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Teaching Climate Change in Business Schools: Virtual Event Series


Global educators gathered monthly to share best practices for teaching climate in business schools. Access materials and recordings from 5 inspiring sessions.

Do you want to integrate climate topics into business school education? 

You are not alone. 

More than 420 educators from around the world registered to join the NBS series on Teaching Climate – a series of monthly webinars that took place from Jan-June 2024. 

Each session addressed a different climate theme – from Carbon Management to Climate Policy  supporting you to educate students on one of the most important issues of our time. 

This series is now complete – at least for the time being. If you’d like to stay up to date with future developments, you can sign up for the series mailing list.

For now, find recordings and resources from each of the past sessions below.

Past Sessions: Materials and Recordings

Click the links below to find recordings and other outputs from each of the past sessions.

Series Outcomes

teaching climate change in business schools' outcomes

A Guide to the Climate Teaching Landscape

In developing this series, the Network for Business Sustainability has worked in partnership with other organizations supporting climate teaching in business schools. We encourage you to explore their resources and initiatives:

We also thank our advisors for their specific input:

Fernanda Carreira, FGV EAESP; Valentina De Marchi, ESADE Business School and GRONEN; Jill Bogie, Gordon Institute of Business Science and BS4CL Africa; Katie Kross and Jessica Wingert, Duke University and ClimateCAP; Marina Schmitz, IEDC-Bled School of Management; Divya Singhal, Goa Institute of Management and ONE Teaching Team; Mike Toffel and Lynn Schenk, Harvard University; Bruce Usher and Sandra Navalli, Columbia University and Climate Curriculum Initiative

Why NBS Developed this Teaching Series

Business schools and business faculty want to respond to the climate crisis. NBS wants to help them do so. These events on teaching climate are intended to address the needs of instructors while complementing existing efforts in this space.

These events bring together educators who have created and integrated effective approaches to teaching climate in business schools with educators at earlier stages. It enables sharing of  materials, guidance, and best practices that will advance climate teaching for all. 

How we developed the series: NBS staff consulted with experts in the climate teaching space on what framing and structure would be most useful. We issued an open call for submissions, shared widely. We developed the themed sessions based on our initial framing and presentations submitted.  

More info: Contact Abby Litchfield at info@nbs.net.

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Alexis Wright
Looking forward to the session!
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  • NBS

    The Network for Business Sustainability (NBS) is a non-profit advancing sustainable development to build a fairer and more environmentally sound future. We aim to improve business practice by facilitating knowledge sharing across an international community of business leaders, scholars, students and policy makers. With these stakeholders, we co-create high-quality content that enables practical action. Our content focuses on 6 critical sustainability themes, from climate change to social justice.

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  • Abby Litchfield
    Community Manager
    Network for Business Sustainability
    Honours Business Adminstration, Ivey Business School

    Abby Litchfield is the Community Manager at the Network for Business Sustainability, overseeing partnerships, processes, social media, and all things graphic. Abby is deeply passionate about bringing people and organizations together to advance sustainability, and loves creating new content with NBS collaborators because it's an opportunity to do just that.

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