NBS’s monthly compilation of the latest business sustainability research prioritizes in-press articles, in order to highlight cutting-edge knowledge. The list draws from Financial Times Top 50 journals and other publications.
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Research for November 2019
Academy of Management Discoveries
Leveraging a Recessive Narrative to Transform Joe Paterno’s Image: Media Sensebreaking, Sensemaking, and Sensegiving During Scandal. Derron G. Bishop, Linda Klebe Treviño, Denny Gioia, Glen E. Kreiner.
GUIDEPOST: Responsible Research and Responsible Leadership Studies. Anne S. Tsui.
Backstage Interorganizational Collaboration: Corporate Endorsement Of The Sustainable Development Goals. Amanda Williams, Gail Whiteman, John Parker.
Academy of Management Learning and Education
A Path to Developing More Insightful Business School Graduates: A Systems-Based, Experiential Approach to Integrating Law, Strategy, and Sustainability. Constance E Bagley, Adam J. Sulkowski, J. S. Nelson, Sandra Waddock, Paul Shrivastava.
Academy of Management Review
A Theory of Ethical Accounting and Its Implications for Hypocrisy in Organizations. Peter H. Kim, Scott S. Wiltermuth, David T. Newman.
Editors’ Comments: The Rise of Nationalism (Redux)—An Opportunity for Reflection and Research. Sharon Alvarez, Subramanian Rangan.
Business Ethics Quarterly
Breaking the Privacy Paradox: The Value of Privacy and Associated Duty of Firms. Kirsten Martin.
Stakeholder Dialogue as Agonistic Deliberation: Exploring the Role of Conflict and Self-Interest in Business-NGO Interaction. Teunis Brand, Vincent Blok, Marcel Verweij.
Contemporary Acounting Research
Shareholder Activism and Voluntary Disclosure Initiation: The Case of Political Spending. Vishal P. Baloria, Kenneth J. Klassen, Christine I. Wiedman.
Journal of Applied Psychology
On melting pots and salad bowls: A meta-analysis of the effects of identity-blind and identity-conscious diversity ideologies. Lisa M. Leslie, Joyce E. Bono, Yeonka (Sophia) Kim, Gregory R. Beaver.
Ethical champions, emotions, framing, and team ethical decision making. Anjier Chen, Linda Klebe Treviño, Stephen E. Humphrey.
To be or not to be sorry? How CEO gender impacts the effectiveness of organizational apologies. Amanda P. Cowen, Nicole Votolato Montgomery.
Affective antecedents and consequences of revealing and concealing a lesbian, gay, or bisexual identity. Jonathan J. Mohr, Hannah M. Markell, Eden B. King, Kristen P. Jones, Chad I. Peddie, Matthew S. Kendra.
Journal of Business Ethics
Moral Development in Business Ethics: An Examination and Critique. Kristen Bell DeTienne, Carol Frogley Ellertson.
The Past, History, and Corporate Social Responsibility. Robert Phillips, Judith Schrempf-Stirling, Christian Stutz.
Strategic Responses to Grand Challenges: Why and How Corporations Build Community Resilience. Ralph Hamann, Lulamile Makaula, Gina Ziervogel.
This Time from Africa: Developing a Relational Approach to Values-Driven Leadership. Mar Pérezts, Jo-Anna Russon, Mollie Painter.
Afrocentric Attitudinal Reciprocity and Social Expectations of Employees: The Role of Employee-Centred CSR in Africa. Oluseyi Aju, Eshani Beddewela.
Exploring the Curvature of the Relationship Between HRM–CSR and Corporate Financial Performance. Olivier Meier, Philippe Naccache, Guillaume Schier.
Business Ethics in Africa: The Role of Institutional Context, Social Relevance, and Development Challenges. Ifedapo Adeleye, John Luiz, Judy Muthuri, Kenneth Amaeshi.
Sweated Labor as a Social Phenomenon Lessons from the 19th Century Sweatshop Discussion. Michael S. Aßländer.
The Carrot or the Stick: Self-Regulation for Gender-Diverse Boards via Codes of Good Governance. Heike Mensi-Klarbach, Stephan Leixnering, Michael Schiffinger.
Corporate Political Strategies in Weak Institutional Environments: A Break from Conventions. Tahiru Azaaviele Liedong, Daniel Aghanya, Tazeeb Rajwani.
An Agonistic Notion of Political CSR: Melding Activism and Deliberation. Cedric E. Dawkins.
A Model of Virtuous Leadership in Africa: Case Study of a Nigerian Firm. Adeyinka Adewale.
Ethical Judgments About Social Entrepreneurship in Sub-Saharan Africa: The Influence of Spatio-Cultural Meanings. Maria Margarida De Avillez, Andrew Greenman, Susan Marlow.
Proto-CSR Before the Industrial Revolution: Institutional Experimentation by Medieval Miners’ Guilds. Stefan Hielscher, Bryan W. Husted.
International Investment Agreements and the Escalation of Private Power in the Global Agri-Food System. Anna Clare Bull, Jagjit Plahe, Lachlan Gregory.
Politicising Government Engagement with Corporate Social Responsibility: “CSR” as an Empty Signifier. Anna Zueva, Jenny Fairbrass.
From Credit Risk to Social Impact: On the Funding Determinants in Interest-Free Peer-to-Peer Lending. Gregor Dorfleitner, Eva-Maria Oswald, Rongxin Zhang.
Remembering to Forget: The Historic Irresponsibility of U.S. Big Tobacco. Diego M. Coraiola, Robbin Derry.
Reconceptualizing Entrepreneurial Performance: The Creation and Destruction of Value from a Stakeholder Capabilities Perspective. Ishrat Ali, Griffin W. Cottle.
Corporate Social Responsibility as Obligated Internalisation of Social Costs. Andrew Johnston, Kenneth Amaeshi, Emmanuel Adegbite.
Are Liberated Companies a Concrete Application of Sen’s Capability Approach? Roberta Sferrazzo, Renato Ruffini.
Women and Multiple Board Memberships: Social Capital and Institutional Pressure. Alessandra Rigolini, Morten Huse.
The Role of Ethical Perceptions in Consumers’ Participation and Value Co-creation on Sharing Economy Platforms. Waqar Nadeem, Mari Juntunen, Nick Hajli, Mina Tajvidi.
Historicizing Modern Slavery: Free-Grown Sugar as an Ethics-Driven Market Category in Nineteenth-Century Britain. Andrew Smith, Jennifer Johns.
Care-ful Work: An Ethics of Care Approach to Contingent Labour in the Creative Industries. Ana Alacovska, Joëlle Bissonnette.
Using Versus Excusing: The Hudson’s Bay Company’s Long-Term Engagement with Its (Problematic) Past. Wim Van Lent, Andrew D. Smith.
Greasing Dirty Machines: Evidence of Pollution-Driven Bribery in China. Yanlei Zhang.
Harmful Stakeholder Strategies. Jeffrey S. Harrison, Andrew C. Wicks.
Sweatshops, Harm, and Interference: A Contractualist Approach. Huseyin S. Kuyumcuoglu.
Contentious Dynamics Within the Social Turbulence of Environmental (In)justice Surrounding Wind Energy Farms in Oaxaca, Mexico. Jacobo Ramirez.
Sweatshops, Structural Injustice, and the Wrong of Exploitation: Why Multinational Corporations Have Positive Duties to the Global Poor. Brian Berkey.
Removing the Blinders: Increasing Students’ Awareness of Self-Perception Biases and Real-World Ethical Challenges Through an Educational Intervention. Kathleen A. Tomlin, Matthew L. Metzger, Jill Bradley-Geist.
Human Resource Disclosures in UK Corporate Annual Reports: To What Extent Do These Reflect Organisational Priorities Towards Labour? K. Vithana, T. Soobaroyen, C. G. Ntim.
Powering Sustainable Consumption: The Roles of Green Consumption Values and Power Distance Belief. Li Yan, Hean Tat Keh, Xiaoyu Wang.
The Business of Virtue: Evidence from Socially Responsible Investing in Financial Markets. Saheli Nath.
To Blow or Not to Blow the Whistle: The Role of Rationalization in the Perceived Seriousness of Threats and Wrongdoing. Hengky Latan, Charbel Jose Chiappetta Jabbour.
Journal of Consumer Marketing
Healthy lifestyle and food waste behavior. Elisabetta Savelli, Barbara Francioni, Ilaria Curina.
The beauty and the beast of consumption: a review of the consequences of consumption. Nada Nasr.
Journal of Economics and Management Strategy
On the corporate use of green bonds. Mark Bagnoli, Susan G. Watts.
Moral management in competitive markets. Steve Martin.
Journal of Environmental Economics and Management
Climate policy, stranded assets, and investors’ expectations. Suphi Sen, Marie-Theres von Schickfus.
The risk of policy tipping and stranded carbon assets. Frederick van der Ploeg, Armon Rezai.
Bargaining over natural resources: Governments between environmental organizations and extraction firms. Mark Schopf, Achim Voss.
Journal of Financial Economics
Air pollution, behavioral bias, and the disposition effect in China. Jennifer (Jie) Li, Massimo Massa, Hong Zhang, Jian Zhang.
Real effects of workers’ financial distress: Evidence from teacher spillovers. Gonzalo Maturana, Jordan Nickerson.
What’s in a (school) name? Racial discrimination in higher education bond markets. Casey Dougal, Pengjie Gao, William J. Mayew, Christopher A. Parsons.
Disaster on the horizon: The price effect of sea level rise. Asaf Bernstein, Matthew T. Gustafson, Ryan Lewis.
Journal of Industrial Ecology
Greenhouse gas emissions of the production chain behind consumption of products in Austria: Development and application of a product‐ and technology‐specific approach. Bernhard Windsperger, Andreas Windsperger, David Neil Bird, Hannes Schwaiger, Gerfried Jungmeier, Carsten Nathani, Rolf Frischknecht.
An integrated model of real estate market responses to coastal flooding. Handi Chandra‐Putra, Clinton J. Andrews.
Mineral resources in the age of climate adaptation and resilience. Raimund Bleischwitz.
Why academics should study the supply chains of individual corporations. Benjamin Goldstein, Joshua P. Newell.
Industrial ecology, climate adaptation, and financial risk. Timo Busch.
Infrastructure and the environment in the Anthropocene. Mikhail V. Chester, Samuel Markolf, Braden Allenby.
Working conditions in hydrogen production: A social life cycle assessment. Jasmin Werker, Christina Wulf, Petra Zapp, Puay Siew Tan, Stuart Barnes.
Journal of Management Studies
A Relational‐Models View to Explain Peer‐to‐Peer Sharing. Nicole Stofberg, Flore Bridoux, Francesca Ciulli, Niccolò Pisani, Ans Kolk, Marlene Vock.
Too Much of a Good Thing? The Boomerang Effect of Firms’ Investments on Corporate Social Responsibility during Product Recalls. Alfred Zhu Liu, Angela Xia Liu, Rui Wang, Sean Xin Xu.
Journal of Operations Management
From efficiency‐driven to low‐carbon operations management: Implications for labor productivity. Antonio Sartal, Miguel Rodríguez, Xosé H. Vázquez.
Management Science
Facilitating Inclusive Global Trade: Evidence from a Field Experiment. Xiang Hui.
Bike-Share Systems: Accessibility and Availability. Ashish Kabra, Elena Belavina, Karan Girotra.
That Could Have Been Me: Director Deaths, CEO Mortality Salience, and Corporate Prosocial Behavior. Guoli Chen, Craig Crossland, Sterling Huang.
An Experiment in Hiring Discrimination via Online Social Networks. Alessandro Acquisti, Christina Fong.
How Do Gender Quotas Affect Workplace Relationships? Complementary Evidence from a Representative Survey and Labor Market Experiments. Edwin Ip, Andreas Leibbrandt, Joseph Vecci.
Economically Motivated Adulteration in Farming Supply Chains. Retsef Levi, Somya Singhvi, Yanchong Zheng.
Can Reputation Discipline the Gig Economy? Experimental Evidence from an Online Labor Market. Alan Benson, Aaron Sojourner, Akhmed Umyarov.
Discretionary Remote Working Helps Mothers Without Harming Non-mothers: Evidence from a Field Experiment. Eliot L. Sherman.
Strategic Management Journal
Categorical cognition and outcome efficiency in impact investing decisions. Matthew Lee, Arzi Adbi, Jasjit Singh.
The risk of being ranked: Investor response to marginal inclusion on the 100 Best Corporate Citizens list. Ben W. Lewis, W. Chad Carlos.
See all monthly Table of Contents.
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