NBS’s monthly compilation of the latest business sustainability research prioritizes in-press articles, in order to highlight cutting-edge knowledge. The list draws from Financial Times Top 50 journals and other publications.
See all monthly Table of Contents.
Research for May 2020
Academy of Management Learning and Education
Can Ethics Be Taught? Examining the Impact of Distributed Ethical Training and Individual Characteristics on Ethical Decision Making. Laura Parks-Leduc, Leigh Mulligan, Matthew A Rutherford.
U.S. Philanthropy’s Shaping of Management Education in the 20th Century: Toward a Periodization of History. Bill Cooke, Arun Kumar.
Just Let Us Be: Domination, the Postcolonial Condition, and the Global Field of Business Schools. Gerardo David Abreu-Pederzini, Manuel F. Suárez-Barraza.
Learning to Serve: Delivering Partner Value Through Service-Learning Projects. Emily S. Block, Viva Ona Bartkus.
Academy of Management Review
The Social Nature of Stakeholder Utility. Don Lange, Jonathan Nicholas Bundy, Eunyoung Park.
Bringing the Great Outdoors into the Workplace: The Energizing Effect of Biophilic Work Design. Anthony Klotz, Mark C. Bolino.
Accounting Review
Corporate Social Responsibility and the Market Reaction to Negative Events: Evidence from Inadvertent and Fraudulent Restatement Announcements. Eli Bartov, Antonio Marra and Francesco Momente.
Penalties for Unexpected Behavior: Double Standards for Women in Finance. Robert Bloomfield, Kristina M. Rennekamp, Blake Steenhoven, Scott D Stewart.
Administrative Science Quarterly
Maintaining Places of Social Inclusion: Ebola and the Emergency Department. April L. Wright, Alan D. Meyer, Trish Reay, Jonathan Staggs.
State Agency Discretion and Entrepreneurship in Regulated Markets. Jake B. Grandy, Shon R. Hiatt.
Business Ethics Quarterly
Can Finance Be a Virtuous Practice? A MacIntyrean Account. Marta Rocchi, Ignacio Ferrero, Ron Beadle.
Corporate Social (Ir)responsibility and Corporate Hypocrisy: Warmth, Motive and the Protective Value of Corporate Social Responsibility. Zhifeng Chen, Haiming Hang, Stephen Pavelin, Lynda Porter.
Orchestrating Governmental Corporate Social Responsibility Interventions through Financial Markets: The Case of French Socially Responsible Investment. Stéphanie Giamporcaro, Jean-Pascal Gond, Niamh O’Sullivan.
Entrepreneurial Stewardship: Why Some Profits Should Be Used to Benefit Others. Jooho Lee.
Contemporary Accounting Research
Reporting Bias and Monitoring in Clean Development Mechanism Projects. Hui Chen, Peter Letmathe, Naomi Soderstrom.
Liberation Technology: Mobile Phones and Political Mobilization in Africa. Marco Manacorda, Andrea Tesei.
Human Resource Management
In the eye of the beholder: Employee sexual orientation, perceived supervisory support for life beyond work and job satisfaction. Eleni Stavrou, Eftychia Solea.
A “quota silo” or positive equality reach? The equality impact of gender quotas on corporate boards in Norway. Cathrine Seierstad, Geraldine Healy, Eskil Sønju Le Bruyn Goldeng, Hilde Fjellvær.
Constructing an index for comparing human resources management sustainability in Europe. Rosalia Diaz‐Carrion, Macarena López‐Fernández, Pedro M. Romero‐Fernandez.
Journal of Consumer Marketing
Consumers’ reactions to unsubstantiated claims about ecological products. Magnus Söderlund, Jan Mattsson.
The effects of materialism on consumer evaluation of sustainable synthetic (lab-grown) products. Jessica Keech, Maureen Morrin, Jeffrey Steven Podoshen.
Journal of Financial Economics
Can Ethics be Taught? Evidence from Securities Exams and Investment Adviser Misconduct. Zachary T. Kowaleski, Andrew G. Sutherland, Felix W. Vetter.
At the table but can’t break through the glass ceiling:Board leadership positions elude diverse directors. Laura Casares Field, Matthew E. Souther, Adam S. Yore.
Investor ideology. Patrick Bolton, Tao Li, Enrichetta Ravina, Howard Rosenthal.
Are early stage investors biased against women? Michael Ewens, Richard R. Townsend.
Journal of Industrial Ecology
Making use of life cycle assessment and environmental product declarations: A survey with practitioners. Bruno Menezes Galindro, Sebastian Welling, Niki Bey, Stig Irving Olsen, Sebastião Roberto Soares, Sven‐Olof Ryding.
Corporate carbon performance data: Quo vadis? Timo Busch, Matthew Johnson, Thomas Pioch.
Suggested use? On evidence‐based decision‐making in industrial ecology and beyond. Junming Zhu.
The relationship between environmental performance and environmental disclosure: A meta‐analysis. My Hanh Doan, Remmer Sassen.
Economic aspirations connected to innovations in carbon capture and utilization value chains. Henriette Naims.
Industrial ecology in support of climate change adaptation. Mikhail V. Chester.
Text mining analysis of the climate change literature in industrial ecology. Fazle Rabbi Dayeen, Abhinav S. Sharma, Sybil Derrible.
Toward a research agenda on climate‐related migration. Clinton J. Andrews.
Journal of Management
Corona Crisis and Inequality: Why Management Research Needs a Societal Turn. Hari Bapuji, Charmi Patel, Gokhan Ertug, David G. Allen.
Working While Liberal/Conservative: A Review of Political Ideology in Organizations. Kristen L. Swigart, Anuradha Anantharaman, Jason A. Williamson, Alicia A. Grandey.
Journal of Management Studies
Regulated Dependence: Platform Workers’ Responses to New Forms of Organizing. Jovana Karanović, Hans Berends, Yuval Engel.
High Flying Business Schools: Working Together to Address the Impact of Management Education and Research on Climate Change. Michael J. Gill.
Journal of Operations Management
How institutional pressures and managerial incentives elicit carbon transparency in global supply chains. Verónica H. Villena, Suvrat Dhanorkar.
Journal of Marketing Research
Lowering the Minimum Donation Amount Increases Consumer Purchase Likelihood of Products Associated with Cause-Related Marketing Campaigns. Michael Tsiros, Caglar Irmak.
Service Providers’ Decision to Use Ethics Committees and Consultation in Complex Services. J. Daniel Zyung, Vikas Mittal, Sunder Kekre, Gajanan G. Hegde, Jennifer Shang, Brian S. Marcus, Arvind Venkat.
Marketplace Donations: The Role of Moral Identity Discrepancy and Gender. Jen Shang, Americus Reed, II, Adrian Sargeant, Kathryn Carpenter.
Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (JAERE)
Optimal cost sharing for green goods. Nathan W Chan, Mirco Dinelli.
Pesticides: What you don’t know can hurt you. Joseph Goeb, Andrew Dillon, Frank Lupi, David Tschirley.
The European Union Emissions Trading Scheme and Fuel Efficiency of Fossil Fuel Power Plants in Germany. Robert Germeshausen.
Demand for Off-Grid Solar Electricity: Experimental Evidence from Rwanda. Michael Grimm, Luciane Lenz, Jörg Peters, Maximiliane Sievert.
Crime Is in the Air: The Contemporaneous Relationship between Air Pollution and Crime. Malvina Bondy, Sefi Roth, Lutz Sager.
A Mixed Bag: The Hidden Time Costs of Regulating Consumer Behavior. Rebecca L. C. Taylor.
Management Science
How Transparency into Internal and External Responsibility Initiatives Influences Consumer Choice. Ryan W. Buell , Basak Kalkanci.
The Tension Between Worker Safety and Organization Survival. Mark Pagell , Mary Parkinson, Anthony Veltri, John Gray, Frank Wiengarten, Michalis Louis, Brian Fynes.
Green Technology Development and Adoption: Competition, Regulation, and Uncertainty—A Global Game Approach. Xin Wang , Soo-Haeng Cho , Alan Scheller-Wolf. (zgardensantamonica.com)
Pollution Regulation of Competitive Markets. Krishnan S. Anand , François C. Giraud-Carrier.
Do Corporate Social Responsibility Engagements Lead to Real Environmental, Social, and Governance Impact? Jun Li , Di (Andrew) Wu.
Differentiation Strategies in the Adoption of Environmental Standards: LEED from 2000 to 2014. Marc Rysman, Timothy Simcoe , Yanfei Wang.
Pollution and Performance: Do Investors Make Worse Trades on Hazy Days? Jiekun Huang , Nianhang Xu, Honghai Yu.
The Isolated Choice Effect and Its Implications for Gender Diversity in Organizations. Edward H. Chang , Erika L. Kirgios , Aneesh Rai , Katherine L. Milkman.
See all monthly Table of Contents.
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