Each month, NBS compiles the latest research on management and sustainability by scanning the tables of contents of academic journals. Journals we draw from include the Financial Times Top 50 list as well as sustainability-focused publications.
Research for October 2017
Academy of Management Journal
Glass Breaking, Strategy Making, and Value Creating: Meta-Analytic Outcomes of Women as CEOs and TMT members. Seung-Hwan Jeong and David A. Harrison.
Institutional Complexity in Turbulent Times: Formalization, Collaboration, and the Emergence of Blended Logics. Tommaso Ramus, Antonino Vaccaro, and Stefano Brusoni.
A Neurological and Ideological Perspective of Ethical Leadership. David A. Waldman, Danni Wang, Sean T. Hannah and Pierre A. Balthazard.
Bringing the Boss’s Politics In: Supervisor Political Ideology and the Gender Gap in Earnings.
Forrest Briscoe and Aparna Joshi.
Unequal Bedfellows: Gender Role-based Deference in Multiplex Ties between Korean Business Groups.
Jungyun Han, Andrew V. Shipilov and Henrich R. Greve
Ideology and the Micro-foundations of CSR: Why Executives Believe in the Business Case for CSR and how this Affects their CSR Engagements. Sebastian Hafenbrädl and Daniel Waeger.
Academy of Management Learning and Education
Economics Education and Value Change: The Role of Program-Normative Homogeneity and Peer Influence. Girts Racko, Karoline Strauss and Brendan Burchell
Theory of Moral Development of Business Students: Case Studies in Brazil, North America, and Morocco. William R. Hanson, Jeffrey R. Moore, Catherine Bachleda, Andrew Canterbury, Carlos Franco, Jr., Arnaldo Marion and Craig Schreiber.
Tolerance: A Neglected Dimension in Diversity Training? Diether Gebert, Claudia Buengelr and Kathrin Heinitz
How “Doing Gender” Leads to Gender Imbalances in the Higher Ranks in Colleges of Business [And How To “Undo Gender”] Len J. Treviño, David B. Balkin and Luis R. Gomez-Mejia.
Sustainability Management Teaching Resources and the Challenge of Balancing Planet, People, and Profits. J. Alberto Aragon-Correa, Alfred A. Marcus, Jorge E. Rivera and Amy L. Kenworthy.
Monsanto Company – Doing Business in India, by Robert D. Klassen. Pratima (Tima) Bansal.
Innovations in Sustainability, by Alfred A. Marcus. Stuart L. Hart.
Mobile Apps for Sustainability Management Education: The Example of GoodGuide, I. Montiel, J. Delgado-Ceballos and N. Ortiz-de-Mandojana.
Saving the Commons: A Behavioral Simulation for Experiencing the Role of Collaboration and Trust in Devising Workable Solutions to Environmental and Other Social Issues. Thomas J. Dean and Desirée F. Pacheco.
Let the Environment Guide Our Development, by J. Rockström, TEDGlobal. Available online at: www.ted.com/talks/johan_rockstrom_let_the_environment_guide_our_development?Stefano Pogutz and Inmaculada Martín-Tapia.
The Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) and Online Database Resources.Joseph Sarkis.
Sustainability Management Textbooks: Potentially Necessary, but Probably not Sufficient. M. Starik, P. Kanashiro and E. Collins
Academy of Management Review
Toward α “Sunlit Path”: Stigma Identity Management As α Source of Localized Social Change Through Interaction. Brent J. Lyons, Simon Pek and Jennifer L. Wessel.
Re-politicizing social and environmental accounting through Rancière: On the value of dissensus. Judy Brown and Helen Tregidga.
American Economic Review
Steering the Climate System: Using Inertia to Lower the Cost of Policy. Derek Lemoine and Ivan Rudik.
Defensive Investments and the Demand for Air Quality: Evidence from the NOx Budget Program. Olivier Deschênes, Michael Greenstone and Joseph S. Shapiro.
Business Ethics Quarterly
Ethical Climates in Organizations: A Review and Research Agenda. Alexander Newman, Heather Round, Sukanto Bhattacharya and Achinto Roy.
Collateral Damage From the Show: Emotional Labor and Unethical Behavior. Michelle C. Hong, Christopher M. Barnes and Brent A. Scott.
Guest Editors’ Introduction: Gender, Business Ethics, and Corporate Social Responsibility: Assessing and Refocusing a Conversation. Kate Grosser, Jeremy Moon and Julie A. Nelson.
Corporate Social Responsibility and Women’s Entrepreneurship: Towards a More Adequate Theory of “Work”. Mary Johnstone-Louis.
Empowering Women Through Corporate Social Responsibility: A Feminist Foucauldian Critique. Lauren McCarthy.
Worldly Philosopher: The Odyssey of Albert O. Hirschman. Marc A. Cohen.
Ethics and Morality in Consumption: Interdisciplinary Perspectives. Sofía López-Rodríguez.
Private Governance: Creating Order in Economic and Social Life, by Edward P. Stringham. Sébastien Mena.
Business and Human Rights: From Principles to Practice. Michael A. Santoro.
Business Strategy and Environment
Moving to the Next Strategy Stage: Examining Firms’ Awareness, Motivation and Capability Drivers in Environmental Alliances. Lea Stadtler and Haiying Lin.
Our Collaborative Future: Activities and Roles of Stakeholders in Sustainability-Oriented Innovation.Jennifer Goodman, Angelina Korsunova and Minna Halme.
Determinants of monetary penalties for environmental violations.Ahsan Habib and Md Borhan Uddin Bhuiyan.
Understanding the Impact of Green Initiatives and Green Performance on Financial Performance in the US. Suhong Li, Thomas Ngniatedema and Fang Chen.
Eco-efficiency: GHG reduction related environmental and economic performance. The case of the companies participating in the EU Emissions Trading Scheme. Albert Czerny and Peter Letmathe.
Institutional Constraints, Stakeholder Pressure and Corporate Environmental Reporting Policies.Isabel Gallego-Alvarez, Eduardo Ortas, José Luis Vicente-Villardón and Igor Álvarez Etxeberria.
Assessing the Effects of Climate Change Regulations on the Business Community: A System Dynamic Approach.Thomas A. Tsalis and Ioannis E. Nikolaou.
Setting Strategies outside a Typical Environmental Perspective Using ISO 14001 Certification.Andrea Chiarini.
The Power of Stakeholders’ Voice: The Effects of Social Media Activism on Stock Markets.Pablo Gomez-Carrasco and Giovanna Michelon.
Contemporary Accounting Research
How Disclosure Features of Corporate Social Responsibility Reports Interact with Investor Numeracy to Influence Investor Judgments.W. Brooke Elliott, Stephanie M. Grant and Kristina M. Rennekamp.
Board Gender Diversity, Auditor Fees, and Auditor Choice. Karen M. Y. Lai, Bin Srinidhi, Ferdinand A. Gul and Judy S. L. Tsui.
Human Relations
How do we understand worker silence despite poor conditions – as the actress said to the woman bishop. Deborah Dean and Anne-marie Greene.
Journal of Business Ethics
Editorial Essay: Mapping the Ethical in Neuroscientific Research. Gazi Islam.
Business Ethics: The Promise of Neuroscience. Diana C. Robertson, Christian Voegtlin and Thomas Maak.
Toward an Understanding of Dynamic Moral Decision Making: Model-Free and Model-Based Learning. George I. Christopoulos, Xiao-Xiao Liu and Ying-yi Hong.
How Cognitive Neuroscience Informs a Subjectivist-Evolutionary Explanation of Business Ethics. Marc Orlitzky.
Deontic Justice and Organizational Neuroscience. Russell S. Cropanzano, Sebastiano Massaro and William J. Becker.
Ethical Leadership as a Balance Between Opposing Neural Networks. Kylie C. Rochford, Anthony I. Jack and Richard E. Boyatzis.
Sex Differences Through a Neuroscience Lens: Implications for Business Ethics. Lori Verstegen Ryan.
“This Position Requires Some Alteration of Your Brain”: On the Moral and Legal Issues of Using Neurotechnology to Modify Employees. Patrick D. Hopkins and Harvey L. Fiser.
Neuromarketing: Ethical Implications of its Use and Potential Misuse. Steven J. Stanton, Walter Sinnott-Armstrong and Scott A. Huettel.
Formation of Stakeholder Trust in Business and the Role of Personal Values. Michael Pirson, Kirsten Martin and Bidhan Parmar.
The Paradox of Diversity Initiatives: When Organizational Needs Differ from Employee Preferences. Leon Windscheid, Lynn Bowes-Sperry and Jens Mazei.
How Servant Leadership Influences Organizational Citizenship Behavior: The Roles of LMX, Empowerment, and Proactive Personality. A. Newman, G. Schwarz, B. Cooper and S. Sendjaya.
Linking Ethical Leadership with Firm Performance: A Multi-dimensional Perspective. Dan Wang, Taiwen Feng and Alan Lawton.
Leading by Example: Values-Based Strategy to Instill Ethical Conduct. Arne Nygaard, Harald Biong and Ragnhild Silkoset.
Psychopathic Leadership A Case Study of a Corporate Psychopath CEO. Clive R. Boddy.
The Moderated Influence of Ethical Leadership, Via Meaningful Work, on Followers’ Engagement, Organizational Identification, and Envy. Ozgur Demirtas, Sean T. Hannah,, Kubilay Gok and Aykut Arslan.
Custom and Moral Sentiment: Cross-Cultural Aspects of Postgraduate Student Perceptions of Leadership Ethicality. D. A. L. Coldwell.
Perceptions of High Integrity Can Persist After Deception: How Implicit Beliefs Moderate Trust Erosion. Michael P. Haselhuhn, Maurice E. Schweitzer and Laura J. Kray.
Toward Moral Responsibility Theories of Corporate Sustainability and Sustainable Supply Chain. Jung Ha-Brookshire.
Motives and Performance Outcomes of Sustainable Supply Chain Management Practices: A Multi-theoretical Perspective. Antony Paulraj, Injazz J. Chen and Constantin Blome.
In Search of the Dominant Rationale in Sustainability Management: Legitimacy- or Profit-Seeking? Stefan Schaltegger and Jacob Hörisch.
Community Characteristics and Changes in Toxic Chemical Releases: Does Information Disclosure Affect Environmental Injustice? Arturs Kalnins and Glen Dowell.
The Power of One to Make a Difference: How Informal and Formal CEO Power Affect Environmental Sustainability. Judith L. Walls and Pascual Berrone.
Green Innovation and Performance: The View of Organizational Capability and Social Reciprocity. Jing-Wen Huang and Yong-Hui Li.
The Diffusion of Voluntary Environmental Programs: The Case of ISO 14001 in Korea, 1996–2011. Kyungmin Baek.
European Green Mutual Fund Performance: A Comparative Analysis with their Conventional and Black Peers. Gbenga Ibikunle and Tom Steffen.
Beyond Environmental Regulations: Exploring the Potential of “Eco-Islam” in Boosting Environmental Ethics Within SMEs in Arab Markets. Dina M. Abdelzaher and Amir Abdelzaher.
The Hubris of Hybrids. Philipp Bagus, David Howden and Amadeus Gabriel.
When Does It Pay to be Good? Moderators and Mediators in the Corporate Sustainability–Corporate Financial Performance Relationship: A Critical Review. Sylvia Grewatsch and Ingo Kleindienst.
Does an Embedded Wind Turbine Reduce a Company’s Electricity Bill? Case Study of a 300 kW Wind Turbine in Ireland. Tony Kealy.
Educating Business Students About Sustainability: A Bibliometric Review of Current Trends and Research Needs. John G. Cullen.
Understanding Firms’ Approaches to Voluntary Certification: Evidence from Multiple Case Studies in FSC Certification. Kathryn Bowler, Pavel Castka and Michaela Balzarova.
What Should a Manager Like Me Do in a Situation Like This? Strategies for Handling Ethical Problems from the Viewpoint of the Logic of Appropriateness. Minna-Maaria Hiekkataipale Anna-Maija Lämsä.
Big Data: A Normal Accident Waiting to Happen? Daniel Nunan and Marialaura Di Domenico.
Social Norms and CSR Performance. Steven F. Cahan, Chen Chen and Li Chen.
Strong Reciprocity in Consumer Boycotts. Tobias Hahn and Noël Albert.
Understanding Ethical Luxury Consumption Through Practice Theories: A Study of Fine Jewellery Purchases. Caroline Moraes, Marylyn Carrigan and Carmela Bosangit.
Beyond Guilty Verdicts: Human Rights Litigation and its Impact on Corporations’ Human Rights Policies. Judith Schrempf-Stirling and Florian Wettstein.
The NHS: Sticking Fingers in Its Ears, Humming Loudly. Rachael Pope.
Overcoming the ‘Window Dressing’ Effect: Mitigating the Negative Effects of Inherent Skepticism Towards Corporate Social Responsibility. Scott Connors, Stephen Anderson-MacDonald and Matthew Thomson.
Ingredients Matter: How the Human Capital of Philanthropic and Traditional Venture Capital Differs. Mariarosa Scarlata, Jennifer Walske and Andrew Zacharakis.
Attraction or Distraction? Corporate Social Responsibility in Macao’s Gambling Industry. Tiffany Cheng Han Leung, Robin Stanley Snell.
How Ethically Would Americans and Chinese Negotiate? The Effect of Intra-cultural Versus Inter-cultural Negotiations. Yu Yang, David De Cremer and Chao Wang.
Journal of Business Venturing
Jacks-(and Jills)-of-all-trades: On whether, how and why gender influences firm innovativeness. Robert Strohmeyer, Vartuhi Tonoyan and Jennifer E. Jennings.
Accountability for social impact: A bricolage perspective on impact measurement in social enterprises. Greg Molecke and Jonatan Pinkse.
Entrepreneurial orientation and its effect on sustainability decision tradeoffs: The case of sustainable fashion firms. Lori DiVito and René Bohnsack.
Journal of Consumer Psychology
Speaking to the heart: Social exclusion and reliance on feelings versus reasons in persuasion. Fang-Chi Lu and Jayati Sinha.
Conforming conservatives: How salient social identities can increase donations. Andrew M. Kaikati, Carlos J. Torelli, Karen Page Winterich and María A. Rodas.
Effect of intelligence on consumers’ responsiveness to a pro-environmental tax: Evidence from large-scale data on car acquisitions of male consumers. Jaakko Aspara, Xueming Luo, Ravi Dhar.
Materialism pathways: The processes that create and perpetuate materialism. Marsha L. Richins.
Political ideology drives consumer psychology: Introduction to research dialogue. Sharon Shavitt.
The marketplace of ideology: “Elective affinities” in political psychology and their implications for consumer behavior. John T. Jost.
Red, blue and purple states of mind: Segmenting the political marketplace. Akshay R. Rao.
Conservatism as a situated identity: Implications for consumer behavior. Daphna Oyserman and Norbert Schwarz.
A focus on partisanship: How it impacts voting behaviors and political attitudes. Aradhna Krishna andTatiana Sokolova.
Journal of Consumer Research
Blue and Red Voices: Effects of Political Ideology on Consumers’ Complaining and Disputing Behavior. Kiju Jung, Ellen Garbarino, Donnel A. Briley and Jesse Wynhausen.
The Politics of Buying, Boycotting, Complaining, and Disputing: An Extension of the Research Program by Jung, Garbarino, Briley, and Wynhausen. John T. Jost, Melanie Langer and Vishal Singh.
Will the Consistent Organic Food Consumer Step Forward? An Empirical Analysis. Hans Jørn Juhl, Morten H. J. Fenger and John Thøgersen.
Paths to Respectability: Consumption and Stigma Management in the Contemporary Black Middle Class. David Crockett.
Journal of Financial and Qualitative Analysis
Regulatory Sanctions and Reputational Damage in Financial Markets. John Armour, Colin Mayer and Andrea Polo.
Journal of Political Economy
Does Transparency Lead to Pay Compression? Alexandre Mas.
Gender Gaps in Performance: Evidence from Young Lawyers. Ghazala Azmat and Rosa Ferrer.
Management Science
OrganJet: Overcoming Geographical Disparities in Access to Deceased Donor Kidneys in the United States. Barış Ata, Anton Skaro and Sridhar Tayur.
Sourcing Under Supplier Responsibility Risk: The Effects of Certification, Audit, and Contingency Payment. Li Chen and Hau L. Lee.
Do Gender and Business Trainings Affect Business Outcomes? Experimental Evidence from Vietnam. Erwin Bulte, Robert Lensink and Nhung Vu.
How Much Does Honesty Cost? Small Bonuses Can Motivate Ethical Behavior. Long Wang, J. Keith Murnighan.
The Size of the LGBT Population and the Magnitude of Antigay Sentiment Are Substantially Underestimated. Katherine B. Coffman, Lucas C. Coffman, Keith M. Marzilli Ericson.
Organization Studies
Resistance Redux. Dennis K. Mumby, Robyn Thomas, Ignasi Martí, David Seidl.
Being an Early-Career CMS Academic in the Context of Insecurity and ‘Excellence’: The Dialectics of Resistance and Compliance.Alexandra Bristow, Sarah Robinson and Olivier Ratle.
Organizing Solidarity Initiatives: A Socio-spatial Conceptualization of Resistance. Maria Daskalak and George Kokkinidis.
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes
What “blindness” to gender differences helps women see and do: Implications for confidence, agency, and action in male-dominated environments. Ashley E. Martin and Katherine W. Phillips.
Production and Operations Management
Collaborate or Compete: Examining Manufacturers’ Replacement Strategies for a Substance of Concern. Tim Kraft and Gal Raz.
Optimal Policies for Selling New and Remanufactured Products.Xiaoming Yan, Xiuli Chao, Ye Lu and Sean X. Zhou.
Review of Financial Studies
Within-Firm Pay Inequality. Holger M. Mueller, Paige P. Ouimet and Elena Simintzi
Sloan Management Review
The Trouble With Corporate Compliance Programs. Todd Haugh.
Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal
Social Entrepreneurship and the Development Paradox of Prosocial Motivation: A Cautionary Tale. Jeffery S. McMullen and Brian J. Bergman Jr.
Strategic Management Journal
Well Known or Well Liked? The Effects of Corporate Reputation on Firm Value at the Onset of a Corporate Crisis. Jiuchang Wei, Zhe Ouyang and Haipeng (Allan) Chen.
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