NBS’s monthly compilation of the latest business sustainability research prioritizes in-press articles, in order to highlight cutting-edge knowledge. The list draws from Financial Times Top 50 journals and other publications.
See all monthly Table of Contents.
Research for March 2022
Academy of Management Journal
Investing in Communities: Forging New Ground in Corporate Community Co-Development through Relational and Psychological Pathways. Cristina B. Gibson.
“Invisible” Discrimination: Divergent Outcomes for the Non-Prototypicality of Black Women. Rebecca Ponce de Leon, Ashleigh Shelby Rosette.
Remaking Capitalism: The Strength of Weak Legislation in Mobilizing B Corporation Certification. David S. Lucas, Matthew G. Grimes, Joel Gehman.
Prosocial Occupations, Work Autonomy, and the Origins of the Social Class Pay Gap. Ray Tsai Fang, András Tilcsik.
From Sheltered to Included: The Emancipation of Disabled Workers from Benevolent Marginalization. Patricia Helena Hein, Shaz Ansari.
Upward Mobility, the Cleft Habitus, and Speaking Up: How Class Transitions Relate to Individual and Organizational Antecedents of Voice. Sean R. Martin, Spencer Harrison.
Does Power Protect Female Moral Objectors? How and When Moral Objectors’ Gender, Power, and Use of Organizational Frames Influence Perceived Self-Control and Experienced Retaliation. Timothy G. Kundro, Nancy P. Rothbard.
Business and Society
Numbers Speak for Themselves, or Do They? On Performance Measurement and Its Implications. Berend van der Kolk.
A Moral Foundations Framing Approach: Retail Investors’ Investment Intention in Ethical Mutual Funds. Jing Liu, Jared L. Peifer.
Climate Change, Business, and Society: Building Relevance in Time and Space. Daniel Nyberg, George Ferns, Sheena Vachhani, Christopher Wright.
Questioning Impact: A Cross-Disciplinary Review of Certification Standards for Sustainability. Sylke F. Jellema, Mirjam D. Werner, Andreas Rasche, Joep Cornelissen.
From Responsible Scholarship to Responsible Scholar. Jane Wenzhen Lu, Li-Qun Wei, Ming-Jer Chen.
The Grand Challenge of Human Health: A Review and an Urgent Call for Business–Health Research. Junghoon Park, Ivan Montiel, Bryan W. Husted, Remy Balarezo.
Human Rights: A Promising Perspective for Business & Society. Judith Schrempf-Stirling, Harry J. Van Buren, III, Florian Wettstein.
Democracy in Political Corporate Social Responsibility: A Dynamic, Multilevel Account. Jennifer Goodman, Jukka Mäkinen.
Finding the Tipping Point: When Heterogeneous Evaluations in Social Media Converge and Influence Organizational Legitimacy. Laura Illia, Elanor Colleoni, Michael Etter, Katia Meggiorin.
Whom to Ask for Feedback: Insights for Resource Mobilization From Social Entrepreneurship. Andreana Drencheva, Ute Stephan, Malcolm G. Patterson.
Role Morality Discrepancy and Ethical Purchasing: Exploring Felt Responsibility in Professional and Personal Contexts. Liz Cooper, Ben Marder.
Useful Servant or Dangerous Master? Technology in Business and Society Debates. Frank den Hond, Christine Moser.
Stakeholder Engagement: Past, Present, and Future. Johanna Kujala, Sybille Sachs, Heta Leinonen, Anna Heikkinen, Daniel Laude.
In Defense of Capitalism: Modern Slavery Would Be Much Worse Without It. Punit Arora, Sarah Lilian Stephen.
Ecological Economics
Willingness to pay for sustainable and legal firewood in Tasmania. Nizam Abdu, Elena Tinch, Clinton Levitt, Peter Volker, Darla Hatton MacDonald.
How social movements contribute to staying within the global carbon budget: Evidence from a qualitative meta-analysis of case studies. May Aye Thiri, Sergio Villamayor-Tomás, Arnim Scheidel, Federico Demaria.
Corporate strategy in the Anthropocene: German electricity utilities and the nuclear sudden stop. Gregory Ferguson-Cradler.
Awareness days and environmental attitudes: The case of the “Earth Hour”. Yiannis Kountouris.
A technical critique of the Green New Deal. Ted Trainer.
Certifications in short food supply chains in the region of Madrid. Part of the alternative?. Mario González-Azcárate, José Luis Cruz-Maceín, Isabel Bardají.
What theories of value (could) underpin our circular futures?. Benjamin H. Lowe, Andrea Genovese.
Heterogeneity, spillovers and eco-efficiency of European industries under different pollutants’ scenarios. Is there a definite direction?. Eirini Stergiou, Konstantinos Kounetas.
Shared and environmentally just responsibility for global biodiversity loss. Zhongxiao Sun, Paul Behrens, Arnold Tukker, Martin Bruckner, Laura Scherer.
Leveraging participation in apparel global supply chains through green industrialization strategies: Implications for low-income countries. Federico Jensen, Lindsay Whitfield.
Durability standards and clothing libraries for strengthening sustainable clothing markets. Brendan Multala, Jeffrey Wagner, Yiwei Wang.
Social Movements and Commons: In Theory and in Practice. Sergio Villamayor-Tomas, Gustavo García-López, Giacomo D’Alisa.
Journal of Marketing
GMO Labeling Policy and Consumer Choice. Youngju Kim, SunAh Kim, Neeraj Arora.
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science
Marketing experience of CEOs and corporate social performance. Saeed Janani, Ranjit M. Christopher, Atanas Nik Nikolov, Michael A. Wiles.
More than money: establishing the importance of a sense of purpose for salespeople. Valerie Good, Douglas E. Hughes, Hao Wang.
Manufacturing and Service Operations Management
Prevent or Report? Managing Near Misses for Safer Operations. Nitin Bakshi, Heikki Peura.
Is Adopting Mass Customization a Path to Environmentally Sustainable Fashion?. Aydın Alptekinoğlu, Adem Örsdemir.
Food Safety Audits in Developing Economies: Decentralization vs. Centralization. Lingxiu Dong, Iva Rashkova, Duo Shi.
Reducing Food Waste: An Operations Management Research Agenda. Arzum Akkaş, Vishal Gaur.
Non-ownership Business Models for Solar Energy. Vishal V. Agrawal, L. Beril Toktay, Şafak Yücel.
Donations for Refugee Crises: In-kind vs. Cash Assistance. Telesilla O. Kotsi, Owen Q. Wu, Alfonso J. Pedraza-Martinez.
Environment and Energy? The Impact of Environmental Management Systems on Energy Efficiency. Seongkyoon Jeong, Jaeseok Lee.
Timely After-Sales Service and Technology Adoption: Evidence from the Off-Grid Solar Market in Uganda. Amrita Kundu, Kamalini Ramdas.
Sustainability in the Fast Fashion Industry. Xiaoyang Long, Javad Nasiry.
Managing Social Responsibility in Multitier Supply Chains. Lu Huang, Jing-Sheng Song, Robert Swinney.
The Effects of Patent Extension and Take-Back Regulation on Green Pharmacy.
Tianqin Shi, Nicholas C. Petruzzi, Dilip Chhajed.
Partnerships in Urban Mobility: Incentive Mechanisms for Improving Public Transit Adoption. Auyon Siddiq, Christopher S. Tang, Jingwei Zhang.
Marketing Science
Visibility and Peer Influence in Durable Good Adoption. Bryan Bollinger, Kenneth Gillingham, A. Justin Kirkpatrick, Steven Sexton.
Organizational Behaviour and Human Decision Processes
Self-views of disadvantage and success impact perceptions of privilege among White men. Sean Fath, Anyi Ma, Ashleigh Shelby Rosette.
Doing good for (maybe) nothing: How reward uncertainty shapes observer responses to prosocial behavior. Ike Silver, Jackie Silverman.
Production and Operations Management
Integrated production and renewable energy generation in the presence of hydrogen energy storage. Youyi Feng, Mozart B.C. Menezes.
Achieving equitable food security: How can food bank mobile pantries fill this humanitarian need. Jon M. Stauffer, Manoj Vanajakumari, Subodha Kumar, Theresa Mangapora.
Orchestrating coordination among humanitarian organizations. Lea Ruesch, Murat Tarakci, Maria Besiou, Niels Van Quaquebeke.
Saving migrants’ lives at sea: Improving search and rescue operations. Vasileios Kosmas, Michele Acciaro, Maria Besiou.
A Systems Framework for International Development: The Data-Layered Causal Loop Diagram. Courtney Blair, Erica Gralla, Finley Wetmore, Jarrod Goentzel, Megan Peters.
A Multi-Method Approach to Prioritize Locations of Labor Exploitation for Ground-Based Interventions. Ioannis Kougkoulos, M. Selim Cakir, Nathan Kunz, Doreen S. Boyd, Alexander Trautrims, Kornilia Hatzinikolaou, Stefan Gold.
Quarterly Journal of Economics
The Assessment Gap: Racial Inequalities in Property Taxation. Carlos F Avenancio-León, Troup Howard.
The Gender Gap in Self-Promotion . Christine L Exley, Judd B Kessler.
Why Do People Stay Poor?. Clare Balboni, Oriana Bandiera, Robin Burgess, Maitreesh Ghatak, Anton Heil.
Review of Accounting Studies
Stock price reactions to ESG news: the role of ESG ratings and disagreement. George Serafeim, Aaron Yoon.
Does social responsibility begin at home? The relation between firms’ pension policies and corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities. Divya Anantharaman, Feng Gao, Hariom Manchiraju.
Review of Economic Studies
The Impact of Car Pollution on Infant and Child Health: Evidence from Emissions Cheating. Diane Alexander, Hannes Schwandt.
Welfare and Redistribution in Residential Electricity Markets with Solar Power. Fabian Feger, Nicola Pavanini, Doina Radulescu.
Review of Finance
Climate Change Risk and the Cost of Mortgage Credit. Duc Duy Nguyen, Steven Ongena, Shusen Qi, Vathunyoo Sila.
Review of Financial Studies
Do Wall Street Landlords Undermine Renters’ Welfare?. Umit G Gurun, Jiabin Wu, Steven Chong Xiao, Serena Wenjing Xiao.
Can Environmental Policy Encourage Technical Change? Emissions Taxes and R&D Investment in Polluting Firms . James R Brown, Gustav Martinsson, Christian Thomann.
Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal
The influence of women on SME innovation in emerging markets. Kristen Madison, Curt B. Moore, Joshua J. Daspit, Joyce Komakech Nabisaalu.
Strategic Management Journal
Communication frames and beneficiary engagement in corporate social initiatives: Evidence from a randomized controlled trial in France. Rodolphe Durand, Marieke Huysentruyt.
Building knowledge by mapping model uncertainty in six studies of social and financial performance. Luca Berchicci, Andrew A. King.
Platforms for the people: Enabling civic crowdfunding through the cultivation of institutional infrastructure. Danielle Logue, Matthew Grimes.
See all monthly Table of Contents.
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