How to Motivate People Toward Sustainability

Researchers have identified seven strategies that can motivate everyone toward sustainability from employees to communities.

“Alone we can do so little,” said educator and activist Helen Keller. “Together we can do so much.“

Business Sustainability Changemakers

People determine the success of a company’s sustainability initiatives. It’s easy to focus on the role of company leaders, but the success of any sustainability initiative requires widespread support. Here are some of the groups who can be valuable allies:


Employees implement company initiatives and can contribute ideas based on their specific areas of expertise. Everyone from mid-level managers to operational staff to front-line employees can make a difference.


Customers can make a conscious decision to purchase green products and services. They can promote brands aligned with their values to motivate others to choose sustainable products and services.


Communities are especially important if your company has a significant local footprint — for example, if you’re engaged in manufacturing or resource extraction. Keeping your social license to operate within the community reduces friction and costs and can even lead to collaborations on projects with local stakeholders.[1][2]

How to Encourage Others to Care for the Environment

In 1998, Bill Ford Jr. became chairman of Ford’s board of directors. He promised to improve SUV fuel mileage by 25% over 5 years. His dream was never realized. A big reason? He didn’t know how to motivate his team.

No one can drive sustainable change alone. Whether your company wants to improve fuel efficiency, like Ford, or reduce waste, or close a gender pay gap, change requires people to work together.

Researchers in the field of conservation psychology offer 7 tips to motivate anyone, including employees, customers, family and friends, and the community.

Tip 1: Share knowledge they need: To change, people need to know what to do, with specifics. They also need to know why.

Tip 2: Use language that resonates. Use stories to make issues come alive, and hopeful messaging instead of doom and gloom.

Tip 3: Use leaders: Start by convincing a few leaders. When people see those they respect taking action, they’re more likely to act too!

Tip 4: Invite participation: Ask people for input. They can be contributors to the cause. After all, diverse ideas make any initiative better!

Tip 5: Make actions easy and enjoyable. Remove as many barriers as possible. Look for ways to keep the action fun, like making it a group activity.

Tip 6: Be careful with rewards. Rewards are external motivation, so actions stop if the reward disappears. Long-lasting motivation happens when people see how change aligns with their values.

Tip 7: One step at a time: Major change is overwhelming. Introduce ideas gradually, and try to connect new actions to something people are familiar with.

Now, more than ever, we need rapid sustainability change at scale. Bake these tips into your work to create larger ripples of change.

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Seven Strategies to Motivate People to Support Sustainability

The field of conservation psychology studies people’s attitudes and behaviours toward the natural environment. Researchers have found seven ways to motivate greater environmental action. Because these draw on general psychological principles, they apply to most people you will encounter.

1. Equip people with (the right) knowledge

People need to know both why an action is important and how to do it. People are often hesitant to do something that’s unfamiliar, so being able to try new actions out in a small way can be reassuring. Pilot programs are a great low-risk strategy.[3]

2. Help people process information

People absorb ideas and make decisions in specific ways (see NBS’s report on Decision Making for Sustainability for a full review). For example, people are more affected by stories than by abstract statements. They’re more moved by positive messages than gloom and doom — no more images of drowning polar bears! And hearing a message multiple times, in multiple ways, is often necessary for it to sink in.

3. Leverage the leaders

People look to leaders — formal and informal — as they’re deciding how to act. If others they respect by doing or endorsing behaviors, people are likely to follow them. Leaders might be nearby in the organization or more distant public figures. Peer action also sets a standard. Group activities can be a way to show that peers are engaged.

4. Make actions easy and enjoyable

People can have wonderful intentions, but without practical support, the action often won’t happen. If a recycling bin is close by, people are more likely to use it. If a product’s not readily available, people may not seek it out. Positive messages, social norms, and group activities can make sustainability-related behaviors seem more fun.

5. Allow participation

People want to be involved in issues that concern them. Participation can mean many things, including just having information, but people often want the opportunity to contribute ideas as well. Participation leads to positive attitudes and often innovative ideas.

6. Take one step at a time

People can be overwhelmed by major change; generally, they prefer to get comfortable with one behavior before they try another. Consider introducing a new initiative gradually and connecting it to things people are already familiar with. A simple example might be expanding community outreach efforts from philanthropy to volunteering, with the same organizations.

7. Pause rewards

Rewards should be used carefully. They tend to be effective while they continue. But once they stop, the behavior usually drops off. Rewards are “extrinsic motivation,” motivation from outside the person. Motivation that people develop internally, rooted in their beliefs, is more long-lasting.

Sustainability Strategies for Key Stakeholder Groups

You’ll need to apply these general seven principles to your specific context as you move toward sustainability. Here are some priority strategies for different groups.

Strategies to Motivate Employees Toward Sustainability

Equip people with knowledge; leverage the leaders.

Reframe the company’s general sustainability messages to make them applicable to individual work situations. But as you clarify the messages, leave people room to innovate and participate. Consider making activities a group effort, to draw on social norms and make a sustainability initiative more fun – Green Teams follow this approach. See NBS’s Organizational Culture guide for more ideas.

Strategies to Motivate Customers Toward Sustainability

Take one step at a time; make it enjoyable; leverage the leaders.

Gradual changes in a product are often easier for customers to adapt to than a dramatic shift. Link new features to what’s already familiar. Green cleaning products are a good example: the products are packaged and used in familiar ways. Advertising best practices still apply: green products can be sold as enjoyable and as popular. See NBS’s Socially Conscious Consumerism guide for additional suggestions.

Strategies to Motivate Communities Toward Sustainability

Allow participation; equip people with knowledge; leverage the leaders.

Public participation is vital if company actions affect communities. Connect with communities early on when a project is just in planning stages. Communities want to tell companies about their priorities and to understand what will happen. Communicating with communities can be challenging, but making an effort and working with respected leaders can help create positive outcomes. See NBS’s Community Engagement guide for specific guidance.

It Takes a Village to Build Sustainability

Too often, we look to a single leader to create change. Here’s a cautionary tale: When Bill Ford Jr. took over as CEO of Ford Motor Company, he was a self-described environmentalist committed to transforming the company. But his sustainability priorities got limited buy-in from Ford executives and the broader workforce, and the company continued to sell gas-guzzling vehicles.[4]

Leaders need allies and supporters. Motivating others towards sustainability is easier when you build on people’s natural ways of processing information and making sense of the world.

Update from the Author

This article was originally written in 2013, and updated in 2020. Increasingly, solutions to sustainability challenges are seen as coming from the combined efforts of different parts of society. NBS has published a series of resources on how companies can be part of these more systemic efforts Some recommended resources — on civic dialogue, social change, and multisector partnerships — are just below.


[1] Ethics Explainer: Social license to operate. (2018). The Ethics Centre.

[2] Executive Briefing: Engaging the Community. (2010). Network for Business Sustainability.

[3] Kaplan, A. W. (1999). Generating interest, generating power: commercializing photovoltaics in the utility sector. Energy Policy, 27(6), 317-329.

[4] Warner, F. (2008). How Ford Lost Focus. Mother Jones.

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  1. Thanks, Maya, for the inspiring post. Your tips on achieving business sustainability are mindblowing. I work as an HR manager for a famous rehabilitation centre, and your tips would help equip our staff to give their best. We usually make use of rewards to motivate our team.

  2. Maya, this is amazing. I am a budding researcher in this field and seem to understand that there are a lot of Systems based and Complexity based aspects in the implementation of sustainability that cannot be ignored. I can see these elements emerging here.You talk on leveraging emergent leaders within smaller employee circles is quite connected to the debate of the role of an alpha leader – the CEO in the company. The topic of Complexity argues whether it is structure or power that decides who is the real change maker within an organization. It also talks about small but consistent changes to bring about a large transition in the company which is also what is beleived by researchers of Complex Adaptive Systems. The one (but consistent and all pervasive) step/s at a time chime in well here with this story.All these topics gel so well and tell the same story in interesting different lenses, dont they? 🙂 Thanks again for this engaging post!Cheers!

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  • Maya Fischhoff
    Editor and Advisor
    Network for Business Sustainability
    PhD in Corporate Sustainability and Environmental Psychology, University of Michigan

    Maya was NBS's Knowledge Manager from 2012-2024. She now supports NBS colleagues, providing advice, institutional knowledge, and enthusiasm. Maya also curates NBS's monthly Table of Contents, which profiles cutting edge business sustainability research. Maya has a PhD in environmental psychology from the University of Michigan, where she studied middle managers’ environmental efforts. She has also worked for non-profits and government. In her after-NBS life, she is focusing on local community engagement, still related to social and environmental sustainability.

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