Each month, NBS compiles the latest research on management and sustainability by scanning the tables of contents of academic journals. Journals we draw from include the Financial Times Top 50 list as well as sustainability-focused publications.
See all monthly Table of Contents.
Research for May 2018
Academy of Management Journal
Gender-inclusive Gatekeeping: How (Mostly Male) Predecessors Influence the Success of Female CEOs. Priyanka Dwivedi, Aparna Joshi, Vilmos F. Misangyi.
One Step Forward, One Step Back: White Male Top Manager Organizational Identification and Helping Behavior toward Other Executives Following the Appointment of a Female or Racial Minority CEO. Michael L. McDonald, Gareth D. Keeves, James D. Westphal.
We Ask Men to Win and Women Not to Lose: Closing the Gender Gap in Startup Funding. Dana Kanze, Laura Huang, Mark A. Conley, E. Tory Higgins.
Ripping off the Band-Aid: Scrutiny Bundling in the Wake of Social Disapproval. Varkey K. Titus Jr., Owen Parker, A. Erin Bass.
Academy of Management Review
2017 Presidential Address—Freedom in Scholarship: Lessons from Atlanta. Anita M. McGahan.
Hidden in Plain Sight: The Importance of Scale in Organizations’ Attention to Issues. Pratima Bansal, Anna Kim, Michael O. Wood.
A Behavioral Theory of Social Performance: Social Identity and Stakeholder Expectations. Robert S. Nason, Sophie Bacq, David Gras.
Business and Society
Implementing Corporate Social Responsibility: Empirical Insights on the Impact of the UN Global Compact on Its Business Participants. Stefan Schembera.
Beyond Appearances: The Risk-Reducing Effects of Responsible Investment Practices. Daniela Laurel-Fois.
Is Board Gender Diversity Linked to Financial Performance? The Mediating Mechanism of CSR. Jeremy Galbreath
What Have Firms Been Doing? Exploring What KLD Data Report About Firms’ Corporate Social Performance in the Period 2000-2010. Elise Perrault, Michael A. Quinn.
Decentralized Governance Structures Are Able to Handle CSR-Induced Complexity Better. Michael Pirson, Shann Turnbull.
Sorry to (Not) Burst Your Bubble: The Influence of Reputation Rankings on Perceptions of Firms. Michael L. Barnett, Sohvi Leih.
California Management Review
Introducing a Circular Economy: New Thinking with New Managerial and Policy Implications. Mark Esposito, Terence Tse, Khaled Soufani.
How Do Intelligent Goods Shape Closed-Loop Systems?. Risto Rajala, Esko Hakanen, Juri Mattila, Timo Seppälä, Mika Westerlund.
Stakeholder Views on Extended Producer Responsibility and the Circular Economy. Nathan Kunz, Kieren Mayers, Luk N. Van Wassenhove.
Managing a Complex Global Circular Economy Business Model: Opportunities and Challenges. Peter Hopkinson, Markus Zils, Philip, Stuart Roper.
Circular Economy, 3D Printing, and the Biosphere Rules. Gregory Unruh
Disruptive Technology as an Enabler of the Circular Economy: What Potential Does 3D Printing Hold? Alysia Garmulewicz, Matthias Holweg, Hans Veldhuis, Aidong Yang.
Orchestrating Circularity within Industrial Ecosystems: Lessons from Iconic Cases in Three Different Countries. Anne-Ryslène Zaoual, Xavier Lecoq.
Moving to a Circular Economy in China: Transforming Industrial Parks into Eco-industrial Parks. John A. Mathews, Hao Tan, Mei-Chih Hu.
Human Relations
Talking into (non)existence: Denying or constituting paradoxes of Corporate Social Responsibility. Jochen Hoffmann.
Journal of Accounting Research
Corporate Scandals and Regulation. Luzi Hail, Ahmed Tahoun, Clare Wang.
Journal of Business Venturing
Inequality and entrepreneurial thresholds. Soumodip Sarkar, Carlos Rufín, Jonathan Haughton.
Feeling capable and valued: A prosocial perspective on the link between empathy and social entrepreneurial intentions. Sophie Bacq, Elisa Alt.
Journal of Management Studies
What We Talk About When We Talk About Inequality: An Introduction to the Journal of Management Studies Special Issue. Roy Suddaby, Garry D. Bruton, James P. Walsh.
The Institutional Work of Exploitation: Employers’ Work to Create and Perpetuate Inequality. Ralph Hamann, Stephanie Bertels.
‘Why Even Bother Trying?’ Examining Discouragement among Racial‐Minority Entrepreneurs. François Neville, Juanita Kimiyo Forrester, Jay O’Toole, Allan Riding.
Breaking Boundaries: Exploring the Process of Intersective Market Activity of Immigrant Entrepreneurship in the Context of High Economic Inequality. Eliada Wosu Griffin-EL, Jay Olabisi.
The Legitimacy of Inequality: Integrating the Perspectives of System Justification and Social Judgment. Patrick Haack, Jost Sieweke.
Achieving Social and Economic Equality by Unifying Business and Ethics: Adam Smith as the Cause of and Cure for the Separation Thesis. Scott L. Newbert.
Poverty’s Monument: Social Problems and Organizational Field Emergence in Historical Perspective. R. Daniel Wadhwani.
Journal of Marketing
A Study of Bidding Behavior in Voluntary-Pay Philanthropic Auctions. Ernan Haruvy, Peter T. L. Popkowski Leszczyc.
Organization Science
Noise as Signal in Learning from Rare Events. David Maslach, Oana Branzei, Claus Rerup, Mark J. Zbaracki.
Production and Operations Management
Information Technology and Sustainability: Evidence from an Emerging Economy. Jiban Khuntia, Terence J. V. Saldanha, Sunil Mithas, V. Sambamurthy.
Distribution of Medication Considering Information, Transshipment, and Clustering: Malaria in Malawi. Hoda Parvin, Shervin Beygi, Jonathan E. Helm, Peter S. Larson, Mark P. Van Oyen.
Quarterly Journal of Economics
The Morale Effects of Pay Inequality. Emily Breza, Supreet Kaur, Yogita Shamdasani.
Social Mobility and Stability of Democracy: Reevaluating De Tocqueville. Daron Acemoglu, Gregory Egorov, Konstantin Sonin.
Rand Journal of Economics
How consumers respond to product certification and the value of energy information. Sébastien Houde.
Research Policy
Global socio-technical regimes. Lea Fuenfschilling, Christian Binz.
Strategic Management Journal
Competing for government procurement contracts: The role of corporate social responsibility. Caroline Flammer.
The differential effects of CEO narcissism and hubris on corporate social responsibility. Yi Tang, Daniel Z. Mack, Guoli Chen.
Scale matters: The scale of environmental issues in corporate collective actions. Frances E. Bowen, Pratima Bansal, Natalie Slawinski.
Stakeholder value appropriation: The case of labor in the worldwide mining industry. Cristian Ramírez, Jorge Tarziján.
See all monthly Table of Contents.
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