Top 10 CSR Research Findings of 2012

From green logistics to employee ethics, NBS present 2012’s most popular Research Insights.

From green logistics to employee ethics, here we present the most popular Research Insights of 2012:

1. Reduce Absenteeism with Workplace Interventions

Michael Leiter shows weekly meetings and open employee-supervisor discussions reduced gossip, improved job satisfaction, and reduced absenteeism 38 per cent in a health care setting.

2. Just Do It: How Nike Turned Disclosure into an Opportunity

From creating a new Labour Practices department to auditing their overseas suppliers, David Dorrey of York University outlines the proactive steps Nike took to improve its global supply chain.

3. Driving Green Logistics

Researchers at Chang Jung Christian University in Taiwan recommend companies provide training and resources to upstream service providers in warehousing, transportation, and packaging if they want them to start using fuel-efficient vehicles or switching to renewable energy sources.

4. Small, Mighty Firms Make Proactive CSR Pay Off

Nuttaneeya (Ann) Torugsa and colleagues debunk the myth that small businesses are incapable of pursuing CSR as strategically as large firms. They explain how entrepreneurialism, simple capital structures, and a spirit of innovation are the keys to small firms’ CSR success.

5. Are Luxury and CSR Compatible?

Researchers at the universities of Minnesota, South Carolina and Georgia discover CSR messaging undermines luxury brands. The bottom line? If you’re trying to sell a Rolex, describing its environmental features will decrease its worth in your customers’ eyes.

6. Employee Commitment Can Turn Ethics into Dollars

Jinseok Chun and colleagues find employees who believe their organization is fair and just are more loyal to the company and more willing to help fellow employees.

7. Three Ways to Reap Value from CSR Initiatives

After analyzing Spain’s 500 largest companies, researchers Brian Husted and David Allen propose three ways CSR can unleash a company’s potential for innovation.

8. Loyal Employees Can Be More Unethical

Elizabeth Umphress and colleagues explain why employees who identify strongly with their organization make unethical choices – and what leaders can do about it.

9. Making Money & Sustainable Progress with Ecopreneurship

From government grants to unique supplier contracts, Sarah Dixon and Anne Clifford share how one UK company makes money by thinking like an “ecopreneur.”

10. Build CSR Metrics into Your Balanced Scorecard

Researchers François Meyssonnier and Fana Rasolofo-Distler propose five steps for integrating CSR performance into economic performance.

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