Each month, NBS compiles the latest research on management and sustainability by scanning the tables of contents of academic journals. Journals we draw from include the Financial Times Top 50 list as well as sustainability-focused publications.
Research for November 2017
Academy of Management Discoveries
The Advocacy Trap: When Legitimacy Building Inhibits Organizational Learning. Tiona Zuzul and Amy C. Edmondson.
Academy of Management Journal
An Inconvenient Truth: How Organizations Translate Climate Change into Business as Usual. Christopher Wright and Daniel Nyberg.
Corporate Volunteering Climate: Mobilizing Employee Passion for Societal Causes and Inspiring Future Charitable Action. Jessica B. Rodell, Jonathan E. Booth, John W. Lynch, and Kate P. Zipay.
Masters of Disasters? An Empirical Analysis of How Societies Benefit from Corporate Disaster Aid. Luis Ballesteros, Michael Useem and Tyler Wry.
Networks, Technology, and Entrepreneurship: A Field Quasi-experiment among Women in Rural India. Viswanath Venkatesh, Jason D. Shaw, Tracy Ann Sykes, Samuel Fosso Wamba and Mary Macharia.
The Danger of Not Listening to Firms: Government Responsiveness and the Goal of Regulatory Compliance. Edmund Malesky and Markus Taussig.
High-Stakes Institutional Translation: Establishing North America’s First Government-sanctioned Supervised Injection Site. Thomas B. Lawrence.
How does a Grand Challenge Become Displaced? Explaining the Duality of Field Mobilization. Stine Grodal and SiobhÁn O’Mahony.
When Does Corporate Social Responsibility Reduce Employee Turnover? Evidence from Attorneys Before and After 9/11. Seth Carnahan, David Kryscynski and Daniel Olson.
Business and Society
The Institutionalization of Corporate Social Responsibility Reporting. Kareem M. Shabana, Ann K. Buchholtz and Archie B. Carroll.
Firm Engagement and Social Issue Salience, Consensus, and Contestation. Cynthia E. Clark, Andrew P. Bryant and Jennifer J. Griffin.
Relationship Between Corporate Foundation Giving and the Economic Cycle for Consumer- and Industrial-Oriented Firms. Dane K. Peterson and Yingcai Su.
From Silent to Salient Stakeholders: A Study of a Coffee Cooperative and the Dynamic of Social Relationships. Anabella Davila and Christiane Molina.
Harvard Business Review
“Numbers Take Us Only So Far”. Maxine Williams.
Human Relations
Antagonism, accommodation and agonism in Critical Management Studies: Alternative organizations as allies. Simon Parker and Martin Parker.
International Journal of Management Reviews
Non-financial shareholder activism: a process model for influencing corporate environmental and social performance.Gary J. Cundill, Palie Smart and Hugh N. Wilson.
Journal of Business Ethics
Christian Ethics and Spirituality in Leading Business Organizations: Editorial Introduction. Domènec Melé and Joan Fontrodona.
What Sparks Ethical Decision Making? The Interplay Between Moral Intuition and Moral Reasoning: Lessons from the Scholastic Doctrine. Lamberto Zollo and Massimiliano Matteo Pellegrini.
The Common Good of the Firm and Humanistic Management: Conscious Capitalism and Economy of Communion. Sandrine Frémeaux and Grant Michelson.
What Corporate Governance Can Learn from Catholic Social Teaching. Martijn Cremers.
Corporate Sustainability: Toward a Theoretical Integration of Catholic Social Teaching and the Natural-Resource-Based View of the Firm. Horacio E. Rousseau.
The Need to Give Gratuitously: A Relevant Concept Anchored in Catholic Social Teaching to Envision the Consumer Behavior. Bénédicte de Peyrelongue, Olivier Masclef and Valérie Guillard.
Having Burned the Straw Man of Christian Spiritual Leadership, what can We Learn from Jesus About Leading Ethically? Christopher Mabey, Mervyn Conroy and Karen Blakeley.
The Real Mystery of Positive Business: A Response from Christian Faith. Lloyd E. Sandelands.
There are no Codes, Only Interpretations. Practical Wisdom and Hermeneutics in Monastic Organizations. Guillaume Mercier and Ghislain Deslandes.
Leadership: The Being Component. Can the Spiritual Exercises of Saint Ignatius Contribute to the Debate on Business Education?Josep M. Lozano.
Integrating Leadership Development with Ignatian Spirituality: A Model for Designing a Spiritual Leader Development Practice. Teresa J. Rothausen.
Journal of Business Venturing
Social entrepreneurship as emancipatory work. Yanto Chandra.
Journal of Consumer Marketing
Achieving consumer trust on Twitter via CSR communication. Jana Kollat and Francisca Farache.
Tweets for tots: using Twitter to promote a charity and its supporters. Alena Soboleva, Suzan Burton, Kate Daellenbach and Debra Z. Basil.
Journal of Financial and Qualitative Analysis
Corporate Environmental Policy and Shareholder Value: Following the Smart Money. Chitru S. Fernando, Mark P. Sharfman and Vahap B. Uysal.
Journal of Industrial Ecology
A Framework for Accurately Informing Facilitated Regional Industrial Symbioses on Environmental Consequences. François Dumoulin, Tom Wassenaar, Angel Avadí and Jean-Marie Paillat.
Let’s Be Clear(er) about Substitution: A Reporting Framework to Account for Product Displacement in Life Cycle Assessment. Carl Vadenbo, Stefanie Hellweg and Thomas Fruergaard Astrup.
Estimating Corporate Carbon Footprints with Externally Available Data. Bernhard Goldhammer, Christian Busse and Timo Busch.
Better Global Assessment of Worker Inequality: Comment on “The Employment Footprints of Nations”. Rachel C. Reyes, Manfred Lenzen and Joy Murray.
Material Flow Accounts and Driving Factors of Economic Growth in the Philippines. Marianne Faith G. Martinico-Perez, Tomer Fishman, Keijiro Okuoka and Hiroki Tanikawa.
African Urbanization: Assimilating Urban Metabolism into Sustainability Discourse and Practice. Paul Klugman Currie and Josephine Kaviti Musango.
Consequences of Future Data Center Deployment in Canada on Electricity Generation and Environmental Impacts: A 2015–2030 Prospective Study. Thomas Dandres, Nathan Vandromme, Glasha Obrekht, Andy Wong, Kim Khoa Nguyen, Yves Lemieux, Mohamed Cheriet and Réjean Samson.
Longitudinal Analysis of the Eco-Design Management Standardization Process in Furniture Companies. Beñat Landeta-Manzano, Germán Arana-Landín, Patxi RuizdeArbulo and Pablo DíazdeBasurto.
Product Service Systems Users and Harley Davidson Riders: The Importance of Consumer Identity in the Diffusion of Sustainable Consumption Solutions. Maurizio Catulli, Matthew Cook and Stephen Potter.
A Review of Four Publications on the Sustainability and Potential of Plastic Alternatives. Long Nguyen and Pieter Billen.
Journal of International Business Studies
Liability of foreignness, natural disasters, and corporate philanthropy. Murad A Mithani.
Journal of Management Studies
Rana Plaza Fieldwork and Academic Anxiety: Some Reflections. Rashedur Chowdhury.
Manufacturing and Service Operations Management
Do Plant Inspections Predict Future Quality? The Role of Investigator Experience. George Ball, Enno Siemsen and Rachna Shah.
Inventory Management in a Consumer Electronics Closed-Loop Supply Chain. Andre P. Calmon and Stephen C. Graves.
Organization Science
Blurring the Boundaries: The Interplay of Gender and Local Communities in the Commercialization of Social Ventures. Stefan Dimitriadis, Matthew Lee, Lakshmi Ramarajan and Julie Battilana.
Organization Studies
Does Diffusion Make an Institutionally Contested Practice Legitimate? Shareholder Responses to Downsizing in Japan, 1973–2005. Jiwook Jung and Eunmi Mun.
Disobedience of Immoral Orders from Authorities: An Issue Construction Perspective. Bidhan Lalit Parmar.
Research Policy
From science to technology: The value of knowledge from different energy research institutions. David Popp.
Strategic Management Journal
Overcoming Institutional Voids: A Reputation-Based View of Long-Run Survival. Cheng Gao, Tiona Zuzul, Geoffrey Jones and Tarun Khanna.
Higher Highs and Lower Lows: The Role of Corporate Social Responsibility in CEO Dismissal. Timothy D. Hubbard, Dane M. Christensen and Scott D. Graffin.
How Media Coverage of Corporate Social Irresponsibility Increases Financial Risk. Julian F. Kölbel, Timo Busch and Leonhardt M. Jancso.
Offshoring Pollution while Offshoring Production? Xiaoyang Li and Yue M. Zhou.
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