Educators share two approaches to bringing climate policy into the business school classroom.
Policy is an important part of addressing climate change. In the third session of the monthly NBS Series on Teaching Climate in Business Schools, participants explored different ways to incorporate climate policy in classes.
Presentations covered a multi-stakeholder negotiation exercise, workshops on purpose and permanence, and the Climate Interactive ENROADs simulator.
Watch the full event recording here, and use the resources below to go deeper.
Presentation 1: En-ROADS Simulation, through the Lens of Purpose and Permanence
Presenters described how they integrated the ENROADS Simulation (workshop from Climate Interactive and MIT Sloan Sustainability Initiative) into a Product and Brand Management course. They paired the simulation with “sensitization” workshops on business sustainability, focusing on Gandhian ideas of ecology and the Deep Purpose continuum.
Presenters: Sathyanarayanan Ramachandran, Sundram Fasteners Associate Professor of Marketing, IFMR Graduate School of Business, Krea University, India; and Sai Sridhar Hogirala, Confederation of Indian Industry, India.
With commentary from Krystal Noiseaux, Associate Director for the Climate Pathways Project (En-ROADS host), MIT Sloan.
Read this document for more information on the material, access to the presentation slides, and other key insights from the presentation.
Watch the presentation:
Presentation 2: Model UNFCCC
MBA students participate in a simulation of the UNFCCC negotiations through three workshops culminating in an interactive exercise. Students learn about the challenges of generating international consensus on climate action and the role of different societal actors in climate action.
Presenter: Bettina Wittneben, Associate Fellow in Management, Pembroke College, University of Oxford, UK; Principal, AFRY Management Consulting.
Read this document for more information on the material, access to the presentation slides, and other key insights from the presentation.
Watch the presentation:
More Discussion and Resources
Watch the group discussion at the end of the March 19 event for insights into the presentation topics plus wisdom and ideas from the crowd.
Participants also shared resources in the Zoom chat during the session:
Article on “parasite logic” in economics (shared by Fernanda Carreira, FGV): Gasparin, M., et al. 2020. The business school in the Anthropocene: Parasite logic and pataphysical reasoning for a working earth. Academy of Management Learning & Education.
Resource review on En-ROADS (shared by Anjali Chaudhry, Dominican University): Chaudhry, A. 2023. The power of simulation for climate action: En-ROADS. Academy of Management Learning and Education,9, 507–519.
Project for using EN-ROADS with practitioners from MIT: MIT Climate Pathways Project (shared by Krystal Noiseaux, MIT Climate Pathways Project). As an example: EN-ROADS being used outside of the classroom with leaders in the public and private sector.
A paper providing contextual background on UNFCCC process. Maslin, M.A., Lang, J, & Harvey, F. 2023. A short history of the successes and failures of the international climate change negotiations. UCL Open Environment, 5(1). (Shared by Bettina Wittneben.)
Bettina and colleagues were also recognized by the NBS Research Impact on Practice Award for this paper: Schussler, E., Rüling, C.C., & Wittneben, B. 2014. On melting summits: The limitations of field-configuring events as catalysts of change in transnational climate policy. Academy of Management Journal. NBS description: “The researchers studied how to advance climate negotiations. United Nations climate conferences have become huge and chaotic, the researchers report, with more emphasis on networking than policy development. For policy action, the researchers recommend streamlining negotiations in terms of actors and issues.”
Another example of a Model UNFCCC course (CEMS). NBS profiled it a few years ago but it’s still going strong! (Shared by Maya Fischhoff, NBS)
A free role play on mining the ocean: Should we start deep-sea mining?Developed by Hervé Legenvre and Lisa Ellram. (Shared by Lisa Ellram, Miami University)
Join the Climate Teaching Series
If you’re an educator seeking to include more climate and sustainability content in your teaching, make sure to join our virtual series Live, to discuss your ideas and challenges with others. Learn more about the series and sign up here.
Other Resources from NBS
NBS Resources related to Climate Policy:
NBS Resources on Teaching Sustainability: Access resources related to best practices for teaching sustainable business.
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