NBS’s monthly compilation of the latest business sustainability research prioritizes in-press articles, in order to highlight cutting-edge knowledge. The list draws from Financial Times Top 50 journals and other publications.
See all monthly Table of Contents.
Research for October 2019
Academy of Management Journal
Ups and downs: The role of legitimacy judgment cues in practice implementation. Anne Jacqueminet, Rodolphe Durand.
Water Wars in Detroit: Custodianship and the Work of Institutional Renewal. A. Wren Montgomery, M. Tina Dacin.
Constructing a Distant Future: Imaginaries in Geoengineering. Grace L. Augustine, Sara Soderstrom, Daniel Milner, Klaus Weber.
Stakeholder Preservation or Appropriation? The Influence of Target CSR on Market Reactions to Acquisition Announcements. Li Tong, Heli Wang, Jun Xia.
The Assembly of a Field Ideology: An Idea-Centric Perspective on Systemic Power in Impact Investing. Lisa Hehenberger, Johanna Mair, Ashley Metz.
Why Do Extreme Work Hours Persist? Temporal Uncoupling as a New Way of Seeing. Blagoy Blagoev, Georg Schreyögg.
Making Change from Behind a Mask: How Organizations Challenge Guarded Institutions by Sparking Grassroots Activism. Laura Claus, Paul Tracey.
Academy of Management Perspectives
When Context Matters: What Happens To International Theory When Researchers Study Refugees. Betina Szkudlarek, Luciara Nardon, Joyce Osland, Nancy Adler, Eun Su Lee.
E Pluribus Unum: Impact Entrepreneurship As A Solution To Grand Challenges. Gideon Markman, Theodore Waldron, Peter Gianiodis, Maritza Espina.
Accounting, Organizations, and Society
The marketization of a social movement: Activists, shareholders and CSR disclosure. Giovanna Michelon, Michelle Rodrigue, Elisabetta Trevisan.
Administrative Science Quarterly
Examining Anger’s Immobilizing Effect on Institutional Insiders’ Action Intentions in Social Movements. Katherine A. DeCelles, Scott Sonenshein, Brayden G. King.
Business and Society
National Culture and Women Managers: Evidence From Microfinance Institutions Around the World. Ernest Gyapong, Godfred Adjapong Afrifa.
Business and Human Trafficking: A Social Connection and Political Responsibility Model. Harry J. Van Buren, Judith Schrempf-Stirling, Michelle Westermann-Behaylo.
The Global Diffusion of Supply Chain Codes of Conduct: Market, Nonmarket, and Time-Dependent Effects. Thomas G. Altura, Anne T. Lawrence, Ronald M. Roman.
Legitimation Strategies as Valuable Signals in Nonfinancial Reporting? Effects on Investor Decision-Making. Rüdiger Hahn, Daniel Reimsbach, Peter Kotzian, Madeleine Feder, Barbara E. Weißenberger.
Stakeholder Engagement Strategies After an Exogenous Shock: How Philip Morris and R. J. Reynolds Adapted Differently to the 1998 Master Settlement Agreement. Jennifer J. Griffin, Yoo Na Youm, Ben Vivari.
Governance in Areas of Limited Statehood: The NGOization of Palestine. Lama Arda, Subhabrata Bobby Banerjee.
(In)Effective Business Responsibility Engagements in Areas of Limited Statehood: Nigeria’s Oil Sector as a Case Study. Uchechukwu Nwoke.
Business Strategy and Environment
Sustainable supply chain management and partner engagement to manage climate change information. Frederik Dahlmann, Jens K. Röhrich.
Institutional investors’ attention to environmental information, trading strategies, and market impacts: Evidence from China. Ping Wei, Xiaodan Mao, Xiaohong Chen.
A relational view of climate adaptation in the private sector: How do value chain interactions shape business perceptions of climate risk and adaptive behaviours? Laura M. Canevari‐Luzardo, Frans Berkhout, Mark Pelling.
Business strategy and firm efforts on environmental protection: Evidence from China. Dongmin Kong, Xiandong Yang, Chen Liu, Wei Yang.
Arcs of carbon awareness in the value chain and their antecedents. Ozgur Isil, Rose Sebastianelli.
Crowdfunding as a tool to support sustainability‐oriented initiatives: Preliminary insights into the role of product/service attributes. Stefania Testa, Paolo Roma, Maria Vasi, Silvano Cincotti.
The impact on the cost of equity capital in the effects of integrated reporting quality. Filippo Vitolla, Antonio Salvi, Nicola Raimo, Felice Petruzzella, Michele Rubino.
Managerial perspectives on drivers for and barriers to sustainable supply chain management implementation: Evidence from New Zealand. Aymen Sajjad, Gabriel Eweje, David Tappin.
The effect of greenwashing on online consumer engagement: A comparative study in France, Germany, Turkey, and the United Kingdom. İbrahim Topal, Sima Nart, Cüneyt Akar, Alptekin Erkollar.
The role of environmental innovation through the technological proximity in the implementation of the sustainable development. Luigi Aldieri, Maxim Kotsemir, Concetto Paolo Vinci.
Different effects of technological progress on China’s carbon emissions based on sustainable development. Jiandong Chen, Ming Gao, Ke Ma, Malin Song.
The evolution of corporate no net loss and net positive impact biodiversity commitments: Understanding appetite and addressing challenges. Gyan Charitha de Silva, Eugenie Christine Regan, Edward Henry Beattie Pollard, Prue Frances Elizabeth Addison.
Integrated reporting and capital markets in an international setting: The role of financial analysts. Eduardo Flores, Marco Fasan, Wesley Mendes‐da‐Silva, Joelson Oliveira Sampaio.
Communicating environmental management certification: Signaling without signals? Iñaki Heras‐Saizarbitoria, Olivier Boiral, Erlantz Allur, María García.
Can proactive environmental strategy improve Multilatinas’ level of internationalization? The moderating role of board independence. Eduardo Duque‐Grisales, Javier Aguilera‐Caracuel, Jaime Guerrero‐Villegas, Encarnación García‐Sánchez.
Greenwashing and environmental communication: Effects on stakeholders’ perceptions. Riccardo Torelli, Federica Balluchi, Arianna Lazzini.
Can voluntary environmental regulation promote corporate technological innovation? Zhenyu Jiang, Zongjun Wang, Yanqi Zeng.
The interplay of corporate entrepreneurship, environmental orientation, and performance in clean‐tech firms—A doubled‐edged sword. Christoph Constantin Niemann, Petra Dickel, Gordon Eckardt.
Boundary‐spanning search and firms’ green innovation: The moderating role of resource orchestration capability. Juanru Wang, Yajiong Xue, Jin Yang.
Resilience of sustainability‐oriented and financially‐driven organizations. Abraham Carmeli, Ari Dothan, Dev Kumar Boojihawon.
An examination of factors influencing the application of mechanisms of organizations’ resilience to weather extremes. Agnieszka Karman.
Disentangling the influence of internationalization on sustainability development: Evidence from the energy sector. Efrén Gómez‐Bolaños, Nuria Esther Hurtado‐Torres, Blanca Luisa Delgado‐Márquez.
Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice
Understanding Opportunities in Social Entrepreneurship: A Critical Realist Abstraction. Xiaoti Hu, Susan Marlow, Angelika Zimmermann, Lee Martin, Regina Frank.
Harvard Business Review
How the Best Bosses Interrupt Bias on Their Teams. Joan C. Williams, Sky Mihaylo.
Human Relations
Critical Essay: The reconciliation of fraternal twins: Integrating the psychological and sociological approaches to ‘micro’ corporate social responsibility. Jean-Pascal Gond, Christine Moser.
Critical essay: (In)sensitive violence, development, and the smell of the soil: Strategic decision-making of what? Rashedur Chowdhury.
The use of mobile technologies for work-to-family boundary permeability: The case of Finnish and Canadian male lawyers. Marta Choroszewicz, Fiona Kay.
Coming home: Why veterans with disabilities withhold workplace accommodation requests. Katerina Gonzalez, C Justice Tillman, Jeanne Johnson Holmes.
Information Systems Research
Innovation and Policy Support for Two-Sided Market Platforms: Can Government Policy Makers and Executives Optimize Both Societal Value and Profits? Dawoon Jung, Byung Cho Kim , Myungsub Park, Detmar W. Straub.
Journal of Consumer Research
The Greenconsumption Effect: How Using Green Products Improves Consumption Experience. Ali Tezer, H Onur Bodur.
Journal of Finance
Do Investors Value Sustainability? A Natural Experiment Examining Ranking and Fund Flows. Samuel M. Hartzmark, Abigail B. Sussman.
Women’s Liberation as a Financial Innovation. Moshe Hazan, David Weiss, Hosny Zoabi.
Journal of Financial and Qualitative Analysis
Rhetoric, Reality, and Reputation: Do CSR and Political Lobbying Protect Shareholder Wealth against Environmental Lawsuits? Chelsea Liu, Chee Seng Cheong, Ralf Zurbruegg.
MIS Quarterly
Says Who? The Effects of Presentation Format and Source Rating on Fake News in Social Media. Antino Kim, Alan R. Dennis.
Adoption of Sustainable Technologies: A Mixed-Methods Study of German Households. Philipp Wunderlich, Daniel J. Veit, Saonee Sarker.
Operations Research
Crosscutting Areas—Dynamic Electricity Pricing to Smart Homes. Daniel Adelman, Canan Uçkun.
Organization and Environment
Managing the Anthropocene: Relational Agency and Power to Respect Planetary Boundaries. Pasi Heikkurinen, Stewart Clegg, Ashly H. Pinnington, Katerina Nicolopoulou, Jose M. Alcaraz.
How Different Forms of Social Capital Created Through Project Team Assignments Influence Employee Adoption of Sustainability Practices. Sheila M. W. Reddy, Kaitlin Torphy, Yuqing Liu, Tingqiao Chen, Yuta J. Masuda, Jonathan R. B. Fisher, Sarah Galey, Kyle Burford, Kenneth A. Frank, Jensen R. Montambault.
In the Eyes of the Beholder: Experimental Evidence on the Contested Nature of Materiality in Sustainability Reporting. Daniel Reimsbach, Frank Schiemann, Rüdiger Hahn, Eric Schmiedchen.
Are Micro-, Small- and Medium-Sized Enterprises Willing to Contribute to Collective Flood Risk Reduction? Scenario-Based Field Experiments from Jakarta and Semarang, Indonesia. Thomas Neise, Maxensius Tri Sambodo, Javier Revilla Diez.
Engagement With Air Quality Information: Stated Versus Revealed Preferences. Magali A. Delmas, Aanchal Kohli.
The Nature of Organizing: A Relational Approach to Understanding Business Sustainability. Jason Good, Andrea Thorpe.
Organization Science
Women Don’t Mean Business? Gender Penalty in Board Composition. Isabelle Solal, Kaisa Snellman.
Which Side Are You On? The Divergent Effects of Protest Participation on Organizations Affiliated with Identity Groups. Giacomo Negro, Susan Olzak.
Reluctant Disclosure and Transparency: Evidence from Environmental Disclosures. Kira R. Fabrizio, Eun-Hee Kim.
Organization Studies
Disabled People and Digitalization: Disruptive documents in distributing digital devices. David Knights, Yvonne Latham.
Body Breakdowns as Politics: Identity regulation in a high-commitment activist organization. Yousra Rahmouni Elidrissi, David Courpasson.
Designing the Tools of the Trade: How corporate social responsibility consultants and their tool-based practices created market shifts. Jean-Pascal Gond, Luc Brès.
Revisiting Politics in Political CSR: How coercive and deliberative dynamics operate through institutional work in a Colombian company. Pilar Acosta, Aurélien Acquier, Jean-Pascal Gond.
The Moral Microfoundations of Institutional Complexity: Sustainability implementation as compromise-making at an oil sands company. Christiane Demers, Jean-Pascal Gond.
Whence Paradox? Framing Away the Potential Challenges of Doing Well by Doing Good in Social Enterprise Organizations. Curtis Child.
Production and Operations Management
Introduction to the Special Issue on Innovations and Sustainability. Hau L. Lee, Hongtao Zhang.
Research Opportunities in Supply Chain Transparency. ManMohan S. Sodhi, Christopher S. Tang.
On the Competition between Two Modes of Product Recovery: Remanufacturing and Refurbishing. Yao Chen, Fangruo Chen.
Explaining Heterogeneity in Environmental Management Practice Adoption across Firms. Rick Hardcopf, Rachna Shah, Ujjal Mukherjee.
Electric Power Industry: Operational and Public Policy Challenges and Opportunities. Geoffrey G. Parker, Burcu Tan, Osman Kazan.
A Real Options‐Based Decision‐Making Model for Infrastructure Investment to Prevent Rainstorm Disasters. Tao Wang, Bingsheng Liu, Jiaming Zhang, Guijun Li.
Resource Policy
Resource efficient eco-innovations for a circular economy: Evidence from EU firms. Giulio Cainelli, Alessio D’Amato, Massimiliano Mazzanti.
Socio-cultural framing during the emergence of a technological field: Creating cultural resonance for solar technology. Tea Lempiälä, Eeva-Lotta Apajalahti, Teresa Haukkala, Raimo Lovio.
Intermediation in public procurement of innovation: How Amsterdam’s startup-in-residence programme connects startups to urban challenges. Willem van Winden, Luís Carvalho.
Review of Financial Studies
The Development Effects of the Extractive Colonial Economy: The Dutch Cultivation System in Java. Melissa Dell, Benjamin A Olken.
Breaking the Glass Ceiling? The Effect of Board Quotas on Female Labor Market Outcomes in Norway. Marianne Bertrand, Sandra Black, Austin, Sissel Jensen, Adriana Lleras-Muney.
See all monthly Table of Contents.
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