NBS’s monthly compilation of the latest business sustainability research prioritizes in-press articles, in order to highlight cutting-edge knowledge. The list draws from Financial Times Top 50 journals and other publications.
See all monthly Table of Contents.
Research for May 2024
Academy of Management Learning & Education
Book review: Principles of Business & Management: Practicing Ethics, Responsibility, Sustainability. Maarten J. J. Wubben.
Making a Difference: Taking Community Stakeholders Seriously. Daina Mazutis.
Sowing the Seeds of Change: Calling for a Social-Ecological Approach to Management Learning and Education. Laura A. Colombo, Christine Moser, Katrin Muehlfeld, Simy Joy.
Academy of Management Review
Taming Unicorns: Toward a New Normal of Responsible Entrepreneurship. Jonah Zankl, Matthew Grimes.
Getting Away with It (Or Not): The Social Control of Organizational Deviance. Alessandro Piazza, Patrick Bergemann, Wesley Helms.
A New Perspective on Gender Bias in the Upper Echelons: Why Stakeholder Variability Matters. Aparna Joshi, Soojin Oh, Mark DesJardine.
An Active Learning Approach to Diversity Training. Quinetta M. Roberson, Ozias A. Moore, Bradford S. Bell.
Accounting Review
Emission Taxes and Capital Investments: The Role of Tax Incidence. Martin Jacob, Kira Lena Zerwer.
Administrative Science Quarterly
Frontline Professionals in the Wake of Social Media Scrutiny: Examining the Processes of Obscured Accountability. Arvind Karunakaran.
Book Review: Naomi Oreskes and Erik M. Conway. The Big Myth: How American Business Taught Us to Loathe Government and Love the Free Market. J. Adam Cobb.
Book Review: Stretched Thin: How a Misalignment Between Allocation and Valuation Underlies the Paradox of Diversity Achievement in Higher Education. Tanya Y. Tian, Edward B. Smith.
Book Review: Asaf Darr. Between Conflict and Collegiality: Palestinian Arabs and Jews in the Israeli Workplace. Peter Bamberger.
Evidence in Practice: How Structural and Programmatic Scaffolds Enable Collaboration in International Development. Rodrigo Canales, Mikaela Bradbury, Anthony Sheldon, Charlie Cannon.
Junkies, Queers, and Babies: Persistence and Updating of the Category AIDS Through Silencing and Puncturing of the Moral Boundary. Mia Chang-Zunino, Stine Grodal.
The Allegory of the Favela: The Multifaceted Effects of Socioeconomic Mobility. Leandro S. Pongeluppe.
The Making of the “Good Bad” Job: How Algorithmic Management Manufactures Consent Through Constant and Confined Choices. Lindsey D. Cameron.
Book Review: Vili Lehdonvirta. Cloud Empires: How Digital Platforms Are Overtaking the State and How We Can Regain Control. Nan Jia
Business Ethics Quarterly
A Better Account of Constitutional Contractarianism Implies a Cooperative Form of Governance of the Sharing Economy: Critical Assessment of Hielscher, Everding, and Pies’ (2022) “Ordo-responsibility in the Sharing Economy: A Social Contracts Perspective”. Pietro Ghirlanda, Lorenzo Sacconi.
Corporate Responsibility and Repair for Anti-Black Racism. Tabitha Celeste Mustafa.
Sweatshop Boycotts: Can’t Live with Them, Can’t Live without Them. Linan Peng, Benjamin Powell.
The Free-Riding Issue in Contemporary Organizations: Lessons from the Common Good Perspective. Sandrine Frémeaux, Guillaume Mercier, Anouk Grevin.
Moral Disjunction and Role Coadunation in Business and the Professions. Rita Mota, Alan D. Morrison.
Contemporary Accounting Research
- The mountains are high and the emperor is far away: Credit scoring and the infrastructure of surveillance capitalism in China. Ruowen Xu, Yuval Millo, Crawford Spence.
Certification Design With Common Values. Andreas Asseyer, Ran Weksler.
A Demand Curve for Disaster Recovery Loans. Benjamin Collier, Cameron Ellis.
Adapting to Climate Risk With Guaranteed Credit: Evidence From Bangladesh. Gregory Lane.
Human Resource Management
‘If my boss wasn’t so accommodating, I don’t know what I would do’: Workplace supports for carers and the role of line managers and co-workers in mediating informal flexibility. M. Fahy, L. Dowling-Hetherington, D. Phillips, B. Moloney, C. Duffy, G. Paul, G. Fealy, T. Kroll, A. Lafferty.
Exploring the agency of skilled refugees in the British labour market. Dulini Fernando.
Politics and race in the workplace: Understanding how and when trump-supporting managers hinder black employees from thriving at work. Darryl B. Rice, Nicole C. J. Young, Regina M. Taylor, Stephanie R. Leonard.
German and Dutch works councils: A trust theory of legal employee voice. Annette van den Berg, Yolanda Grift, Arjen van Witteloostuijn, Saraï Sapulete, Wolfram Brehmer, Martin Behrens.
Enabling older employees’ well-being through HR attributions: The moderating role of management context. Eda Aksoy, Justin Marcus.
Best management practices for integrating refugee employees. Mladen Adamovic, Diarmuid Cooney-O’Donoghue.
E-voice in the digitalised workplace. Insights from an alternative organisation. Vanessa Sandra Bernauer, Angela Kornau.
Supportive, resistant, or both? A person-centric view on employee responses to diversity initiatives. Rouven Kanitz, Max Reinwald, Katerina Gonzalez, Anne Burmeister, Yifan Song, Martin Hoegl.
The other side of the coin: An integrative review connecting pay and health. Gordon M. Sayre, Samantha A. Conroy.
Journal of Business Venturing
The gendered effect of populism on innovation. Jintong Tang, Wenping Ye, Mingzhi Hu, Stephen X. Zhang, Shaji A. Khan.
To profit or not to profit: Founder identity at the intersection of religion and entrepreneurship. Jody Delichte, E. Erin Powell, Ralph Hamann, Ted Baker
The entrepreneurship of marginalized groups and compatibility between the market and emancipation. Alexander C. Lewis, Rowena C. Crabbe.
Journal of Consumer Marketing
The influence of electronic word of mouth on green cosmetics purchase intention: evidence from young Vietnamese female consumers. Thuy Thi Thu Nguyen, Yam B. Limbu, Long Pham, Miguel Ángel Zúñiga
Anthropomorphised or not? Natural-organic logo’s impact on product value perceptions and consumers’ willingness to pay. Kenneth Fu Xian Ho, Liudmila Tarabashkina, Fang Liu.
A meta-analysis of antecedents and consequences of green trust. Sumedha Chauhan, Sandeep Goyal.
Journal of Economics and Management Strategy
Information campaigns and ecolabels by environmental NGOs: Effective strategies to eliminate environmentally harmful components?. Dorothée Brécard, Mireille Chiroleu-Assouline.
Revenue drift, incentives, and effort allocation in social enterprises. Theodor Vladasel, Simon C. Parker, Randolph Sloof, Mirjam van Praag.
Journal of Financial Economics
Regulatory arbitrage or random errors? Implications of race prediction algorithms in fair lending analysis. Daniel L. Greenwald, Sabrina T. Howell, Cangyuan Li, Emmanuel Yimfor.
The effect of female leadership on contracting from Capitol Hill to Main Street. Jonathan Brogaard, Nataliya Gerasimova, Maximilian Rohrer.
- Sustainability or performance? Ratings and fund managers’ incentives. Nickolay Gantchev, Mariassunta Giannetti, Rachel Li.
Journal of Industrial Ecology
Evaluating strategies to increase PET bottle recycling in the United States. R. Basuhi, Karan Bhuwalka, Richard Roth, Elsa A. Olivetti.
Whole-process and multi-stakeholder-based solid waste management framework construction for industrial parks: Toward circular economy development. Chang Shu, Zeshi Feng, Chao Liang, Jin Guo, Feng Xu, Jinping Tian, Lujun Chen.
Embed systemic equity throughout industrial ecology applications: How to address machine learning unfairness and bias. Joe F. Bozeman III, Catharina Hollauer, Arjun Thangaraj Ramshankar, Shalini Nakkasunchi, Jenna Jambeck, Andrea Hicks, Melissa Bilec, Darren McCauley, Oliver Heidrich.
Circular (de)construction matchmaking: A matter of space and time. Yifei Yu, Marc van den Berg, Devrim Murat Yazan.
Exploring stakeholders’ opinions on circular economy in the construction sector: A natural language processing analysis of social media discourse. Aidana Tleuken, Daniil Orel, Anel Iskakova, Huseyin Atakan Varol, Ferhat Karaca.
Determinants of the growing material footprints along the Belt and Road. Danyang Zhang, Kuishuang Feng, Peng Zhou, Hui Wang.
Developing a circular design framework: Co-creation and validation of a circular product and service design tool. Lina Dagilienė, J. Čeičytė-Pranskūnė, A. Telešienė, R. Valušytė, V. Varžinskas.
Life cycle sustainability assessment for sustainable development goals. Yuan Yao, Thomas Schaubroeck, Haibo Feng, Oludunsin Arodudu, Thomas P. Gloria.
The circular economy rebound effect: Reconceptualizing rebound approaches and mitigation opportunities from an ordonomic perspective. Felix Carl Schultz, Vladislav Valentinov, Robert Jaroslav Reinhardt, Ingo Pies.
Streamlined benefit analysis of products based on the Sustainable Development Goals: Integrating the voice of society into life cycle sustainability assessment. Martin Möller, Rainer Grießhammer.
Critical material requirements and recycling opportunities for US wind and solar power generation. Tessa Lee, Yuan Yao, Thomas E. Graedel, Alessio Miatto.
Climate true-cost analysis of industrial goods and its regulatory implications on value chains and global competition. Matthias Schlipf, Bastian Striegl, Tobias Gaugler.
Regional transformation pathways for the bioeconomy: A novel monitoring approach for complex transitions. Florian Siekmann, Sandra Venghaus.
Categorization of manufacturing companies’ readiness profiles for the transition to the circular economy: A multidimensional cluster analysis. Thayla Zomer, Tim McAloone, Daniela Pigosso.
Disentangling social impacts in global value chains through structural path analysis: Investigating forced labor in the cotton industry. Ángela García-Alaminos, Fabio Monsalve, Jorge Zafrilla.
Bottom-up dynamics in circular innovation systems: The perspective of circular start-ups. Marvin Henry, Julian Kirchherr, Rob Raven, Marko Hekkert.
Journal of Management
Leveraging the Dominant Pole: How Champions of an Industry-Wide Environmental Alliance Navigate Coopetition Paradoxes. Natalie Slawinski, Wendy K. Smith, Connie A. Van der Byl.
A Values-Complementarity Model of Social Movement Influence on Entrepreneurship. J. Jeffrey Gish, Lauren Lanahan, Joshua T. Beck.
The Lean Impact Start-Up Framework: Fueling Innovation for Positive Societal Change. Sophie Bacq, Stephanie Wang.
Oppositional Courage for Racial and Ethnic Minorities: A Source of White Employees’ Upward Moral Comparison. Christian N. Thoroughgood, Katina B. Sawyer, Dejun Tony Kong, Jennica R. Webster.
Competition Behind Competition: State-Sponsored Awards, Political Tournaments, and Corporate Participation in Poverty Alleviation in China. Weiting Zheng, Na Ni, Xiaowei Rose Luo, Jiaxing You, Xiting Wu.
Organizational Engagement With Poverty: A Review and Reorientation. Vivek Soundararajan, Sreevas Sahasranamam, Michael Rogerson, Hari Bapuji, Laura J. Spence, Jason D Shaw.
From Intent to Impact: A Proactive Event Approach for Amplifying Sustainability Across Time. Patrick J. Flynn, Amrou Awaysheh, Paul D. Bliese, Barbara B. Flynn.
A Summer of Protest: Using Event System Theory To Test an Intersectional Leadership Advantage. Alexander D. Stajkovic, Kayla Stajkovic.
Governance Failure and Governance Under Failure: Reviewing the Role of Directors in Organizational Misconduct. Srikanth Paruchuri, Erik A. Hoempler, Amanda P. Cowen, Albert A. Cannella, Jr., Peter Inho Nahm.
Hitting the “Grass Ceiling”: Golfing CEOs, Exclusionary Schema, and Career Outcomes for Female Executives. Lee E. Biggerstaff, Joanna T. Campbell, Bradley A. Goldie.
Journal of Management Studies
On Vulnerability, Coming out and Hiding. Paul Hibbert.
What is the Strategy of Strategy to Tackle Climate Change? Christopher Wickert, Daniel Muzio.
Strategy Can No Longer Ignore Planetary Boundaries: A Call for Tackling Strategy’s Ecological Fallacy. Pratima (Tima) Bansal, Rodolphe Durand, Markus Kreutzer, Sven Kunisch, Anita M. McGahan.
Do we Need a ‘New Strategy Paradigm’? No. Nicolai J. Foss, Peter G. Klein.
Can Strategy Address the Climate Crisis Without Losing its Essence? Gerald F. Davis, Theodore DeWitt.
The Road Less Travelled: Sabbaticals as Pathways for Engagement and Impact. Thomas J. Fewer.
Green Screening: Firm Environmental Strategy Amidst Policy Implementation Uncertainty in the European Union. Eun-Hee Kim, Shon R. Hiatt, Y. Maggie Zhou.
Constructing a World for Compassion: How Temporal Work Can Preserve Compassion in Extreme Contexts. M. Dolores del Rio, Pablo D. Fernández, Ignasi Marti, Alberto Willi.
Governing Corporations in National and Transnational Spaces: Cross-Level Governmental Orchestration of Corporate Social Responsibility in South Korea. Hyemi Shin, Jean-Pascal Gond.
Biocentric Work in the Anthropocene: How Actors Regenerate Degenerated Natural Commons. Laura Albareda, Oana Branzei.
Grand Challenges Viewed through the Pragmatist Lens of the Economies of Worth: A Multidisciplinary Review and Framework for the Conduct of Moral Work in Pluralistic Settings. Charlotte Cloutier, Francis Desjardins, Linda Rouleau.
Reframing Silence as Purposeful: Emotions in Extreme Contexts. Madeleine Rauch, Shahzad Shaz Ansari.
Birds of a Feather are Punished Together, or Not? Examining Heterogeneity in Career Advancements of Minority Groups. Maima Aulia Syakhroza, Jan Lodge.
With or without you: Family and Career-Work in a Demanding and Precarious Profession. Erin Reid, Farnaz Ghaedipour, Otilia Obodaru.
Guaranteed Basic Income from the Perspective of Self-Determination Theory. Joshua L. Howard.
‘Vote the Assholes Out’: How Value Congruence Work Aligns Stakeholders for Corporate Activism. Sean Buchanan, Mojtaba Mohammadnejad Shourkaei, Bruno Dyck.
Relational Co-ordination and Stigma at Work: How Frontline Employees Compensate for Failures in Public Health Systems. Gerard George, Sankalp Chaturvedi, Christopher Corbishley, Rifat Atun.
Journal of Marketing Research
Using Price Promotions to Drive Children’s Healthy Choices in a Developing Economy. Szu-chi Huang, Michal Maimaran, Daniella Kupor.
Journal of Operations Management
Follow-suit or free-ride? A relational view of CSR diffusion in a supply chain with customer–supplier closure. Ellie C. Falcone, Tingting Yan, Brian S. Fugate.
An investigation of corporate social responsibility conformity: The roles of network prominence and supply chain partners. Ellie C. Falcone, Jason W. Ridge.
Gender mismatch and bias in people-centric operations: Evidence from a randomized field experiment. Yoonseock Son, Angela Aerry Choi, Kaitlin D. Wowak, Corey M. Angst.
When do part-time workers increase effectiveness? A study of food banks and the SNAP program outreach. Luv Sharma, Pelin Pekgün, Orgül D. Öztürk, Sanjay L. Ahire.
Carbon neutrality: Operations management research opportunities. Qingyu Zhang, Christina W. Y. Wong, Robert Klassen.
Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists
Policy-induced innovation in clean technologies: Evidence from the car market. Rik Rozendaal, Herman Vollebergh.
Enforcing Regulation when Violations are Heterogeneous: Empirical Evidence from U.S. Stationary Emissions Policy. Almira Salimgarieva, Wesley Blundell.
Air Pollution and Solar Energy: Evidence from Wildfires. Seung Min Kim, Kenneth Gillingham.
Mind the tap – how volumetric pricing affects residential hot water consumption. Mikael Elinder, Xiao Hu, Che-Yuan Liang, Shane Minckley.
Going Viral: Public Attention and Environmental Action in the Amazon. Rafael Araujo, Francisco Costa, Teevrat Garg.
Extreme Temperatures, Adaptation Capacity, and Household Retail Consumption. Seunghoon Lee, Siqi Zheng.
Local Incentives and Electric Vehicle Adoption. Askill H. Halse, Karen Hauge, Elisabeth T. Isaksen, Bjørn G. Johansen, Oddbjørn Raaum.
Management Science
Consumption of Values. Stefania Minardi, Fan Wang, Itzhak Gilboa.
Gender Promotion Gaps and Career Aspirations. Ghazala Azmat, Vicente Cuñat, Emeric Henry.
Credit Market Conditions and Mental Health. Qing Hu, Ross Levine, Chen Lin, Mingzhu Tai.
Explicit and Implicit Belief-Based Gender Discrimination: A Hiring Experiment. Kai Barron, Ruth Ditlmann, Stefan Gehrig, Sebastian Schweighofer-Kodritsch.
Modeling the Impact of Community First Responders. Pieter L. van den Berg, Shane G. Henderson, Caroline J. Jagtenberg, Hemeng Li.
Gentrification and Racial Distrust in Communities: Evidence from 911 Calls. Uttara M. Ananthakrishnan, Sharique Hasan, Anuj Kumar.
Understanding Labor Market Discrimination Against Transgender People: Evidence from a Double List Experiment and a Survey. Billur Aksoy, Christopher S. Carpenter, Dario Sansone.
Are People Willing to Pay for Reduced Inequality?. Brian Hill, Thomas Lloyd.
Traceability Technology Adoption in Supply Chain Networks. Philippe Blaettchen, Andre P. Calmon, Georgina Hall.
Carbon Emissions Trading and Environmental Protection: International Evidence. Jennie Bai, Hong Ru.
Creative Destruction? Impact of E-Commerce on the Retail Sector. Sudheer Chava, Alexander Oettl, Manpreet Singh, Linghang Zeng.
See all monthly Table of Contents.
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