NBS’s monthly compilation of the latest business sustainability research prioritizes in-press articles, in order to highlight cutting-edge knowledge. The list draws from Financial Times Top 50 journals and other publications.
See all monthly Table of Contents.
Research for May 2019
Academy of Management Journal
Organizations, Risk Translations and the Ecology of Risks: The Discursive Construction of a Novel Risk. Cynthia Hardy, Steve Maguire.
Dare to Be Different? Conformity vs. Differentiation in Corporate Social Activities of Chinese Firms and Market Responses. Yanlong Zhang, Heli Wang, Xiaoyu Zhou.
How Formal and Informal Hierarchies Shape Conflict within Cooperatives: A Field Experiment in Ghana. Angelique Slade Shantz, Geoffrey M Kistruck, Desiree F. Pacheco, Justin W Webb.
Academy of Management Review
CEO Sociopolitical Activism: A Stakeholder Alignment Model. Donald C. Hambrick, Adam Wowak.
The Emergence of Moral Leadership. Omar Nathanael Solinger, Paul G. W. Jansen, Joep Cornelissen.
The Nature of the Social Firm: Alternative Organizational Forms for Social Value Creation and Appropriation. Sergio Lazzarini.
Black Employees Matter: Mega-Threats, Identity Fusion, and Enacting Positive Deviance in Organizations. Angelica Leigh, Shimul Melwani.
MOSAIC: A Model of Stereotyping Through Associated and Intersectional Categories. Erika Hall, Alison Vania Hall, Adam Galinsky, Katherine W. Phillips.
Accounting Review
Selection Benefits of Below-Market Pay in Social-Mission Organizations: Effects on Individual Performance and Team Cooperation. Clara Xiaoling Chen, Heather L. Pesch, Laura W. Wang.
Business and Society
Formative Perspectives on the Relation Between CSR Communication and CSR Practices: Pathways for Walking, Talking, and T(w)alking. Dennis Schoeneborn, Mette Morsing, Andrew Crane.
CSR Communication Research: A Theoretical-cum-Methodological Perspective From Semiotics. Kemi C. Yekini, Kamil Omoteso, Emmanuel Adegbite.
Religion as a Macro Social Force Affecting Business: Concepts, Questions, and Future Research. Harry J. Van Buren, III, Jawad Syed, Raza Mir.
Cross-Sector Partnerships as Capitalism’s New Development Agents: Reconceiving Impact as Empowerment. Anne Vestergaard, Luisa Murphy, Mette Morsing, Thilde Langevang.
Bending the Rules or Changing Them? MNE Responses to Institutional Challenges in Transition Economies. Jisun Yu, Seung-Hyun Lee.
Is There Evidence for Export-Led Adoption of ISO 14001? A Review of the Literature Using Meta-Regression. Catherine Liston-Heyes, Anthony Heyes.
Even When No One Is Watching: The Moral Psychology of Corporate Reputation. Miguel Alzola.
Do Sustainability Rating Schemes Capture Climate Goals? Saphira A. C. Rekker, Jacquelyn E. Humphrey, Katherine R. O’Brien.
Business Strategy and Environment
Business adaptation to climate change: American ski resorts and warmer temperatures. Jorge Rivera, Viviane Clement.
Ecological Economics
Are pension funds actively decarbonizing their portfolios? Martijn A. Boermans, Rients Galema.
Frugality as a choice vs. frugality as a social condition. Is de-growth doomed to be a Eurocentric project? Roldan Muradian.
Is the post-fossil era necessarily post-capitalistic? – The robustness and capabilities of green capitalism. Stephan Bosch, Matthias Schmidt.
Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice
“Rhetoric Mix” of Argumentations: How Policy Rhetoric Conveys Meaning of Entrepreneurship for Sustainable Development. Virva Salmivaara, Ewald Kibler.
We’re All in the Same Boat: A Collective Model of Preserving and Accessing Nature-Based Opportunities. Karin Andrea Wigger, Dean A. Shepherd.
Human Relations
Answering the crisis with intellectual activism: Making a difference as business schools scholars. Alessia Contu.
A suitable woman: The coming-of-age of the ‘third world woman’ at the bottom of the pyramid: A critical engagement. Suparna Chatterjee.
Corporate social responsibility (CSR) communication and small and medium sized enterprises: The governmentality dilemma of explicit and implicit CSR communication. Mette Morsing, Laura J Spence.
From home to host: The instrumental kaleidoscopic careers of skilled migrants. Edward P O’Connor, Marian Crowley-Henry.
Journal of Business Venturing
What signals matter for social startups? It depends: The influence of gender role congruity on social impact accelerator selection decisions. Shu Yang, Romi Kher, Scott L. Newbert.
Journal of Management
You’re Fired! Gender Disparities in CEO Dismissal. Vishal K. Gupta, Sandra C. Mortal, Sabatino Silveri, Minxing Sun, Daniel B. Turban.
Journal of Management Studies
Entry‐Timing Advantages in Renewable Natural Resources Industries. Alejandro F. Mac Cawley, Ángel Sevil, Roberto S. Vassolo, José Ignacio Sepúlveda Vargas.
Spoils from the Spoiled: Strategies for Entering Stigmatized Markets. Angelique Slade Shantz, Eileen Fischer, Aurora Liu, Moren Lévesque.
The Surprising Duality of Jugaad: Low Firm Growth and High Inclusive Growth. Dean A. Shepherd, Vinit Parida, Joakim Wincent.
Management Science
Getting the Rich and Powerful to Give. Judd B. Kessler, Katherine L. Milkman , C. Yiwei Zhang.
Peer Effects of Corporate Social Responsibility. Jie Cao, Hao Liang, Xintong Zhan.
Socially Beneficial Rationality: The Value of Strategic Farmers, Social Entrepreneurs, and For-Profit Firms in Crop Planting Decisions. Ming Hu, Yan Liu, Wenbin Wang.
Design Implications of Extended Producer Responsibility for Durable Products. Ximin (Natalie) Huang, Atalay Atasu, L. Beril Toktay.
Corporate Provision of Public Goods. John Morgan, Justin Tumlinson.
Institutional Investors and Corporate Environmental, Social, and Governance Policies: Evidence from Toxics Release Data. Incheol Kim, Hong Wan, Bin Wang, Tina Yang.
Organization Science
Coupling Labor Codes of Conduct and Supplier Labor Practices: The Role of Internal Structural Conditions. Yanhua Bird, Jodi L. Short, Michael W. Toffel.
Organizational Behaviour and Human Decision Processes
Isolating the effect of injunctive norms on conservation behavior: New evidence from a field experiment in California. Syon P. Bhanot.
Organization and Environment
Getting Gig Workers to Do More by Doing Good: Field Experimental Evidence From Online Platform Labor Marketplaces. Vanessa C. Burbano.
What Gives Life to Large System Change? Sandra Waddock, Petra Kuenkel.
Sustainability as a Competitive Tool for the Brave? Or for the Best? A Behavioral Theory Perspective. Emanuele L. M. Bettinazzi, Lorenzo Massa, Kerstin Neumann.
From Equivocality to Reflexivity in Biodiversity Protection. Anne Quarshie, Asta Salmi, Zhaohui Wu.
The Measurement of Green Workplace Behaviors: A Systematic Review. Virginie Francoeur, Pascal Paillé, Alexander Yuriev, Olivier Boiral.
Managing the Paradoxes of Place to Foster Regeneration. Natalie Slawinski, Blair Winsor, Daina Mazutis, John W. Schouten,Wendy K. Smith.
Production and Operations Management
Money Well Spent? Operations, Mainstreaming, and Fairness of Fair Trade. Michael K. Lim, Ho‐Yin Mak, Seung Jae Park.
Managing Perishable Inventory Systems with Product Returns and Remanufacturing. Ke Fu, Xiting Gong, Guitian Liang.
Strategic Management Journal
Do investors actually value sustainability indices? Replication, development, and new evidence on CSR visibility. Rodolphe Durand, Luc Paugam, Hervé Stolowy.
Corporate social responsibility as a defense against knowledge spillovers: Evidence from the inevitable disclosure doctrine. Caroline Flammer, Aleksandra Kacperczyk.
See all monthly Table of Contents.
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