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From Tima's Desk

“At this time of unprecedented change and disruption, ideas about sustainable business are evolving quickly. Leaders can fuel critical change by actively mobilizing good ideas on the frontier of knowledge.

In writing from my desk, I hope to bring some of those good ideas to you. I highlight published and in-process articles I’ve read, observations I’ve made, and conversations that have piqued my interest and provoked my thinking. I hope my musings will similarly provoke yours.”

— Dr. Tima Bansal

Read the Column

Feel exhausted in a world of increasing demands? Systems thinking tells us that if we do fewer things well, we will ultimately achieve more, faster.

A stakeholder perspective often forces companies to choose favourites. A systems perspective is better for everyone.

As governments fail to speak up on sustainability, new voices are filling the void.

Consuming ‘stuff’ is unsustainable. Will consuming ‘experiences’ get us to sustainable development?

Business growth may be the problem, but attacking growth is not the solution.

How business schools misinterpreted economics.

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