NBS’s monthly compilation of the latest business sustainability research prioritizes in-press articles, in order to highlight cutting-edge knowledge. The list draws from Financial Times Top 50 journals and other publications.
See all monthly Table of Contents.
Research for January 2024
Academy of Management Discoveries
How Regulations and Consumers’ Perceptions Moderate the Impact of Airbnb on Real Estate Prices. Katia Meggiorin, Caterina Moschieri.
Food and Fat at Work: 83 Moments from a Binge Eater’s Professional Life. Daniel Newark.
Radical and Swift Adaptive Organizing in Response to Unexpected Events: Military Relief Operations after Hurricane Dorian. Jori Pascal Kalkman.
Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice
Entrepreneurial Responsibility: A Conceptual Framework to Understand Ethical Dualism Throughout the Entrepreneurial Process. Gustav Hägg, Vera Haataja, Agnieszka Kurczewska, Alexander McKelvie.
Entrepreneurship and Democracy: A Complex Relationship. Steven A. Brieger, Diana M. Hechavarría, Arielle Newman.
Crowdfunding Social Ventures: Who Will Reward (or Punish) Hybridity? Zineb Aouni, Marek Hudon, Anaïs Périlleux, Tyler Wry.Environmental Sustainability of Family Firms: A Meta-Analysis of Handprint and Footprint. Solvej Lorenzen, Maike Gerken, Holger Steinmetz, Joern Block, Marcel Hülsbeck, Friederike Sophie Lux.
Epistemic Injustice and Epistemic Resistance: An Intersectional Study of Women’s Entrepreneurship Under Occupation and Patriarchy. Wojdan Omran, Shumaila Yousafzai.
Founder-CEO Extraversion and Sustainability Orientation in Initial Coin Offerings. Feilian Xia, James Thewissen, Winifred Huang, Shuo Yan.
Effects of Family Ownership and Professionalization on Firms’ Financial Performance and Sustainability Reputation. Nareuporn (Bell) Piyasinchai, Trin Thananusak, Mat Hughes.
Beneficial, Harmful, or Both? Effects of Corporate Venture Capital and Alliance Activity on Product Recalls. David Bendig, Simon Hensellek, Julian Schulte.
Human Relations
Contesting corporate responsibility in the Bangladesh garment industry: The local factory owner perspective. Enrico Fontana, Cedric Dawkins.
Navigating the twisted path of gaslighting: A manifestation of epistemic injustice for Palestinian women entrepreneurs. Wojdan Omran, Shumaila Yousafzai.
Cultural trespassers or disruptors? Femininity reinvented and the career advancement strategies of Saudi women senior managers. Hayfaa A Tlaiss, Dmitry Khanin.
What is the right thing to do? The constitutive role of organizational ethical frameworks in collective ethical sensemaking. Emmanouil Gkeredakis, Jacky Swan, Davide Nicolini, Haridimos Tsoukas.
The improvised language of solidarity: Linguistic practices in the participatory labour-organizing processes of multi-ethnic migrant workers. Gabriella Cioce, Marek Korczynski, Davide Però.
Information Systems Research
Encouraging Eco-driving with Post-trip Visualized Storytelling: An Experiment Combining Eye-Tracking and a Driving Simulator. Zhiyin Li, Ben C. F. Choi.
Digital Approaches to Societal Grand Challenges: Toward a Broader Research Agenda on Managing Global-Local Design Tensions. Satish Nambisan, Gerard George.
Noisebnb: An Empirical Analysis of Home-Sharing Platforms and Residential Noise Complaints. Gorkem Turgut Ozer, Brad N. Greenwood, Anandasivam Gopal.
A Computational Framework for Understanding Firm Communication During Disasters. Bei Yan, Feng Mai, Chaojiang Wu, Rui Chen, Xiaolin Li.
Journal of Accounting and Economics
- Fraudulent financial reporting and the consequences for employees. Jung Ho Choi, Brandon Gipper.
Journal of Business Ethics
How Corporate Social (Ir)Responsibility Influences Employees’ Private Prosocial Behavior: An Experimental Study. Irmela Fritzi Koch-Bayram, Torsten Biemann.
Corporate Social Responsibility and Information Asymmetry: Do Earnings Conference Calls Play a Role? Dan Palmon, Yifei Chen, Biao Chen.
Mimicry Dynamics: A Study of Multinational Enterprises’ Philanthropy in China. Jianjun Zhang, Li Tong, Kunyuan Qiao.
Universal Design for the Workplace: Ethical Considerations Regarding the Inclusion of Workers with Disabilities. Claire Doussard, Emmanuelle Garbe, Julien Billion.
The Ethical, Societal, and Global Implications of Crowdsourcing Research. Shuili Du, Mayowa Babalola, Suzanne van Gils.
Leaving a Legacy for my Children: The One-Child Policy Reform and Engagement in CSR Among Family Firms in China. Douglas Cumming, Jun Hu, Huiying Wu.
Turning a Blind Eye to Team Members’ Unethical Behavior: The Role of Reward Systems. Qiongjing Hu, Hajo Adam, Shenjiang Mo.
Decay and Recovery of CSR Routines in Franchise Organizations. Benjamin Lawrence, Brett Massimino, Jie J. Zhang.
Does CSR Engagement Deter Corporate Misconduct? Quasi-natural Experimental Evidence from Firms Joining a Government-Initiated Social Program in China. Feng He, Xin Huang, Ziqiao Wang.
Goodwill Hunting: Why and When Ultimate Controlling Owners Affect Their Firms’ Corporate Social Responsibility Performance. Yusen Dong, Pengcheng Ma, Daniel Han Ming Chng.
No Planet B Available! A Review of The Climate Book: The Facts and Solutions by Greta Thunberg. Sorin M. S. Krammer.
Organising Food Systems Through Ecologies of Care: A Relational Approach. Kathryn Pavlovich, Maree Roche.
Maximizing Shareholder Welfare: A Normative Examination of Hart and Zingales’ Corporate Governance Account. Santiago Mejia, Pietro Bonaldi.
Shifting Stakeholders Logics: Foreign Institutional Ownership and Corporate Social Responsibility. Xu Cheng, Xiandeng Jiang, Samuel Vigne.
Cleansing Investor’s Conscience: The Effects of Incidental Guilt on Socially Responsible Investment Decisions. Victoria Gevorkova, Ivan Sangiorgi, Julia Vogt.
How Do Institutional Prescriptions (Fail to) Address Governance Challenges Under Institutional Hybridity? The Case of Governance Code Creation for Cooperative Enterprises. Jozef Cossey, Adrien Billiet, Johan Bruneel.
Engaging, Distancing and Surrendering: Moral Legitimation of Controversial Organizational Decisions in the Media. Niina Erkama, Jo Angouri.
How Religiosity Affects Attitudes Toward Brands That Utilize LGBTQ-Themed Advertising. Rafi M. M. I. Chowdhury, Denni Arli, Felix Septianto.
Agonistic Respect and the Ethics of Employment Relationships. Tricia D. Olsen, Harry J. Van Buren III.
Bearing the Unbearable: Exploring Women Entrepreneurs Resilience Building in Times of Crises. Afsaneh Bagheri, Golshan Javadian, Zahra Arasti.
The Dark Side of Firms’ Green Technology Innovation on Corporate Social Responsibility: Evidence from China. Xu Chu, Yuntao Bai, Congshan Li.
Stakeholder Pressures and Decarbonization Strategies in Mittelstand Firms. Jörn H. Block, Pramodita Sharma, Lena Benz.
Exercising the “Right to Repair”: A Customer’s Perspective. Davit Marikyan, Savvas Papagiannidis.
Under Pressure: LMX Drives Employee Unethical Pro-organizational Behavior via Threat Appraisals. Chen Tang, Ying Chen, Daniel A. Newman.
Rightsholder-Driven Remedy for Business-Related Human Rights Abuse: Case of the Fair Food Program.Alysha Kate Shivji.
Holding Retail Corporations Accountable for Food Waste: A Due Diligence Framework Informed by Business and Human Rights Principles. Madhura Rao, Nadia Bernaz, Alie de Boer.
Beyond Rupture, Interstice and Reform: Searching for Nuance in the Portrayal of Engagement for Social and Ecological Transition. Luigi Russi, Cécile Renouard, Nathanaël Wallenhorst.
Totally Administered Heteronomy: Adorno on Work, Leisure, and Politics in the Age of Digital Capitalism. Craig Reeves, Matthew Sinnicks.
To Conform or Not to Conform? The Role of Social Status and Firm Corporate Social Responsibility. Yingzhao Xiao, Liuyang Xue, Xiling Hao.
How Culture Displaced Structural Reform: Problem Definition, Marketization, and Neoliberal Myths in Bank Regulation. Anette Mikes, Michael Power.
Shhh… Do Gender-Diverse Boards Prioritize Product Market Concerns Over Capital Market Incentives? Dharmendra Naidu, Kumari Ranjeeni.
Journal of Consumer Psychology
Chatbots and mental health: Insights into the safety of generative AI. Julian De Freitas, Ahmet Kaan Uğuralp, Zeliha Oğuz-Uğuralp, Stefano Puntoni.
Journal of Consumer Research
Class Conflict and Spatial Domination in the Neoliberal City. Rodrigo B Castilhos.
Culture for Sale: Unpacking Consumer Perceptions of Cultural Appropriation . Jason D Lin and others.
Consumer Desires and the Fluctuating Balance between Liquid and Solid Consumption: The Case of Finnish Clothing Libraries . Laura M Rosenberg and others.
Journal of Environmental Economics and Management
Screening green innovation through carbon pricing. Lassi Ahlvik, Inge van den Bijgaart.
Wildfires and climate change have lowered the economic value of western U.S. forests by altering risk expectations. Yuhan Wang, David J. Lewis.
Fuel economy standards: Regulatory loopholes and firms’ heterogeneous responses. Jingwen Wu, Tong Zhang, Hua Liao.
Corporate social responsibility by joint agreement. Maarten Pieter Schinkel, Leonard Treuren.
Measuring the impact of time-of-use pricing on electricity consumption: Evidence from Spain. Jacint Enrich, Ruoyi Li, Alejandro Mizrahi, Mar Reguant.
Global climate governance in the light of geoengineering: A shot in the dark? Michael Finus, Francesco Furini.
Endogenous bifurcation into environmental CSR and non-environmental CSR firms by activist shareholders. Yasunobu Tomoda, Yasunori Ouchida.
Air pollution kills competition: Evidence from eSports. Jiawei Mo, Zenan Wu, Ye Yuan.
Unseen annihilation: Illegal fishing practices and nautical patrol. Stephen Kastoryano, Ben Vollaard.
Burned agricultural biomass, air pollution and crime. Abubakr Ayesh.
Weather the storms? Resilience investment and production losses after hurricanes. Johan Brannlund, Geoffrey Dunbar, Reinhard Ellwanger, Matthew Krutkiewicz.
Labor activism over searing heat. Yi Huang, Yanjun Li.
The impact of air quality on innovation activities in China. Jingbo Cui, Shaoqing Huang, Chunhua Wang.
Climate policy under political pressure. Andrei Kalk, Gerhard Sorger.
Greed is good? Of equilibrium impacts in environmental regulation. Iivo Vehviläinen.
CO2 storage or utilization? A real options analysis under market and technological uncertainty. Hanne Lamberts-Van Assche, Maria Lavrutich, Tine Compernolle, Gwenny Thomassen, Peter M. Kort.
Journal of Finance
- Lender Automation and Racial Disparities in Credit Access. Sabrina T. Howell, Theresa Kuchler, David Snitkof, Johannes Stroebel, Jun Wong.
Journal of Financial and Qualitative Analysis
Standing Out from the Crowd via CSR Engagement: Evidence from Non-Fundamental-Driven Price Pressure. Lei Gao, Jie (Jack) He, Juan (Julie) Wu.
Corporate Leadership and Inherited Beliefs About Gender Roles. R. David McLean, Christo Pirinsky, Mengxin Zhao.
Journal of International Business Studies
The war on drugs: how multi-stakeholder partnerships contribute to sustainable development in the Golden Triangle region. Hee-Chan Song.
How subsidiary and supplier misbehavior lead to corporate social responsibility performance improvements in multinationals. Cheng Li, Alvaro Cuervo-Cazurra.
What produces corporate social irresponsibility in offshore outsourcing? The effects of interorganizational relationship governance and institutional distance. Michael J. Mol, Sun Hye Lee.
MNE–civil society interactions: a systematic review and research agenda. Kayleigh Bruijn, Panikos Georgallis, João Albino-Pimentel, Arno Kourula & Hildy Teegen.
Book Review: The Big Con: how the consulting industry weakens our businesses, infantilizes our governments and warps our economies. Mehdi Boussebaa.
MIS Quarterly
Profit vs. Equality? The Case of Financial Risk Assessment and a New Perspective on Alternative Data. Tian Lu, Yingjie Zhang, and Beibei Li.
Operations Research
- Harvesting Solar Power Foments Prices in a Vicious Cycle: Breaking the Cycle with Price Mechanisms. Fariba F. Mamaghani, Metin Çakanyildirim.
Organization and Environment
Sense of Place and Sustainable Development: The Case of a Tibetan Luxury Enterprise. Haitao Yu.
Organizational Sustainability Orientation: A Review. Matheus G. Tardin, Marcelo G. Perin, Cláudia Simões, Luiza D. Braga.
Regenerating Place: Highlighting the Role of Ecological Knowledge. Saeed Rahman, Nhan Thanh Nguyen, Natalie Slawinski.
Green Human Resource Management and Green Culture: An Integrative Sustainable Competing Values Framework and Future Research Directions. Sudhanshu Maheshwari, Ashneet Kaur, Douglas W. S. Renwick.
The Past and Future of Corporate Sustainability Research. Vanessa C. Burbano, Magali A. Delmas, Manuel Jesus Cobo.
Varieties of Time in Business Sustainability Research: An Integrative Review and Research Agenda. Matilde Morales-Raya, Pablo Muñoz.
Transitioning to a Circular Economy: Paradoxical Tensions of the Circular Business Model. Lina Dagilienė, Viktorija Varaniūtė.
Organization Science
Why Do Some Conservative CEOs Publicly Support Liberal Causes? Organizational Ideology, Managerial Discretion, and CEO Sociopolitical Activism. Adam J. Wowak, John R. Busenbark.
Bribery in the Workplace: A Field Experiment on the Threat of Making Group Behavior Visible. Diana Dakhlallah.
Mobile Money as a Stepping Stone to Financial Inclusion: How Digital Multisided Platforms Fill Institutional Voids. Aparajita Agarwal, Valentina A. Assenova.
The Company She Seeks: How the Prismatic Effects of Ties to High-Status Network Contacts Can Reduce Status for Women in Groups. Siyu Yu, Catherine Shea.
Organization Studies
Revisiting Entrepreneurship as Emancipation: Learning from subalternized women in post-revolutionary Tunisia. Amira Benali, Florence Villesèche.
Feminist Theories and Activist Practices in Organization Studies. Marianna Fotaki, Alison Pullen.
Misogyny and Organization Studies. Lauren McCarthy, Scott Taylor.
Media Review: Slavery and the Bank—a commentary on historic corporate social responsibility. Hamid Foroughi, Andrew Smith.
Control Through Violence: A situational analysis of embodied practices of violence in a refugee reception centre. Philipp Arnold, Jana Costas.
Media Review: Silent Coup: How Corporations Overthrew Democracy. Iain Munro.
Media Review: The Politics of Climate Change. Elke Schuessler.
Organizing Sustainably: Introduction to the Special Issue. Rick Delbridge, Markus Helfen, Andreas Pekarek, Elke Schuessler, Charlene Zietsma.
Field Disasters, Routine Shifts, and Adaptation Performance: Evidence from the Chernobyl disaster. Jungwon Min.
Research Policy
Digital activism to achieve meaningful institutional change: A bricolage of crowdsourcing, social media, and data analytics. Vitali Mindel, Robert E. Overstreet, Henrik Sternberg, Lars Mathiassen, Nelson Phillips.
Are they coming for us? Industrial robots and the mental health of workers. Ana Lucia Abeliansky, Matthias Beulmann, Klaus Prettner.
Do technology standards induce innovation in environmental technologies when coordination is important? Myriam Grégoire-Zawilski, David Popp.
Sloan Management Review
Set Ambitious but Realistic Environmental Goals. Kate Isaacs, Jason Jay, Jeremy Gregory, and Elsa Olivetti.
Get Ready for More Transparent Sustainability Reporting. Richard Barker.
Tackling AI’s Climate Change Problem. Niklas Sundberg.
How to Productively Disagree on Tough Topics. Kenji Yoshino and David Glasgow.
What Managers Everywhere Must Know About Caste. Hari Bapuji, Kamini Gupta, Snehanjali Chrispal, and Thomas Roulet.
R&D Leaders Must Play a Key Role in the Journey to Net Zero. Dan Edwards and Michael Zeitlyn.
The Looming Challenge of Chemical Disclosures. Lori Bestervelt, Colleen McLoughlin, and Jillian Stacy.
See all monthly Table of Contents.
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