Each month, NBS compiles the latest research on management and sustainability by scanning the tables of contents of academic journals. Journals we draw from include the Financial Times Top 50 list as well as sustainability-focused publications.
See all monthly Table of Contents.
Research for September 2018
Academy of Management Journal
It’s Not Easy Building Green: The Impact of Public Policy, Private Actors, and Regional Logics on Voluntary Standards Adoption. Jeffrey G. York, Siddharth Vedula, Michael J. Lenox.
A Signaling Theory of Institutional Activism: How Norway’s Sovereign Wealth Fund Investments Affect Firms’ Foreign Acquisitions. Gurneeta Vasudeva, Lilac Nachum, Gui-Deng Say.
Academy of Management Perspectives
Administrative Science Quarterly
The Artisan and His Audience: Identification with Work and Price Setting in a Handicraft Cluster in Southern India. Aruna Ranganathan.
Business and Society
What Makes For an Exemplary Contribution? Introducing the Business & Society Best Article Award. Frank G. A. de Bakker, Andrew Crane, Irene Henriques, Bryan W. Husted.
Small Business and Social Irresponsibility in Developing Countries: Working Conditions and “Evasion” Institutional Work. Vivek Soundararajan, Laura J. Spence, Chris Rees.
A Nonprofit Perspective on Business–Nonprofit Partnerships: Extending the Symbiotic Sustainability Model. Michelle Shumate, Yuli Patrick Hsieh, Amy O’Connor.
The Influence of Family Firms and Institutional Owners on Corporate Social Responsibility Performance. Nai H. Lamb, Frank C. Butler.
The Effects of Institutional Corporate Social Responsibility on Bank Loans. Bill Francis, Pamela Harper, Shyam Kumar.
Does It Matter How One Assesses Moral Reasoning? Differences (Biases) in the Recognition Versus Formulation Tasks. James Weber.
The Effect of Age and Size on Reputation of Business Ethics Journals. E. Susanna Cahn, Victor Glass.
Buy Local? Organizational Identity in the Localism Movement. Michael P. Ciuchta, Jay O’Toole.
Journal of Business Ethics
Ethical Leadership Perceptions: Does It Matter If You’re Black or White? Dennis J. Marquardt, Lee Warren Brown, Wendy J. Casper.
On the Price of Morals in Markets: An Empirical Study of the Swedish AP-Funds and the Norwegian Government Pension Fund. Andreas G. F. Hoepner, Lisa Schopohl.
Ethical Leadership and Its Cultural and Institutional Context: An Empirical Study in Japan. Takuma Kimura, Mizuki Nishikawa.
Corporate Reputation’s Invisible Hand: Bribery, Rational Choice, and Market Penalties. Vijay S. Sampath, Naomi A. Gardberg, Noushi Rahman.
Reporting of Corporate Social Responsibility in Central Public Sector Enterprises: A Study of Post Mandatory Regime in India. Monika Kansal, Mahesh Joshi, Shekar Babu, Sharad Sharma.
Board Diversity and Corporate Social Disclosure: Evidence from Vietnam. Trang Cam Hoang, Indra Abeysekera, Shiguang Ma.
Journal of Business Venturing
Going pro-social: Extending the individual-venture nexus to the collective level. Oana Branzei, Simon C. Parker, Peter W. Moroz, Edward Gamble.
Brace for impact: Uniting our diverse voices through a social impact frame. Tyler Wry, Helen Haugh.
Organizational hybrids as biological hybrids: Insights for research on the relationship between social enterprise and the entrepreneurial ecosystem.Jeffery S. McMullen.
Common property: Uncommon forms of prosocial organizing. Ana Maria Peredo, Helen M. Haugh, Murdith McLean.
Learning “who we are” by doing: Processes of co-constructing prosocial identities in community-based enterprises. Domenico Dentoni, Stefano Pascucci, Kim Poldner, William B. Gartner.
Bringing the elephant into the room? Enacting conflict in collective prosocial organizing. E. Erin Powell, Ralph Hamann, Verena Bitzer, Ted Baker.
Funding the story of hybrid ventures: Crowdfunder lending preferences and linguistic hybridity. Todd W. Moss, Maija Renko, Emily Block, Moriah Meyskens.
Reference points for measuring social performance: Case study of a social business venture. Kévin André, Charles H. Cho, Matias Laine.
Journal of Consumer Marketing
Does “sharing” mean “socially responsible consuming”? Exploration of the relationship between collaborative consumption and socially responsible consumption. Myriam Ertz, Fabien Durif, Agnès Lecompte, Caroline Boivin.
Antecedents of green consumption: a scale of measure. Sinove Marde, Claire Verite-Masserot.
Journal of Management
Complementary or Substitutive Effects? Corporate Governance Mechanisms and Corporate Social Responsibility. Won-Yong Oh, Young Kyun Chang, Tae-Yeol Kim.
Journal of Management Studies
To the Rescue!? Brokering a Rapid, Scaled and Customized Compassionate Response to Suffering after Disaster. Trenton A. Williams, Dean A. Shepherd.
Fast Food Research in the Era of Unplanned Obsolescence. Michael Marinetto.
Journal of Marketing
Why Consumers Don’t See the Benefits of Genetically Modified Foods, and What Marketers Can Do About It. Sean T. Hingston and Theodore J. Noseworthy.
Organization and Environment
Toward High-Impact Corporate Sustainability Research. Maurizio Zollo.
Value(s) for Whom? Creating Value(s) for Stakeholders. Timo Busch, Jens Hamprecht, Sandra Waddock.
Shake Your Stakeholder: Firms Leading Engagement to Cocreate Sustainable Value. Adam J. Sulkowski, Melissa Edwards, R. Edward Freeman.
Alternative Objective Functions for Firms. Leena Lankoski, N. Craig Smith.
Sustainability Standards and Stakeholder Engagement: Lessons From Carbon Markets. Hans Rawhouser, Michael E. Cummings, Alfred Marcus.
Organization Studies
Inequality, Institutions and Organizations. John M. Amis, Kamal A. Munir, Thomas B. Lawrence, Paul Hirsch, Anita McGahan.
Disrupting the Gender Institution: Consciousness-Raising in the Cocoa Value Chain. Lauren McCarthy, Jeremy Moon.
Categorizing Competence: Consumer debt and the reproduction of gender-based status differences. Sean Buchanan, Trish Ruebottom, Suhaib Riaz.
Institutionalizing Inequality: Calculative Practices and Regimes of Inequality in International Development. Niall Hayes, Lucas D. Introna, Paul Kelly.
Identity Work by First-Generation College Students to Counteract Class-Based Microaggressions. Barbara Gray, Tiffany Johnson, Jennifer Kish-Gephart, Jacqueline Tilton.
(Dis)embodied Job Search Communication Training: Comparative critical ethnographic analysis of materiality and discourse during the unequal search for work. Angela N. Gist-Mackey.
Working within Discretionary Boundaries: Allocative Rules, Exceptions, and the Micro-Foundations of Inequ(al)ity. Nevena M Radoynovska.
Social Movements and Prefigurative Organizing: Confronting entrenched inequalities in Occupy London. Juliane Reinecke.
All Equal in Death? Fighting inequality in the contemporary funeral industry. Luc K. Audebrand, Marcos Barros.
Production and Operations Management
Joint Control of Emissions Permit Trading and Production Involving Fixed and Variable Transaction Costs. Quan Yuan, Youhua (Frank) Chen, Jian Yang, Yun Zhou.
RAND Journal of Economics
Fuel taxation, emissions policy, and competitive advantage in the diffusion of European diesel automobiles. Eugenio J. Miravete, María J. Moral, Jeff Thurk.
Research Policy
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