Each month, NBS compiles the latest research on management and sustainability by scanning the tables of contents of academic journals. Journals we draw from include the Financial Times Top 50 list as well as sustainability-focused publications.
See all monthly Table of Contents.
Research for March 2018
Academy of Management Journal
Disasters and Community Resilience: Spanish Flu and the Formation of Retail Cooperatives in Norway. Hayagreeva Rao and Henrich R. Greve.
When the Dust Settles: The Consequences of Scandals for Organizational Competition. Alessandro Piazza and Julien Jourdan.
Collaborative Stakeholder Engagement: An Integration between Theories of Organizational Legitimacy and Learning. Vinit M. Desai.
Accounting, Organizations and Society
Social movement NGOs and the comprehensiveness of conflict mineral disclosures: evidence from global companies. Muhammad Azizul Islam, Chris J. van Staden.
Administrative Science Quarterly
Mobilizing a Market: Ethnic Segmentation and Investor Recruitment into the Nairobi Securities Exchange. Christopher B. Yenkey.
Strategic Silence: Withholding Certification Status as a Hypocrisy Avoidance Tactic. W. Chad Carlos, Ben W. Lewis.
Business & Society
The State of Research on Africa in Business and Management: Insights From a Systematic Review of Key International Journals. Ans Kolk, Miguel Rivera-Santos.
Contents and Determinants of Corporate Social Responsibility Website Reporting in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Seven-Country Study. Anna-Lena Kühn, Markus Stiglbauer, Matthias S. Fifka.
Passionate Leaders in Social Entrepreneurship: Exploring an African Context. Sara Thorgren, Adesuwa Omorede.
Social Entrepreneurship in South Africa: Exploring the Influence of Environment. David Littlewood, Diane Holt.
Distance Makes the (Committed) Heart Grow Colder: MNEs’ Responses to the State Logic in African Variants of CSR. Colin David Reddy, Ralph Hamann.
Business Strategy and the Environment
Challenges and Opportunities for the Sustainability Transition in Global Trade (Introduction). Valerie Nelson, Ximena Rueda and Walter J.V. Vermeulen.
Quality as a Driver of Sustainable Agricultural Value Chains: The Case of the Relationship Coffee Model. J Nicolas Hernandez-Aguilera, Miguel I Gómez, Amanda D Rodewald, Ximena Rueda, Colleen Anunu, Ruth Bennett and Harold M van Es.
Practices of Third Wave Coffee: A Burundian Producer’s Perspective. Lauren Rosenberg, Mark Swilling and Walter J V Vermeulen.
Smallholders at a Crossroad: Intensify or Fall behind? Exploring Alternative Livelihood Strategies in a Globalized World. Ximena Rueda, Andrea Paz, Theodora Gibbs-Plessl, Ronald Leon, Byron Moyano and Eric F Lambin.
Towards Reflexive Responsibility in a Textile Supply Chain. Natasja Börjeson and Magnus Boström.
Neoliberalism and the Emergence of Private Sustainability Initiatives: The Case of the Brazilian Cattle Value Chain. Stéphane Guéneau.
Sector, Landscape or Rural Transformations? Exploring the Limits and Potential of Agricultural Sustainability Initiatives through a Cocoa Case Study. Valerie Nelson and David Phillips.
Intra-Sectoral Differences in Climate Change Strategies: Evidence from the Global Automotive Industry. Matthias Damert and Rupert J. Baumgartner.
Stakeholder Engagement in Sustainable Enterprise: Evolving a Conceptual Framework, and a Case Study of ITC. Periyasami Anbarasan and Sushil.
Sustainable Entrepreneurship Research: Taking Stock and looking ahead. Pablo Muñoz and Boyd Cohen.
Antecedents of Green Loyalty in the Cruise Industry: Sustainable Development and Environmental Management. Heesup Han, Myong Jae Lee and Wansoo Kim.
Is Supply’s Actual Contribution to Sustainable Development Strategic and Operational?. André Tchokogué, Jean Nollet, Nathalie Merminod, Gilles Paché and Véronique Goupil.
Linking Environmental Management to Environmental Performance: The Interactive Role of Industry Context. Julia Hartmann and Stephan Vachon.
How Does Sustainable Development of Supply Chains Make Firms Lean, Green and Profitable? A Resource Orchestration Perspective. Christina W.Y. Wong, Chee Yew Wong and Sakun Boon-itt.
Corporate Biodiversity Management through Certifiable Standards. Olivier Boiral, Iñaki Heras-Saizarbitoria and Marie-Christine Brotherton.
Organizational Culture and Environmental Activity Management. Kevin Baird, Sophia Su and Amy Tung.
Environmental Policy, Sustainable Development, Governance Mechanisms and Environmental Performance. Faizul Haque and Collins G Ntim.
Harvard Business Review
“Businesses Exist to Deliver Value to Society.” Adi Ignatius/ Kenneth Frazier.
Why Compliance Programs Fail—and How to Fix Them. Hui Chen Eugene Soltes.
Beating the Odds. Laura Morgan Roberts, Anthony J. Mayo, Robin J. Ely, David A. Thomas.
Diversity and Authenticity. Katherine W. Phillips, Tracy L. Dumas, Nancy P. Rothbard.
Human Relations
Keeping up with the Joneses: Industry rivalry, commitment to frames and sensemaking failures. Federica Pazzaglia, Maeve Farrell, Karan Sonpar, Pablo Martin de Holan.
Journal of Business Ethics
Teaching the Common Good in Business Ethics: A Case Study Approach. Mark R. Ryan.
Corruption and Its Effects on FDI: Analysing the Interaction Between the Corruption Levels of the Home and Host Countries and Its Effects at the Decision-Making Level. Jose Godinez, Ling Liu.
The United Nations Global Compact: Engaging Implicit and Explicit CSR for Global Governance. Jill A. Brown, Cynthia Clark, Anthony F. Buono.
Using UNPRME to Teach, Research, and Enact Business Ethics: Insights from the Catholic Identity Matrix for Business Schools. Kenneth E. Goodpaster, T. Dean Maines, Michael Naughton.
When Kamay Met Hill: Organisational Ethics in Practice. Jonathan A. Batten, Igor Lončarski, Peter G. Szilagyi.
Strengthening “Giving Voice to Values” in Business Schools by Reconsidering the “Invisible Hand” Metaphor. Mollie Painter-Morland, Rosa Slegers.
The Impact of Acculturation on Immigrants’ Business Ethics Attitudes. Eugene D. Jaffe, Nonna Kushnirovich, Alexandr Tsimerman.
Decent Work: The Moral Status of Labor in Human Resource Management. Miguel Alzola.
Catering to the Needs of an Aging Workforce: The Role of Employee Age in the Relationship Between Corporate Social Responsibility and Employee Satisfaction. Barbara Wisse, Rob van Eijbergen, Eric F. Rietzschel.
Leadership: Philosophical Perspectives and Qualitative Analysis of Ethics—Looking Back, Looking Forward, Looking Around. Karianne Kalshoven, Scott Taylor.
Rethinking Right: Moral Epistemology in Management Research. Tae Wan Kim, Thomas Donaldson.
The Indirect Ethics of AIG’s ‘Backdoor Bailout’. Daniel G. Arce, Laura Razzolini.
Responsible Leadership: A Mapping of Extant Research and Future Directions. Christof Miska, Mark E. Mendenhall.
Villains, Victims, and Verisimilitudes: An Exploratory Study of Unethical Corporate Values, Bullying Experiences, Psychopathy, and Selling Professionals’ Ethical Reasoning. Sean Valentine, Gary Fleischman, Lynn Godkin.
Estimating the Cost of Justice for Adjuncts: A Case Study in University Business Ethics. Jason Brennan, Phillip Magness.
Fostering Collective Growth and Vitality Following Acts of Moral Courage: A General System, Relational Psychodynamic Perspective. Sheldene Simola.
What Good Does Doing Good do? The Effect of Bond Rating Analysts’ Corporate Bias on Investor Reactions to Changes in Social Responsibility. Oana Branzei, Jeff Frooman, Brent Mcknight, Charlene Zietsma.
Journal of Business Venturing
Bringing the elephant into the room? Enacting conflict in collective prosocial organizing. E. Erin Powell, Ralph Hamann, Verena Bitzer, Ted Baker.
Journal of Consumer Marketing
Spirituality, consumer ethics, and sustainability: the mediating role of moral identity. Carlos J. Rodriguez-Rad, Encarnacion Ramos-Hidalgo.
Journal of Industrial Ecology
Nullius in Verba: Advancing Data Transparency in Industrial Ecology. Edgar Hertwich, Niko Heeren, Brandon Kuczenski, Guillaume Majeau-Bettez, Rupert J. Myers, Stefan Pauliuk, Konstantin Stadler and Reid Lifset.
Same Supply Chain, Different Models: Integrating Perspectives from Life Cycle Assessment and Supply Chain Management. Vered Blass and Charles J. Corbett.
Environmental Impacts of Capital Formation. Carl-Johan Södersten, Richard Wood and Edgar G. Hertwich.
The Corruption Footprints of Nations. Yanyan Xiao, Manfred Lenzen, Catherine Benoît-Norris, Gregory A. Norris, Joy Murray and Arunima Malik.
Environmental Implications of Consumer Convenience: Coffee as a Case Study. Andrea L. Hicks.
Service Lifetime, Storage Time, and Disposal Pathways of Electronic Equipment: A Swiss Case Study. Esther Thiébaud (-Müller), Lorenz M. Hilty, Mathias Schluep, Rolf Widmer and Martin Faulstich.
Journal of Management Studies
The Institutional Work of Exploitation: Employers’ Work to Create and Perpetuate Inequality. Ralph Hamann and Stephanie Bertels.
Management Science
Voluntary Product Safety Certification. Ganesh Iyer, Shubhranshu Singh.
Organization and Environment
The Role of Interfirm Knowledge Spillovers for Innovation in Mass-Produced Environmental Technologies: Evidence from the Solar Photovoltaic Industry. Joern Hoppmann.
Visuality as Greenwashing: The Case of BP and Deepwater Horizon. George Kassinis, Alexia Panayiotou.
The Effectiveness of EMAS as a Management Tool: A Key Role for the Internalization of Environmental Practices. Francesco Testa, Fabio Iraldo, Tiberio Daddi.
Through the Lens of Accountability: Analyzing Legitimacy in Environmental Governance. Brandon Kraft, Steven Wolf.
Organization Science
Gender Bias, Social Impact Framing, and Evaluation of Entrepreneurial Ventures. Matthew Lee, Laura Huang.
Differential Firm Commitment to Industries Supported by Social Movement Organizations. Rodolphe Durand, Panayiotis (Panikos) Georgallis.
Production and Operations Management
Effects of Consumer-to-Consumer Product Sharing on Distribution Channel. Lin Tian and Baojun Jiang.
Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal
On the relationship between inequality and entrepreneurship. Mark D. Packard and Per L. Bylund.
How entrepreneurial ecosystems take form: Evidence from social impact initiatives in Seattle. Tracy A. Thompson, Jill M. Purdy and Marc J. Ventresca.
See all monthly Table of Contents.
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