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Table of Contents: April 2024

NBS’s monthly compilation of the latest business sustainability research prioritizes in-press articles, in order to highlight cutting-edge knowledge. The list draws from Financial Times Top 50 journals and other publications.

See all monthly Table of Contents.

Research for April 2024

Academy of Management Discoveries

California Management Review

Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice

Harvard Business Review

Human Relations

Information Systems Research

Journal of Accounting and Economics

Journal of Business Ethics

Journal of Consumer Psychology

Journal of Consumer Research

Journal of Environmental Economics and Management

Journal of International Business Studies 

MIS Quarterly

Operations Research 

Organization and Environment

Organization Science   

Organization Studies

Research Policy 

Sloan Management Review 

See all monthly Table of Contents.

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  • NBS

    The Network for Business Sustainability (NBS) is a non-profit advancing sustainable development to build a fairer and more environmentally sound future. We aim to improve business practice by facilitating knowledge sharing across an international community of business leaders, scholars, students and policy makers. With these stakeholders, we co-create high-quality content that enables practical action. Our content focuses on 6 critical sustainability themes, from climate change to social justice.

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