NBS’s monthly compilation of the latest business sustainability research prioritizes in-press articles, in order to highlight cutting-edge knowledge. The list draws from Financial Times Top 50 journals and other publications.
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Research for January 2020
Academy of Management Discoveries
Detecting False Accounts in Intermediated Voluntary Disclosure. Patrick J Callery, Jessica Perkins.
GUIDEPOST: From Environmental Strategy to Environmental Impact. Sanjay Sharma.
What Do We Talk About When We Talk About Community? COMMENTARY ON “It Takes a Village to Sustain a Village: A Social Identity Perspective on Successful Community-Based Enterprise Creation” By Christina Hertel, Sophie Bacq, and Frank-Martin Belz. Ewald Kibler, Pablo Muñoz.
Sustainable Development for a Better World: Contributions of Leadership, Management, and Organizations. Jennifer Howard-Grenville, Gerald F. Davis, Thomas Dyllick, C. Chet Miller, Stefan Thau, Anne S. Tsui.
Supersized Tensions and Slim Responses? The Discursive Construction of Strategic Tensions Around Social Issues. Jonatan Pinkse, Tobias Hahn, Frank Figge.
California Management Review
How Social Entrepreneurs Zig-Zag Their Way to Impact at Scale. V. Kasturi Rangan, Tricia Gregg.
Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice
Digital Sustainability and Entrepreneurship: How Digital Innovations Are Helping Tackle Climate Change and Sustainable Development. Gerard George, Ryan K. Merrill, Simon J. D. Schillebeeckx.
Entrepreneurship for Sustainable Development: A Review and Multilevel Causal Mechanism Framework. Matthew P. Johnson, Stefan Schaltegger.
Volunteer Retention in Prosocial Venturing: The Role of Emotional Connectivity. Steffen Farny, Ewald Kibler, Solange Hai, Paolo Landoni.
Family Firm Brands, Perceptions of Doing Good, and Consumer Happiness. Margarete Schellong, Nils D. Kraiczy, Lucia Malär, Andreas Hack.
The Direct and Indirect Impact of Gender Diversity in New Venture Teams on Innovation Performance. Ye Dai, Gukdo Byun, Fangsheng Ding.
Human Relations
From tokens to key players: The influence of board gender and ethnic diversity on corporate discrimination lawsuits. Michael Abebe, Hazel Dadanlar.
Organizational form and pro-social fantasy in social enterprise creation. Kate Kenny, Helen Haugh, Marianna Fotaki.
Journal of Business Ethics
How Pro-social Framing Affects the Success of Crowdfunding Projects: The Role of Emphasis and Information Crowdedness. Daniela Defazio, Chiara Franzoni, Cristina Rossi-Lamastra.
How to Whistle-Blow: Dissensus and Demand. Kate Kenny, Alexis Bushnell.
Advertising Primed: How Professional Identity Affects Moral Reasoning. Erin Schauster, Patrick Ferrucci, Edson Tandoc, Tara Walker.
Mood and Ethical Decision Making: Positive Affect and Corporate Philanthropy. Leon Zolotoy, Don O’Sullivan, Myeong-Gu Seo.
Institutions and Agency in the Sustainability of Day-to-Day Consumption Practices: An Institutional Ethnographic Study. Tiia-Lotta Pekkanen.
A Humanistic Narrative for Responsible Management Learning: An Ontological Perspective. Michael Pirson.
Antecedents of Environmentally and Socially Responsible Sustainable Consumer Behavior. Maja Hosta, Vesna Zabkar.
Measuring Social Performance in Social Enterprises: A Global Study of Microfinance Institutions. Leif Atle Beisland, Kwame Ohene Djan, Roy Mersland.
When is Sustainability a Liability, and When Is It an Asset? Quality Inferences for Core and Peripheral Attributes. Siv Skard, Sveinung Jørgensen, Lars Jacob Tynes Pedersen.
Doing Good While Behaving Badly: Checkout Charity Process Mechanisms. Michael Giebelhausen, Benjamin Lawrence, HaeEun Helen Chun.
Dissensus! Radical Democracy and Business Ethics. Carl Rhodes, Iain Munro, Torkild Thanem, Alison Pullen.
Denaturalizing the Environment: Dissensus and the Possibility of Radically Democratizing Discourses of Environmental Sustainability. Charles Barthold, Peter Bloom.
Selfish Sharing? The Impact of the Sharing Economy on Tax Reporting Honesty. Leslie Berger, Lan Guo, Tisha King.
Sustainability Beyond Instrumentality: Towards an Immanent Ethics of Organizational Environmentalism. Christian Garmann Johnsen.
Dissent in Consensusland: An Agonistic Problematization of Multi-stakeholder Governance. Martin Fougère, Nikodemus Solitander.
‘Our Marketing is Our Goodness’: Earnest Marketing in Dissenting Organizations. Jerzy Kociatkiewicz, Monika Kostera.
Dealing with Ethical Dilemmas: A Look at Financial Reporting by Firms Facing Product Harm Crises. Shafu Zhang, Like Jiang, Michel Magnan, Lixin Nancy Su.
Firms Talk, Suppliers Walk: Analyzing the Locus of Greenwashing in the Blame Game and Introducing ‘Vicarious Greenwashing’. Marta Pizzetti, Lucia Gatti, Peter Seele.
Corporate Social Responsibility and Financial Fraud: The Moderating Effects of Governance and Religiosity. Xing Li, Jeong-Bon Kim, Haibin Wu, Yangxin Yu.
Spirituality and Corporate Philanthropy in Indian Family Firms: An Exploratory Study. Navneet Bhatnagar, Pramodita Sharma, Kavil Ramachandran.
Addressing Governance Gaps in Global Value Chains: Introducing a Systematic Typology. Stephanie Schrage, Dirk Ulrich Gilbert.
B Corp Certification and Its Impact on Organizations Over Time. Malu Villela, Sergio Bulgacov, Glenn Morgan.
Value-Enhancing Social Responsibility: Market Reaction to Donations by Family vs. Non-family Firms with Religious CEOs. Min Maung, Danny Miller, Zhenyang Tang, Xiaowei Xu.
What on Earth Should Managers Learn About Corporate Sustainability? A Threshold Concept Approach. Ivan Montiel, Peter Jack Gallo, Raquel Antolin-Lopez.
Does It Pay to Invest in Japanese Women? Evidence from the MSCI Japan Empowering Women Index. Jonathan Peillex, Sabri Boubaker, Breeda Comyns.
Mapping the Ethicality of Algorithmic Pricing: A Review of Dynamic and Personalized Pricing. Peter Seele, Claus Dierksmeier, Reto Hofstetter.
Lights Off, Spot On: Carbon Literacy Training Crossing Boundaries in the Television Industry. Wendy Chapple, Petra Molthan-Hill, Rachel Welton.
Protecting Environment or People? Pitfalls and Merits of Informal Labour in the Congolese Recycling Industry. Clément Longondjo Etambakonga, Julia Roloff.
Achieving Responsible Management Learning Through Enriched Reciprocal Learning: Service-Learning Projects and the Role of Boundary Spanners. Martin Fougère, Nikodemus Solitander, Sanchi Maheshwari.
Are Politically Endorsed Firms More Socially Responsible? Selective Engagement in Corporate Social Responsibility. Xiaowei Rose Luo, Danqing Wang.
Competences for Environmental Sustainability: A Systematic Review on the Impact of Absorptive Capacity and Capabilities. Tulin Dzhengiz, Eva Niesten.
From Black Pain to Rhodes Must Fall: A Rejectionist Perspective. Rashedur Chowdhury.
Varieties of Responsible Management Learning: A Review, Typology and Research Agenda. John G. Cullen.
The Role of Ethical Standards in the Relationship Between Religious Social Norms and M&A Announcement Returns. Leon Zolotoy, Don O’Sullivan, Keke Song.
Higher Ethical Objective (Maqasid al–Shari’ah) Augmented Framework for Islamic Banks: Assessing Ethical Performance and Exploring Its Determinants. Arman Mergaliyev, Mehmet Asutay, Alija Avdukic.
Journal of Consumer Psychology
Good Guys Can Finish First: How Brand Reputation Affects Extension Evaluations. Zachary S. Johnson, Huifang Mao, Sarah Lefebvre, Jaishankar Ganesh.
Journal of Environmental Economics and Management
When threats become credible: A natural experiment of environmental enforcement from Florida. Wesley Blundell.
Firms’ and states’ responses to laxer environmental standards. Tito Cordella, Shantayanan Devarajan.
Graduated stringency within collective incentives for group environmental compliance: Building coordination in field-lab experiments with artisanal gold miners in Colombia. Luz A. Rodriguez, Alexander Pfaff, Maria Alejandra Velez.
The real effect of legal institutions: Environmental courts and firm environmental protection expenditure. Qi Zhang, Zhi Yu, Dongmin Kong.
The price of innovation: An analysis of the marginal cost of green buildings. Andrea Chegut, Piet Eichholtz, Nils Kok.
Journal of International Business Studies
Culture and institutions: How economic freedom and long-term orientation interactively influence corporate social responsibility. Johan Graafland, Niels Noorderhaven.
Global connectedness and dynamic green capabilities in MNEs. Vladislav Maksimov, Stephanie Lu Wang, Shipeng Yan.
Enforcing higher labor standards within developing country value chains: Consequences for MNEs and informal actors in a dual economy. Rajneesh Narula.
Organization and Environment
Life Cycle Work: A Process Study of the Emergence and Performance of Life Cycle Practice. Hanna Nilsson-Lindén, Andreas Diedrich, Henrikke Baumann.
Environmental Concern in a Capitalist Economy: Climate Change Perception Among U.S. Specialty-Crop Producers. Yetkin Borlu, Leland Glenna.
Contingency in Business Sustainability Research and in the Sustainability Service Industry: A Problematization and Research Agenda. Jean-Pierre Imbrogiano.
Pollution Stigma and Manufacturing Firms’ Disengagement Effort: Interactive Effects of Pressures From External Stakeholders. Jia Xu, Jiuchang Wei, Haipeng (Allan) Chen.
The Social Origins of ESG: An Analysis of Innovest and KLD. Robert G. Eccles, Linda-Eling Lee, Judith C. Stroehle.
Strategizing Nature in Cross-Sector Partnerships: Can Plantation Revitalization Enable Living Wages? Iteke van Hille, Frank G. A. de Bakker, Peter Groenewegen, Julie E. Ferguson.
Invisible Hand or Ecological Footprint? Comparing Social Versus Environmental Impacts of Recent Economic Growth. Gregory M. Mikkelson.
From Paradoxical Thinking to Practicing Sustainable Business: The Role of a Business Collective Organization in Supporting Entrepreneurs. Sara B. Soderstrom, Kathryn L. Heinze.
Winds of Change: A Neo-Design Approach to the Regeneration of Regions. Raghu Garud, Joel Gehman, Peter Karnøe.
Organization Science
Institutional Logics and Technology Development: Evidence from the Wind and Solar Energy Industries. Suzanne G. Tilleman, Michael V. Russo, Andrew J. Nelson.
Why Do Firms Suffer Differently from Input Stigmatization? The Costs of Removing Stigmatized Inputs. Luis Diestre, Juan Santaló.
Balancing Professional Prototypes Increases the Valuation of Women in Male-Dominated Professions. Felix Danbold, Corinne Bendersky.
Product Categories as Judgment Devices: The Moral Awakening of the Investment Industry. Diane-Laure Arjaliès, Rodolphe Durand.
Stock Market Responses to Unethical Behavior in Organizations: An Organizational Context Model. Bradford Baker, Rellie Derfler-Rozin, Marko Pitesa, Michael Johnson.
Organization Studies
Managing Impressions Rather Than Emissions: Volkswagen and the false mastery of paradox. Medhanie Gaim, Stewart Clegg, Miguel Pina e Cunha.
The Impact of Frame Ambiguity on Field-Level Change. Cecile Feront, Stephanie Bertels.
Challenges in Building Robust Interventions in Contexts of Poverty: Insights from an NGO-driven multi-stakeholder network in Ethiopia. Jakomijn van Wijk, Jeroen van Wijk, Sarah Drost, Wouter Stam.
From Universalizing Transparency to the Interplay of Transparency Matrices: Critical insights from the emerging social credit system in China. Hans Krause Hansen, Richard Weiskopf.
Performing Values Practices and Grassroots Organizing: The Case of Solidarity Economy Initiatives in Greece. Maria Daskalaki, Marianna Fotaki, Irene Sotiropoulou.
Organizing the Environmental Governance of the Rare-Earth Industry: China’s passive revolution. Le Bo, Steffen Böhm, Noelia-Sarah Reynolds.
Climate Change Is Not a Problem: Speculative Realism at the End of Organization. Norah Campbell, Gerard McHugh, PJ Ennis.
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