NBS’s monthly compilation of the latest business sustainability research prioritizes in-press articles, in order to highlight cutting-edge knowledge. The list draws from Financial Times Top 50 journals and other publications.
See all monthly Table of Contents.
Research for June 2022
Academy of Management Journal
- Double Weaving: A Bottom-Up Process of Connecting Locations and Scales to Mitigate Grand Challenges. Arijit Chatterjee, Anjan Ghosh, Bernard Leca.
- From the Editors—Insights on How We Try to Show Empathy, Respect, and Inclusion in AMJ. Elizabeth E. Umphress, Floor Rink, Cindy P. Muir (Zapata), Ivona Hideg.
- Pumping the Brakes: Examining the Impact of CEO Political Ideology Divergence on Firm Responses. Matthew Semadeni, M. K. Chin, Ryan Krause.
Accounting, Organizations and Society
- Organizational responses to multiple logics: Diversity, identity and the professional service firm. Fiona Anderson-Gough, Carla Edgley, Keith Robson, Nina Sharma.
Business and Society
- From Reactionary to Revelatory: CSR Reporting in Response to the Global Refugee Crisis. Katherine R. Cooper, Rong Wang.
- An Integrative Literature Review of Social Entrepreneurship Research: Mapping the Literature and Future Research Directions. Anton Klarin, Yuliani Suseno.
- Moral CSR. Barry M. Mitnick, Duane Windsor, Donna J. Wood.
- Cultivating Sustainability Thinkers: Analyzing the Routes to Psychological Ownership in Local Business Units of Multinational Enterprises (MNEs). Martina Kurki, Merja Lähdesmäki.
- How Collaborating with NGOs Makes Green Innovations More Desirable. Fiona Schweitzer, Yan Meng.
- Did India’s CSR Mandate Enhance or Diminish Firm Value? Rajat Panwar, Vivek Pandey, Roy Suddaby, Natalia G. Vidal.
- Co-opting Business Models at the Base of the Pyramid (BOP): Microentrepreneurs and Multinational Enterprises in Ghana. Stephanie Decker, George Obeng Dankwah.
- Entrepreneurship and Peacebuilding: A Review and Synthesis. Jay Joseph, John E. Katsos, Harry J. Van Buren III.
- Alternative Organizations as Systems Hijacking: The Commercial Trust as a Thought Experiment. Heather M. Hachigian.
- Building on Its Past: The Future of Business and Society Scholarship. Jill A. Brown, Frank G. A. de Bakker, Hari Bapuji, Colin Higgins, Kathleen Rehbein, Andrew Spicer.
- Mission Accomplished? Reflecting on 60 Years of Business & Society. Stephen Brammer, Layla Branicki, Martina Linnenluecke.
- Standing on the Shoulders of Giants: Leveraging Management Research on Grand Challenges. Silvia Dorado, Nino Antadze, Jill Purdy, Oana Branzei.
- The Evolving Political Marketplace: Revisiting 60 Years of Theoretical Dominance Through a Review of Corporate Political Activity Scholarship in Business & Society and Major Management Journals. Stefanie Lenway, Douglas Schuler, Richard Marens, Timothy Werner, Colby Green.
Ecological Economics
- The Amazon bioeconomy: Beyond the use of forest products. Daniel Bergamo, Olivia Zerbini, Patricia Pinho, Paulo Moutinho.
- Global asymmetries in the rise of solar power: An LCA-based account of ecologically unequal exchange between Germany and China 2002–2018. Andreas Roos.
- Economics without ecology: How the SDGs fail to align socioeconomic development with environmental sustainability. Markus Hametner.
- Implicit incentives in green public procurement: Good intentions versus rigid regulations. Elena V. Shadrina, Dmitri V. Vinogradov, Dmitry V. Kashin.
- Why does France not meet its pesticide reduction targets? Farmers’ socio-economic trade-offs when adopting agro-ecological practices. Amalie Bjørnåvold, Maia David, David A. Bohan, Caroline Gibert, Jean-MarcRousselle, Steven Van Passel.
- Do plastic warning labels reduce consumers’ willingness to pay for plastic egg packaging? – Evidence from a choice experiment. Joanna Van Asselt, Yefan Nian, Moonwon Soh, Stephen Morgan, Zhifeng Gao.
- The environmental and financial performance of green energy investments: European evidence. Maria Céu Cortez, Nuno Andrade, Florinda Silva.
- Do environmentally-friendly cocoa farms yield social and economic co-benefits? Lina Tennhardt, Gianna Lazzarini, Rainer Weisshaidinger, Christian Schader.
- How do governance arrangements matter in the circular economy? Lessons from five methanation projects based on the social-ecological system framework. Nabila Arfaoui, Christian Le Bas, Marie-France Vernier, Linh-Chi Vo.
- Collaborative governance as a means of navigating the uncertainties of sustainability transformations: The case of Finnish food packaging. Henna Sundqvist-Andberg, Maria Åkerman.
- Modelling the circular economy: Introducing a supply chain equilibrium approach. Bart Lahcen, Johan Eyckmans, Sandra Rousseau, Yoko Dams, Jan Brusselaers.
- (In)compatibilities in sustainable luxury signals. Victoria-Sophie Osburg, Vignesh Yoganathan, Fraser McLeay, Mbaye Fall Diallo.
- Let us expand this Western project by admitting diversity and enhancing rigor: A systematic review of empirical research on alternative economies. Adam Čajka, Josef Novotný.
- Is a fair energy transition possible? Evidence from the French low-carbon strategy. Emilien Ravigné, Frédéric Ghersi, Franck Nadaud.
Journal of Accounting Research
Real Effects of a Widespread CSR Reporting Mandate: Evidence from the European Union’s CSR Directive. Peter Fiechter, Jörg-Markus Hitz, Nico Lehmann.
Journal of Management Information Systems
- Greening the Cloud: A Load Balancing Mechanism to Optimize Cloud Computing Networks. Kumar, Chetan, Marston, Sean, Sen, Ravi, Amar Narisetty.
Journal of Marketing
- Analyzing the Cultural Contradictions of Authenticity: Theoretical and Managerial Insights from the Market Logic of Conscious Capitalism. Craig J. Thompson, Ankita Kumar.
- The Impact of Organic Specialist Store Entry on Category Performance at Incumbent Stores. Stijn Maesen, Lien Lamey.
Journal of Political Economy
- When Harry Fired Sally: The Double Standard in Punishing Misconduct. Mark Egan, Gregor, Amit Seru.
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science
- Can advertising benefit women’s development? Preliminary insights from a multi-method investigation. Gautham Vaddekkepatt, Andrew Bryant, Ronald Paul Hill, Joshua Nunziato.
Manufacturing and Service Operations Management
- Antidiscrimination Laws, Artificial Intelligence, and Gender Bias: A Case Study in Nonmortgage Fintech Lending. Stephanie Kelley, Anton Ovchinnikov, David R. Hardoon, Adrienne Heinrich.
- From Targeting to Transfer: Design of Allocation Rules in Cash Transfer Programs. Huan Zheng, Guodong Lyu, Jiannan Ke, Chung-Piaw Teo.
- Operational Strategies for Distributing Durable Goods in the Base of the Pyramid. Andre P. Calmon, Diana Jue-Rajasingh, Gonzalo Romero, Jackie Stenson.
- Coping with Spatial Mismatch: Subsidy Design for Electric Vehicle and Charging Markets. Wei Zhang, Yifan Dou.
Marketing Science
- Identifying Food Labeling Effects on Consumer Behavior. Sebastián Araya, Andrés Elberg, Carlos Noton, Daniel Schwartz.
Production and Operations Management
- Smart urban transport and logistics: A business analytics perspective. Long He, Sheng Liu, Zuo-Jun Max Shen.
- Can precise numbers boost energy efficiency? Saurabh Bansal, Suresh Muthulingam.
- Vessel sharing and its impact on maritime operations and carbon emissions. Hyunwoo Park, Christian C. Blanco, Elliot Bendoly.
- Market positioning in food industry in response to public health policies. S. Sajeesh, Ozgur M. Araz, Terry T.-K. Huang.
- A model for wind farm management with option interactions. Alain Bensoussan, Benoît Chevalier-Roignant, Alejandro Rivera.
- How does warfare affect firms’ productivity? Andres F. Jola-Sanchez.
- Pouring cement down one of your oil wells: Relationship between the supply chain disruption orientation and performance. Rebecca Stekelorum, Shivam Gupta, Issam Laguir, Sameer Kumar, Subodha Kumar.
Quarterly Journal of Economics
- Systemic Discrimination Among Large U.S. Employers. Patrick Kline, Evan K Rose, Christopher R Walters.
- Sexual Harassment and Gender Inequality in the Labor Market. Olle Folke, Johanna Rickne.
Review of Accounting Studies
- Do ESG funds make stakeholder-friendly investments? Aneesh Raghunandan, Shiva Rajgopal.
- Meet, beat, and pollute. Jake Thomas, Wentao Yao, Frank Zhang, Wei Zhu.
- The real effects of risk disclosures: evidence from climate change reporting in 10-Ks. Rajiv D. Banker, Xinjie Ma, Carol Pomare, Yue Zhang.
- Trust, social capital, and the bond market benefits of ESG performance. Hami Amiraslani, Karl V. Lins, Henri Servaes, Ane Tamayo.
Review of Economic Studies
- Are High-Interest Loans Predatory? Theory and Evidence from Payday Lending. Hunt Allcott, Joshua Kim, Dmitry Taubinsky, Jonathan Zinman.
Review of Finance
- Aggregate Confusion: The Divergence of ESG Rating. Florian Berg, Julian F Kölbel, Roberto Rigobon.
- Responsible Hedge Funds. Hao Liang, Lin Sun, Melvyn Teo.
- Does Money Talk? Divestitures and Corporate Environmental and Social Policies. Nickolay Gantchev, Mariassunta Giannetti, Rachel Li.
Review of Financial Studies
- The Distribution of Nonwage Benefits: Maternity Benefits and Gender Diversity. Tim Liu, Christos A Makridis, Paige Ouimet, Elena Simintzi.
- Racial Disparities in the Auto Loan Market. Alexander W Butler, Erik J Mayer, James P Weston.
Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal
Catalyzing change: Innovation in women’s entrepreneurship. Candida G. Brush, Kimberly A. Eddleston, Linda F. Edelman, Tatiana S. Manolova, Maura McAdam, Cristina Rossi-Lamastra.
Strategic Management Journal
- The favela effect: Spatial inequalities and firm strategies in disadvantaged urban communities. Leandro S. Pongeluppe.
- Birds of a feather flock (even more) together: An intergroup relations perspective on how #MeToo-related media coverage affects the evaluation of prospective corporate directors. Michael K. Bednar, James D. Westphal, Michael L. McDonald.
- The double-edged sword of boundary-spanning Corporate Social Responsibility programs. Aline Gatignon.
- Communication frames and beneficiary engagement in corporate social initiatives: Evidence from a randomized controlled trial in France. Rodolphe Durand, Marieke Huysentruyt.
See all monthly Table of Contents.
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