NBS’s monthly compilation of the latest business sustainability research prioritizes in-press articles, in order to highlight cutting-edge knowledge. The list draws from Financial Times Top 50 journals and other publications.
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Research for May 2023
Academy of Management Learning and Education
Developing Decolonial Reflexivity: Decolonizing Management Education by Confronting White Skin, White Identities, and Whiteness. Stephen Allen, Emanuela Girei.
Belonging: The Key to Transforming and Maintaining Diversity, Inclusion and Equality at Work (Book Review). Yang Gao.
Business and Environmental Sustainability: Foundations, Challenges and Corporate Functions (Book Review). Terrence Guay.
Conceptualizing and Disrupting Heteronormativity as Performative in Management Education: Speech Acts and LGBTQ* Injurious Language. Nick Rumens, Patricia Lewis.
Accounting Review
- Can Shareholders Benefit from Consumer Protection Disclosure Mandates? Evidence from Data Breach Disclosure Laws. Musaib Ashraf, Jayanthi Sunder.
Administrative Science Quarterly
Thomas Piketty. A Brief History of Equality, translated by Steven Rendall. Mike Savage.
Calling and the Good Life: A Meta-Analysis and Theoretical Extension. Shoshana R. Dobrow, Hannah Weisman, Daniel Heller, Jennifer Tosti-Kharas.
Business Ethics Quarterly
Exploitation and the Desirability of Unenforced Law. Robert C. Hughes.
Vocabularies of Motive for Corporate Social Responsibility: The Emergence of the Business Case in Germany, 1970–2014. Nora Lohmeyer, Gregory Jackson.
Ethical Culture in Organizations: A Review and Agenda for Future Research. Achinto Roy, Alexander Newman, Heather Round, Sukanto Bhattacharya.
The Distributive Politics of Environmental Protection in Latin America and the Caribbean, by Isabella Alcañiz and Ricardo A. Gutiérrez. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2022. 76 pp. (Book Review). Susana Esper.
Business Adaptation to Climate Change, by Jorge E. Rivera, Chang Hoon Oh, Jennifer Oetzel, and Viviane Clement. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2022. 284 pp. (Book Review). Nardia Haigh.
Contemporary Accounting Research
- CEO Career Concerns in Early Tenure and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Reporting. Long Chen, Chih-Hsien Liao, Albert Tsang, Li Yu.
- Equilibrium Effects of Food Labeling Policies. Nano Barahona, Cristóbal Otero, Sebastián Otero.
Human Resource Management
Human resource management in recession: Restructuring and alternatives to downsizing in times of crisis. Stewart Johnstone.
Algorithmic inclusion: Shaping the predictive algorithms of artificial intelligence in hiring. Elisabeth K. Kelan.
How green human resource management affects employee voluntary workplace green behaviour: An integrated model. Yiwei Yuan, Shuang Ren, Guiyao Tang, Haochen Ji, Fang Lee Cooke, Zhining Wang.
Changing public attitudes toward the employment of formerly incarcerated people: The role of “human resources social advocacy”. Prue Burns, Marco De Sisto, Andrew R. Timming.
Worker silence in a turbulent neoliberal context: The case of mass privatisation of sugar factories in Turkey. Cihat Erbil, Mustafa Özbilgin.
The next mission: Inequality and service-to-civilian career transition outcomes among 50+ military leavers. Wen Wang, Matthew Bamber, Matt Flynn, John McCormack.
Journal of Business Venturing
Progress without a venture? Individual benefits of post-disruption entrepreneuring. Sara Thorgren, Trenton Alma Williams.
From community rootedness to individuated entrepreneuring: The development of entrepreneurial motivation through a temporary community of practice. Yuliya Shymko, Theodore A. Khoury.
Journal of Consumer Marketing
Sustainability advocacy antecedents: how social media content influences sustainable behaviours among Generation Z. Maria Giovanna Confetto, Claudia Covucci, Felice Addeo, Mara Normando.
Investigating consumer ethical beliefs: role of moral philosophies and personality traits. Prachi Gala, Rahul Chauhan, Robert King, Scott Vitell.
Urban Vietnamese consumers’ preferences for attributes of sustainably produced rice. Nguyen Thuy Trang, Steven W. Kopp, Vo Hong Tu, Mitsuyasu Yabe.
Journal of Industrial Ecology
Reflecting the importance of human needs fulfilment in absolute sustainability assessments: Development of a sharing principle. Mia Heide, Michael Z. Hauschild, Morten Ryberg.
Should high-cobalt EV batteries be repurposed? Using LCA to assess the impact of technological innovation on the waste hierarchy. Jessica Dunn, Kabian Ritter, Jesús M. Velázquez, Alissa Kendall.
Introducing digital tools for sustainable food supply management: Tackling food loss and waste in industrial canteens. Ludovica Principato, Stefano Marchetti, Marco Barbanera, Luca Ruini, Leonardo Capoccia, Camilla Comis, Luca Secondi.
A framework to open the black box of the use phase in circular economy life cycle assessments: The case of shell jacket reuse. Hampus André, Anna Björklund.
The effect of consumption and production policies on circular economy business models: A machine learning approach. Carlos F. A. Arranz, Caleb Kwong, Vania Sena.
Potentials and limits of mechanical plastic recycling. Magdalena Klotz, Melanie Haupt, Stefanie Hellweg.
Smartphone repairability indexes in practice: Linking repair scores to industrial design features. Mário Barros, Eric Dimla.
Lithium-ion battery cell production in Europe: Scenarios for reducing energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions until 2030. Florian Degen.
A bottom-up ontology-based approach to monitor circular economy: Aligning user expectations, tools, data and theory. Rusne Sileryte, Alexander Wandl, Arjan van Timmeren.
Journal of Management
Strategic Leaders and Corporate Social Responsibility: A Meta-Analytic Review. Gang Wang, Richard A. Devine, Gonzalo Molina-Sieiro, R. Michael Holmes, Jr.
Reinforcing Political Inequality Through Diversity Initiatives: A Field-Level Perspective. Linda Jakob Sadeh, Johanna Mair.
Contextual Inequality in the Performance Costs of Financial Precarity. Jirs Meuris, Joe Gladstone.
Human Sustainability and Work: A Meta-Synthesis and New Theoretical Framework. Christopher M. Barnes, David T. Wagner, Kira Schabram, Dorian Boncoeur.
Journal of Management Studies
How is the Illusio of Gender Equality in Entrepreneurship Sustained? A Bourdieusian Perspective. Elina Meliou, Mustafa Ozbilgin.
Catch Up with the Good and Stay Away from the Bad: CEO Decisions on the Appointment of Chief Sustainability Officers. Taiyuan Wang, Yingzhu Fu, Oliver Rui, Julio De Castro.
The Impact of Trustworthiness on the Association of Corporate Social Responsibility and Irresponsibility on Legitimacy. Michael Hadani.
Mission Accomplished? Balancing Market Growth and Moral Legitimation in the Fair Trade Moral Market. Benjamin Huybrechts, Helen M. Haugh, Bob Doherty.
Floodlight or Spotlight? Public Attention and the Selective Disclosure of Environmental Information. Shawn Pope, Jonathan Peillex, Imane El Ouadghiri, Mathieu Gomes.
Employee-CSR Tensions: Drivers of Employee (Dis)Engagement with Contested CSR Initiatives. Tobias Hahn, Garima Sharma, Ante Glavas.
Journal of Marketing Research
Helping Those That Hide: Anticipated Stigmatization Drives Concealment and a Destructive Cycle of Debt. Michael Moorhouse, Miranda Goode, June Cotte, Jennifer Widney.
Journal of Operations Management
Can mass customization slow fast fashion down? The impact on time-to-disposal and willingness-to-pay. Aydin Alptekinoglu, Ashley Stadler Blank, Margaret G. Meloy, V. Daniel R. Guide Jr.
Show, don’t tell: Education and physical exposure effects in remanufactured product markets. Huseyn Abdulla, James D. Abbey, A. Selin Atalay, Margaret G. Meloy.
Gender mismatch and bias in people-centric operations: Evidence from a randomized field experiment. Yoonseock Son, Angela Aerry Choi, Kaitlin D. Wowak, Corey M. Angst.
Building responsive and resilient supply chains: Lessons from the COVID-19 disruption. Xiang Li, Xiande Zhao, Hau L. Lee, Chris Voss.
Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists
California’s GHG cap and trade program and the equity of air toxic releases. Glenn Sheriff.
Unemployment, Labor Mobility, and Climate Policy. Kenneth Austin Castellanos, Garth Heutel.
Paper Water, Wet Water, and the Recognition of Indigenous Property Rights. Leslie Sanchez, Eric C. Edwards, Bryan Leonard.
The Hidden Cost of Bananas: The Effects of Pesticides on Newborns’ Health. Joan Calzada, Bernard Moscoso, Meritxell Gisbert.
Monitoring Technologies, Environmental Performance and Health Outcomes: Evidence from China. Zhilin Hu, Haoyang Li, Liguo Lin, Wei Sun, Maigeng Zhou.
Who Values Future Energy Savings? Evidence from American Drivers. Arik Levinson, Lutz Sager.
Management Science
Sellin’ in the Rain: Weather, Climate, and Retail Sales. Brigitte Roth Tran.
Pricing Climate Change Exposure. Zacharias Sautner, Laurence van Lent, Grigory Vilkov, Ruishen Zhang.
Consumer Tax Credits for EVs: Some Quasi-Experimental Evidence on Consumer Demand, Product Substitution, and Carbon Emissions. Cheng He, O. Cem Ozturk, Chris Gu, Pradeep K. Chintagunta.
The Social Cost of Carbon When We Wish for Full-Path Robustness. Yifan Zhao, Arnab Basu, Thomas S. Lontzek, Karl Schmedders.
An Analysis of Carbon-Reduction Pledges of U.S. Oil and Gas Companies. Hemang Desai, Pauline Lam, Bin Li, Shiva Rajgopal.
Learning from Their Daughters: Family Exposure to Gender Disparity and Female Representation in Male-Led Ventures. Zhiyan Wu, Lucia Naldi, Karl Wennberg, Timur Uman.
Climate Change, Firm Performance, and Investor Surprises. Nora Pankratz, Rob Bauer, Jeroen Derwall.
Scaling Up Electric-Vehicle Battery Swapping Services in Cities: A Joint Location and Repairable-Inventory Model. Wei Qi, Yuli Zhang, Ningwei Zhang.
The Gendering of Job Postings in the Online Recruitment Process. Emilio J. Castilla, Hye Jin Rho.
See all monthly Table of Contents.
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