Business sustainability researchers provide insights and solutions for the COVID-19 pandemic and for other environmental disasters and stressors.
Challenging times call for shared understanding and collective action.
Several academic networks focused on organizations and sustainability have pooled resources to provide research-based insights into COVID-19. Management scholars from across the globe are identifying innovative ways to navigate the current crisis.
These researchers have spent years studying global challenges, from climate change to social inequity. Their articles tackle different issues around COVID-19, from immediate actions business can take to building long-term resilience among businesses and society.
Explore their insights and share yours. With ideas to share, write to NBS ( if you are a manager. If you’re a researcher who would like to be part of this initiative, write to Jorge Rivera.
Essays are below and on the websites of Responsible Research in Business and Management (RRBM), Group for Research on Organizations and the Natural Environment (GRONEN), Alliance for Research on Corporate Sustainability (ARCS), Organizations and the Natural Environment: A Division of the Academy of Management (ONE), and Social Issues in Management (SIM).
We continue to extend our best wishes for everyone. This initiative is yet another way that communities can come together.
Businesses often seek to scale up, but COVID-19 has given us the opportunity to think about scaling down and deep.
COVID-19 shows the importance of business resilience, both “passive” and “active.” These capabilities enable companies to meet present and future crises.
The ‘new normal’ will make business more productive, but society more unequal. It’s time for a social reset.
Businesses in Africa are trying to fight COVID-19. But they’ll need to refocus their response to help the poorest communities.
Business school professors from 53 schools around the world identify 6 priorities for companies in the COVID-19 era
July 15, 2020
Graeme Auld and Stefan Renckens, “Eco-Audits during Covid-19 Retain Credibility, Exacerbate Inequities”
June 5, 2020
Dr. Anica Zeyen and Dr. Oana Branzei, “Disabled” by COVID19?”
May 26, 2020
Timo Busch & Sabine Döbeli, “Sustainable Finance in Corona Times”
May 7, 2020
Arijit Paul, Romana Rauter, and Rupert J. Baumgartner, “Glocalization’ in a post-COVID-19 world“
Smaranda Boroș, Anita Bosch, and Yuliya Shymko, “North meets South: A call for inclusive global research“
May 4, 2020
Miguel Ángel López-Navarro, “Post-COVID-19. Reflections on the role of the firm in addressing environmental sustainability“
Christopher Wickert, “Let´s also flatten the climate curve!“
K.V. Sriram, “Post COVID 19: Economic and Social Impact in India“
April 22, 2020
Frederick Ahen, “I saw it coming and was vilified for taking it serious!”
Sophie Bacq, “The Power of Social Entrepreneurship in the Face of Urgent Grand Societal Challenges”
Jonathan Doh, “Covid, Culture, and Political-Economic Systems”
Luis A. Perez-Batres and Len J Treviño, “Exposure, Black Swans, and Real Options”
Mette Morsing, “The Return of the State‘“
Robert Sroufe, “Lifting the Mask of Materiality”
April 20, 2020
Carlos Martin-Rios, “Do-undo-redo: unlocking sustainable strategic renewal in services after the coronavirus”
Ranjith PV and Uma Warrier, “Community kitchen for common man in the times of coronavirus“
Klaus Meyer, Carsten Lund Pedersen and Thomas Ritter, “The coronavirus crisis: A catalyst for entrepreneurship“
Wendy Smith and Natalie Slawinski, “What can the Covid-19 crisis teach us about the importance of geographical communities to enable human connection?“
April 18, 2020
Valentina De Marchi, “What about the toiletpapergate? Global pandemics and sustainability in a world of global value chains“
Rajat Panwar, “Preventing future pandemics: A research avenue for corporate sustainability/social responsibility scholars“
Ijeoma Nwagwu, “How Covid-19 is changing philanthropy and responsible business practices in Africa“
Cynthia E. Clark, “Let values drive your board“
April 11, 2020
Shaista E. Khilji, “COVID- 19, Could this be the ‘wake-up call’ that we need?”
Jaigris Hodson and Sarah Wolfe, “Stockpiling Bottled Water? Maybe Social Media is To Blame”
Farok J. Contractor, “What Does “Flattening the Curve” Mean? Will It Also Flatten the Global Economy?”
Kenneth Amaeshi, “COVID-19 and philanthropy in Africa: a stitch in time?”
Louise Curran, “The trade policy implications of COVID-19.”
Ilan Alon and Shaomin Li “Is Authoritarian Response to Covid19 Superior?”
April 5, 2020
Paul Appiah-Konadu and Oreva Atanya, “COVID-19: A Wake Up Call for Collaborative Action Towards a More Sustainable Nigeria“
Ralph Hamann, “Coronavirus will have long-term implications for business leaders. Here are the top five“
Jill Brown, “Will a Global Pandemic and Recession Hit the Reset Button for Corporate Governance and Business/Stakeholder Relationships?“
Sandra Waddock, “There’s a Crack in Everything. That’s Where the Light Gets In”
Vera Ferrón Vílchez, “Are companies Coronawashing? Ten pieces of evidence”
Anne S. Tsui, “COVID-19 crisis: A call for responsible leadership research”
April 1, 2020
Andrew Crane, “COVID-19 and the destitution of workers in global supply chains“
Kirsten Martin, “Privacy In The Age Of A Pandemic“
Fabien Martinez, “Covid-19, business and faith: An intriguing field for research in (and the practice of) responsible“
March 31, 2020
Dror Etzion, Bernard Forgues, & Emmanuel Kypraios, “Pandemic bonds: The financial cure we need for COVID-19?“
Glen Dowell, “Why Don’t Businesses See This Coming?”
Sarah Birrell Ivory, “What is Essential?”
Juan L. Senga & Geoffrey A. Chua, “Blood Banking in the Time of Coronavirus“
Pete Tashman, “The Socioecological Systems Framework, COVID-19 and Organizations”
March 30, 2020
Nardia Haigh, “Using Scenario Planning to Prepare for Pandemics”
Michael Barnett, “Good Distances Make Good Neighbors: Coordinating Self-regulation in the Face of Our Communal Crisis”
March 26, 2020
Jennifer Oetzel & Chang Hoon Oh, “Learning to Carry the Cat by the Tail: What We Know about Business Response to Disasters and How that Relates to the COVID-19 Crisis”
Martina Linnenluecke, “Resilience in Uncertain Times”
Andrew Hoffman & Dev Jennings, “How We Respond to COVID-19 Foreshadows Future Life in the Anthropocene”
Leopoldo Gutierrez-Gutierrez, Ana Castillo, & Ivan Montiel, “Companies vs. Coronavirus: A Call for Rapid Responsible Innovation”
Jorge Rivera, “Responding to Slow Onset Disasters: The Boiling Frog Syndrome”
Tobias Hahn, “The COVID-19 Pandemic, Paradox, and Sustainability”
Nives Dolsak & Aseem Prakash, “Coronavirus and Global Supply Chain Disruption: A Wake-Up Call for Climate Policy?”
Herman Aguinis, “Understanding COVID-19: A Behavioral Corporate Social Responsibility Perspective”
Jonatan Pinkse, “Climate change in the Time of Corona: That’s So 2019…”
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