert, Federica Massa-Saluzzo and Horacio E. Rousseau.
Health Care’s Grand Challenge: Stimulating Basic Science on Diseases that Primarily Afflict the Poor. Keyvan Vakili and Anita M. McGahan.
Challenges for Global Supply Chain Sustainability: Evidence from Conflict Minerals Reports. Yong H. Kim and Gerald F. Davis.
Understanding and Tackling Societal Grand Challenges through Management Research. Gerard George, Jennifer Howard-Grenville, Aparna Joshi, and Laszlo Tihanyi.
Management Research in AMJ: Celebrating Impact While Striving for More. Gerard George.
Academy of Management Learning and Education
A Call for University-Based Business Schools to “Lower Their Walls:” Collaborating With Other Academic Departments in Pursuit of Social Value. Graeme Currie, Julie Davies and Ewan Ferlie.
Business School Legitimacy and the Challenge of Sustainability: A Fuzzy Set Analysis of Institutional Decoupling. Annie Snelson-Powell, Johanne Grosvold and Andrew Millington.
From the Guest Editors: The Legitimacy and Impact of Business Schools—Key Issues and a Research Agenda. Andrew Pettigrew and Ken Starkey.
Academy of Management Review
Beyond Nonmarket Strategy: Market Actions As Corporate Political Activity. Russell J. Funk and Daniel Hirschman.
Administrative Science Quarterly
The Radical Flank Effect and Cross-occupational Collaboration for Technology Development during a Power Shift. Emily Truelove and Katherine C. Kellogg.
Blacklisted Businesses: Social Activists’ Challenges and the Disruption of Corporate Political Activity. Mary-Hunter McDonnell and Timothy Werner.
Business and Society
Environmental Management, Climate Change, CSR, and Governance in Clusters of Small Firms in Developing Countries: Toward an Integrated Analytical Framework. Jose A. Puppim de Oliveira and Charbel Jose Chiappetta Jabbour.
The Role of SMEs in Global Production Networks: A Swedish SME’s Payment of Living Wages at Its Indian Supplier. Niklas Egels-Zandén.
Mitigating Environmental Risks in Microenterprises: A Case Study From El Salvador. Marion Allet.
Why Do SMEs Go Green? An Analysis of Wine Firms in South Africa. Ralph Hamann, James Smith, Pete Tashman and R. Scott Marshall.
MEs and CSR in Developing Countries. Dima Jamali, Peter Lund-Thomsen and Søren Jeppesen.
Business Ethics Quarterly
Authenticity, Power, and Pluralism: A Framework for Understanding Stakeholder Evaluations of Corporate Social Responsibility Activities. Paul F. Skilton and Jill M. Purdy.
Political Stakeholder Theory: The State, Legitimacy, and the Ethics of Microfinance in Emerging Economies. Tricia D. Olsen.
Exploring the Impact of Job Insecurity on Employees’ Unethical Behavior. Ericka R. Lawrence and K. Michele Kacmar.
Corporate Philanthropy and Risk Management: An Investigation of Reinsurance and Charitable Giving in Insurance Firms. Mike Adams, Stefan Hoejmose and Zafeira Kastrinaki.
Business Strategy and the Environment
How to Green the red Dragon: A Start-ups’ Little Helper for Sustainable Development in China. Henk J. Steinz, Frank J. Van Rijnsoever and Frans Nauta.
Firms’ Response to Climate Change: The Interplay of Business Uncertainty and Organizational Capabilities. Su-Yol Lee and Robert D. Klassen.
Green Product Innovation: Where we are and Where we are Going.Rosa Maria Dangelico.
Outcomes of Environmental Management Systems: the Role of Motivations and Firms’ Characteristics. Iñaki Heras-Saizarbitoria, German Arana and Olivier Boiral.
Green Practices and Organizational Design as Sources of Strategic Flexibility and Performance. Miguel Perez-Valls, Jose Cespedes-Lorente and Juan Moreno-Garcia.
Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice
The Pharos Project: Solving the Building Materials Toxicity Challenge. John H. Friar and Wendy D. Vittori.
Determinants of Social Entrepreneurial Intentions. Kai Hockerts.
Human Relations
Microfinance and the business of poverty reduction: Critical perspectives from rural Bangladesh. Subhabrata Bobby Banerjee and Laurel Jackson.
Journal of Applied Psychology
Special Section Introduction—Ubiquitous IT and Digital Vulnerabilities. Sam Ransbotham, Robert G. Fichman, Ram Gopaland Alok Gupta.
Journal of Industrial Ecology
The Environmental Impact of Two Australian Rock Lobster Fishery Supply Chains under a Changing Climate. Ingrid E. van Putten, Anna K. Farmery, Bridget S. Green, Alistair J. Hobday, Lilly Lim-Camacho, Ana Norman-López and Robert W. Parker.
Using Common Boundaries to Assess Methane Emissions: A Life Cycle Evaluation of Natural Gas and Coal Power Systems. James A. Littlefield, Joe Marriott, Greg A. Schivley, Gregory Cooney and Timothy J. Skone.
Prospecting and Exploring Anthropogenic Resource Deposits: The Case Study of Vienna’s Subway Network. Jakob Lederer, Fritz Kleemann, Markus Ossberger, Helmut Rechberger and Johann Fellner.
Toward a Practical Ontology for Socioeconomic Metabolism. Stefan Pauliuk, Guillaume Majeau-Bettez, Daniel B. Müller and Edgar G. Hertwich.
Journal of International Business Studies
Racing to the bottom and racing to the top: The crucial role of firm characteristics in foreign direct investment choices. Maoliang Bu and Marcus Wagner.
Journal of Management
Opting Out” or “Pushed Out”? Integrating Perspectives on Women’s Career Equality for Gender Inclusion and Interventions. Ellen Ernst Kossek, Rong Su and Lusi Wu.
Journal of Management Information Systems
Influence of Firm’s Recovery Endeavors upon Privacy Breach on Online Customer Behavior. Choi, Ben CF, Kim, Sung S, and Jiang, Zhenhui (Jack).
Organization & Environment
Why Don’t BOP Ventures Solve the Environmental Problems They Initially Set Out to Address? Duncan Duke.
Business Model Innovation for Inclusive Health Care Delivery at the Bottom of the Pyramid. Federica Angeli and Anand Kumar Jaiswal.
Organizational Ambidexterity and the Elusive Quest for Successful Implementation of BoP Ventures. Ezequiel Reficco and Roberto Gutiérrez.
A Bottom-Up Approach to Short-Term Immersion in Subsistence Marketplaces: Methodological and Substantive Lessons on Poverty and the Environment From Tanzania. Madhu Viswanathan, Srinivas Venugopal, Ishva Minefee, Jeremy S. Guest, Benito J. Mariñas, Valerie Bauza, Lauren Valentino, Ramadhani Kupaza and Maria Jones.
Cocreation at the Base of the Pyramid: Reviewing and Organizing the Diverse Conceptualizations. Tytti Nahi.
Poverty, Business Strategy, and Sustainable Development. Stuart Hart, Sanjay Sharma and Minna Halme.
Field Experiments in Corporate Sustainability Research: Testing Strategies for Behavior Change in Markets and Organizations.Magali A. Delmas and J. Alberto Aragon-Correa.
Production and Operations Management
Operational Productivity, Corporate Social Performance, Financial Performance, and Risk in Manufacturing Firms. Brian W. Jacobs, Richard Kraude and Sriram Narayanan.
Sloan Management Review
Sustainability Lessons From the Front Lines. CB Bhattacharya and Paul Polman.
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