NBS’s monthly compilation of the latest business sustainability research prioritizes in-press articles, in order to highlight cutting-edge knowledge. The list draws from Financial Times Top 50 journals and other publications.
See all monthly Table of Contents.
Research for November 2021
Academy of Management Learning and Education
Forging paths to interdisciplinary research for early career academics. Mai P. Trinh, Robert Kirsch, Elizabeth A. Castillo, Denise E. Bates.
Business Schools and the Role of the Executives’ Wives. Rolv Petter Amdam, Allison Louise Elias.
Academy of Management Review
Better to Be Loved by Some? Firm Flaunting as an Impression Management Strategy. A. Erin Bass, Mike Pfarrer, Ivana Milosevic, Varkey Titus.
Theoretical Light in Empirical Darkness: Illuminating Strategic Concealment of Corporate Political Activity. Nan Jia, Stanislav Markus, Timothy Werner.
Accounting Review
The Real Effects of Mandatory Nonfinancial Disclosure: Evidence from Supply Chain Transparency. Guoman She.
Administrative Science Quarterly
Hope Cultures in Organizations: Tackling the Grand Challenge of Commercial Sex Exploitation. Katina B. Sawyer, Judith A. Clair.
Unpacking the Status-Leveling Burden for Women in Male-Dominated Occupations. M. Teresa Cardador, Patrick L. Hill, Arghavan Salles.
Business Ethics Quarterly
Tackling Grand Challenges beyond Dyads and Networks: Developing a Stakeholder Systems View Using the Metaphor of Ballet. Thomas J. Roulet, Joel Bothello.
Feminist Epistemology and Business Ethics. Lauren Kaufmann.
Ordo-Responsibility in the Sharing Economy: A Social Contracts Perspective. Stefan Hielscher, Sebastian Everding, Ingo Pies.
Transnational Representation in Global Labour Governance and the Politics of Input Legitimacy. Juliane Reinecke, Jimmy Donaghey.
Guest Editors’ Introduction: Overlooked Thinkers: Stretching the Boundaries of Business Ethics Scholarship. Andrew Wicks, Lindsay Thompson, Patricia Werhane, Norman Bowie.
Self-Representation of Marginalized Groups: A New Way of Thinking through W. E. B. Du Bois. Rashedur Chowdhury.
Human Resource Management
A temporal perspective on refugee employment – Advancing HRM theory and practice. Betina Szkudlarek, Luciara Nardon, Soo Min Toh.
Towards a more inclusive human resource community: Engaging ethnic minority microbusinesses in human resource development programmes targeted at more productive methods of operating. Monder Ram, Imelda McCarthy, Anne Green, Judy Scully.
Journal of Applied Psychology
Choosing sides: CEO gender and investor support for activist campaigns. Amanda P. Cowen, Nicole Votolato Montgomery, Christine Shropshire.
A meta-analytic investigation of the antecedents, theoretical correlates, and consequences of moral disengagement at work. Babatunde (Tunde) Ogunfowora, Viet Quan Nguyen, Piers Steel, Christine C. Hwang.
Journal of Business Venturing
A personal adversity model of justifying the costs of entrepreneurial action: The case of oil thieves in the Niger DELTA. Dean A. Shepherd, Moses Osofero, Joakim Wincent.
An institutional perspective on borrowing discouragement among female-owned enterprises and the role of regional female empowerment. Juanita Kimiyo Forrester, François Neville.
When the beacon goes dark: Legitimacy repair work by subsequent actors in an emerging market category. Brett R. Smith, Brian J. Bergman, Glen E. Kreiner.
Unfolding refugee entrepreneurs’ opportunity-production process — Patterns and embeddedness. Yi Dragon Jiang, Caroline Straub, Kim Klyver, René Mauer.
Journal of Consumer Marketing
Path to sustainable luxury brand consumption: face consciousness, materialism, pride and risk of embarrassment. Tahir Islam, Ying Wang, Ahsan Ali, Naeem Akhtar.
The relevance of geographic origin in sustainability challenge: the facets of country ecological image. Sihem Dekhili, Roberta Crouch, Omar El Moussawel.
Journal of Economics and Management Strategy
Dangers of a double-bottom line? A poverty targeting experiment misses both targets. Dean Karlan, Adam Osman, Jonathan Zinman.
Journal of Financial Economics
The effects of disclosure and enforcement on payday lending in Texas. Jialan Wang, Kathleen Burke.
Sustainable investing with ESG rating uncertainty. Doron Avramov, Si Cheng, Abraham Lioui, Andrea Tarelli.
When the local newspaper leaves town: The effects of local newspaper closures on corporate misconduct. Jonas Heese, Gerardo Pérez-Cavazos, Caspar David Peter.
Journal of Industrial Ecology
Sustainability implications of artificial intelligence in the chemical industry: A conceptual framework. Mochen Liao, Kai Lan, Yuan Yao.
A sociomaterial conceptualization of flows in industrial ecology. Henrikke Baumann, Mathias Lindkvist.
Regional circular economy of building materials: Environmental and economic assessment combining Material Flow Analysis, Input-Output Analyses, and Life Cycle Assessment. Ronny Meglin, Susanne Kytzia, Guillaume Habert.
Integrating vehicle-to-grid technology into energy system models: Novel methods and their impact on greenhouse gas emissions. Zongfei Wang, Patrick Jochem, Hasan Ümitcan Yilmaz, Lei Xu.
Consumer acceptance of circular business models and potential effects on economic performance: The case of washing machines. Ece G. Gülserliler, Joseph D. Blackburn, Luk N. Van Wassenhove.
Environmental impacts of key metals’ supply and low-carbon technologies are likely to decrease in the future. Carina Harpprecht, Lauran van Oers, Stephen A. Northey, Yongxiang Yang, Bernhard Steubing.
The mediating role of functionality orientation for purchasing remanufactured products: Cases in China, Indonesia, and Thailand. Kenichiro Chinen, Mitsutaka Matsumoto, Shaun McQuitty, Michikazu Kojima.
Barriers to the circular economy: The case of the Dutch technical and interior textiles industries. Kris Hartley, Jasper Roosendaal, Julian Kirchherr.
Journal of Management
Multistakeholder Agency: Stakeholder Benefit Alignment and National Institutional Contexts. Victor Zitian Chen, Patricio Duran, Steve Sauerwald, Michael A. Hitt, Marc van Essen.
Journal of Management Studies
Stakeholder Orientation and Experiential Learning: Evidence from Corporate Acquisitions. Emanuele L. M. Bettinazzi, Maurizio Zollo.
The Effects of Objective and Subjective Social Class on Leadership Emergence. Andrew C. Loignon, Georg Kodydek.
Behind the Stigma Shield: Frontline Employees’ Emotional Response to Organizational Event Stigma at Work and at Home. Sanne Frandsen, Mette Morsing.
Stakeholder Management & The Value of Human-Centred Corporate Objectives. Bidhan (Bobby) L. Parmar, Andrew C. Wicks, R. Edward Freeman.
Indigenous Theory Uses, Abuses, and Future. Garry D. Bruton, Shaker A. Zahra, Andrew H. Van de Ven, Michael A. Hitt.
Decolonizing Management Theory: A Critical Perspective. Subhabrata Bobby Banerjee.
Theorizing Diversity in Management Studies: New Perspectives and Future Directions. Corinne Post, Daniel Muzio, Riikka Sarala, Liqun Wei, Dries Faems.
Why Difference Makes a Difference: Diversity, Inequality, and Institutionalization. Nancy DiTomaso.
Both Diversity and Meritocracy: Managing the Diversity-Meritocracy Paradox with Organizational Ambidexterity. Alison M. Konrad, Orlando C. Richard, Yang Yang.
Journal of Marketing Research
The Minimum Wage and Consumer Nutrition. Mike Palazzolo, Adithya Pattabhiramaiah.
How Association with Physical Waste Attenuates Consumer Preferences for Rescue-Based Food. Anna de Visser-Amundson, John Peloza, Mirella Kleijnen.
Feeling Lonely Increases Interest in Previously Owned Products. Feifei Huang, Ayelet Fishbach.
Journal of Operations Management
The role of psychological distance in organizational responses to modern slavery risk in supply chains. Dayna Simpson, Marie Segrave, Anne Quarshie, Andrew Kach, Robert Handfield, George Panas, Heather Moore.
Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (JAERE)
Local Standards, Behavioral Adjustments, and Welfare: Evaluating California’s Ocean-Going Vessel Fuel Rule. Richard Klotz, Julia Berazneva.
Management Science
Does Water Scarcity Affect Environmental Performance? Evidence from Manufacturing Facilities in Texas. Suresh Muthulingam , Suvrat Dhanorkar , Charles J. Corbett.
Rethinking Salt Supply Chains: Cost and Emissions Analysis for Coproduction of Salt and Fresh Water from U.S. Seawater. Greys Sošić.
Missing Women in Tech: The Labor Market for Highly Skilled Software Engineers. Raviv Murciano-Goroff.
Does Analyst Coverage Affect Workplace Safety?. Daniel Bradley, Connie X. Mao, Chi Zhang.
Leviathan Inc. and Corporate Environmental Engagement. Po-Hsuan Hsu, Hao Liang, Pedro Matos.
Labor Unions and Product Quality Failures. Omesh Kini, Mo Shen, Jaideep Shenoy, Venkat Subramaniam.
Valuation Effects of Norway’s Board Gender-Quota Law Revisited. B. Espen Eckbo, Knut Nygaard, Karin S. Thorburn.
See all monthly Table of Contents.
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