Each month, NBS compiles the latest research on management and sustainability by scanning the tables of contents of academic journals. Journals we draw from include the Financial Times Top 50 list as well as sustainability-focused publications.
Research for June 2017
Administrative Science Quarterly
Earl Boebert and James M. Blossom: Deepwater Horizon: A Systems Analysis of the Macondo Disaster. Karl E. Weick.
These Unequal States: Corporate Organization and Income Inequality in the United States. J. Adam Cobb and Flannery G. Stevens.
American Economic Review
Wage Inequality and Firm Growth. Holger M. Mueller, Paige P. Ouimet and Elena Simintzi.
Immigration and the Rise of American Ingenuity. Ufuk Akcigit, John Grigsby and Tom Nicholas.
Business Strategy and the Environment
Sustainability in The Banking Industry: A Strategic Multi-Criterion Analysis. Rakesh Raut, Naoufel Cheikhrouhou and Manoj Kharat.
Enhancing Market Valuation of ESG Performance: Is Integrated Reporting Keeping its Promise? Laura Mervelskemper and Daniel Streit.
Sustainable Corporate Entrepreneurship: Performance and Strategies Toward Innovation. Anna Katharina Provasnek, Erwin Schmid, Bernhard Geissler and Gerald Steiner.
Integrating Behavioural and Branding Perspectives to Maximize Green Brand Equity: A Holistic Approach. Muhammad Mohsin Butt, Saadia Mushtaq, Alia Afzal, Kok Wei Khong, Fon Sim Ong and Pui Fong Ng.
Green Product Innovation in Manufacturing Firms: A Sustainability-Oriented Dynamic Capability Perspective. Rosa Maria Dangelico, Devashish Pujari and Pierpaolo Pontrandolfo.
A Survey of Transparency: An Intrinsic Aspect of Business Strategy.Elisa Baraibar-Diez, María D. Odriozola and José Luis Fernández Sánchez.
Modelling Corporate Stakeholder Orientation: Does the Relationship Between Stakeholder Background Characteristics and Corporate Social Performance Matter? Michael O. Erdiaw-Kwasie, Khorshed Alam and Enamul Kabir.
Remanufacturing for the Circular Economy: An Examination of Consumer Switching Behavior. Benjamin T. Hazen, Diane A. Mollenkopf and Yacan Wang.
Integrating Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Disclosure for a Sustainable Development: An Australian Study. Chitra Sryani De Silva Lokuwaduge and Kumudini Heenetigala.
Sustainability Strategy and Eco-Innovation: A Moderation Model. Kuen-Hung Tsai and Yi-Chuan Lio
The Governance of Corporate Responses to Climate Change: An International Comparison. Rory Sullivan and Andy Gouldson.
California Management Review
Beyond the “Win-Win”: Creating Shared Value Requires Ethical Frameworks. Gastón de los Reyes, Markus Scholz and N. Craig Smith.
Walmart’s Emergent Low-Cost Sustainable Product Strategy. Andrew Spicer and David Hyatt.
Journal of Business Ethics
The Pluralist Theory of Ethics Programs Orientations and Ideologies: An Empirical Study Anchored in Requisite Variety. Joé T. Martineau, Kevin J. Johnson and Thierry C. Pauchant.
Ideology and the Balanced Scorecard: An Empirical Exploration of the Tension Between Shareholder Value Maximization and Corporate Social Responsibility. Regina F. Bento, Lasse Mertins and Lourdes F. White.
Registering Ideology in the Creation of Social Entrepreneurs: Intermediary Organizations, ‘Ideal Subject’ and the Promise of Enjoyment. Pascal Dey and Othmar Lehner.
The Link Between Social Movements and Corporate Social Initiatives: Toward a Multi-level Theory. Panayiotis Georgallis
Contesting a Place in the Sun: On Ideologies in Foreign Markets and Liabilities of Origin. Ans Kolk and Louise Curran.
Cultural Diversity in Business: A Critical Reflection on the Ideology of Tolerance. J. Félix Lozano and Teresa Escrich.
Contextualizing Corporate Political Responsibilities: Neoliberal CSR in Historical Perspective. Marie-Laure Djelic and Helen Etchanchu
Ideologies in Markets, Organizations, and Business Ethics: Drafting a Map: Introduction to the Special Issue. Michaela Haase and Emmanuel Raufflet.
Review of Virtue in Business: Conversations with Aristotle by Edwin Hartman. Daryl Koehn.
Knights of the Road: Safety, Ethics, and the Professional Truck Driver. Matthew A. Douglas and Stephen M. Swartz.
Consumers’ Responses to Corporate Social Responsibility Initiatives: The Mediating Role of Consumer–Company Identification. Xinming Deng and Yang Xu.
“Buying” Corporate Social Responsibility: Organisational Identity Orientation as a Determinant of Practice Adoption. Christopher Wickert, Antonino Vaccaro and Joep Cornelissen.
The Local Roots of Corporate Social Responsibility. Najah Attig and Paul Brockman.
A Cross-Cultural and Feminist Perspective on CSR in Developing Countries: Uncovering Latent Power Dynamics. Charlotte M. Karam and Dima Jamali.
Stakeholder Theory Classification: A Theoretical and Empirical Evaluation of Definitions. Samantha Miles.
Social Media Policies: Implications for Contemporary Notions of Corporate Social Responsibility. Cynthia Stohl, Michael Etter, Scott Banghart and DaJung Woo.
Religious Belief, Corporate Philanthropy, and Political Involvement of Entrepreneurs in Chinese Family Firms. Xingqiang Du.
Board Gender Diversity and Corporate Response to Sustainability Initiatives: Evidence from the Carbon Disclosure Project. Walid Ben-Amar, Millicent Chang and Philip McIlkenny.
Family Business Participation in Community Social Responsibility: The Moderating Effect of Gender. Whitney O. Peake, Danielle Cooper and Margaret A.
Journal of Marketing
Does It Pay to Recall Your Product Early? An Empirical Investigation in the Automobile Industry. Meike Eilert, Satish Jayachandran, Kartik Kalaignanam and Tracey A. Swartz.
Journal of Political Economy
Every Breath You Take—Every Dollar You’ll Make: The Long-Term Consequences of the Clean Air Act of 1970. Adam Isen, Maya Rossin-Slater and W. Reed Walker.
Journal of Production Innovation Management
Harnessing Difference: A Capability-Based Framework for Stakeholder Engagement in Environmental Innovation. Rosina Watson, Hugh N. Wilson, Palie Smart and Emma K. Macdonald.
Management Science
Optimal Strategies for Flood Prevention. Carel Eijgenraam, Ruud Brekelmans, Dick den Hertog and Kees Roos.
The Potential of Servicizing as a Green Business Model. Vishal V. Agrawal and Ioannis Bellos.
Social Labeling by Competing NGOs: A Model with Multiple Issues and Entry. Anthony Heyes and Steve Martin.
Online Grocery Retail: Revenue Models and Environmental Impact.Elena Belavina, Karan Girotra and Ashish Kabra.
Manufacturing and Service Operations Management
Managing Production-Inventory Systems with Scarce Resources. Saif Benjaafar, David Chen and Rowan Wang.
Service Region Design for Urban Electric Vehicle Sharing Systems.Long He, Ho-Yin Mak, Ying Rong and Zuo-Jun Max Shen.
The Car Sharing Economy: Interaction of Business Model Choice and Product Line Design. Ioannis Bellos, Mark Ferguson and L. Beril Toktay.
Marketing Science
Organization & Environment
Employee Rhetoric in the Acceptance or Rejection of Corporate Environmentalism. Tiina Onkila.
How Sustainability Is Reflected in the S&P 500 Companies’ Strategic Documents. Nabin Baral and Mohan P. Pokharel
Industries Regulation and Firm Environmental Disclosure: A Stakeholders’ Perspective on the Importance of Legitimation and International Activities. Blanca L. Delgado-Márquez, Luis E. Pedauga and Eulogio Cordón-Pozo.
Production and Operations Management
Impact of Take-Back Regulation on the Remanufacturing Industry.Gökçe Esenduran, Eda Kemahlıoğlu-Ziya and Jayashankar M. Swaminathan.
Strategic Management Journal
Will firms go green if it pays? The impact of disruption, cost, and external factors on the adoption of environmental initiatives. Glen W. S. Dowell and Suresh Muthulingam.
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