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Sustainable Finance

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Being added to – or removed from – a social index as a reflection of corporate behaviour can impact stakeholder relationships and your stock price.

Navigate the decision-making process to manage environmental impacts like a pro.

The systematic review provides an actionable, four-step process for measuring your organization's sustainability initiatives and environmental impacts.

Socially responsible investment (SRI) techniques use screens to include — or exclude — companies in portfolios based on social or environmental performance. SRI is gaining traction — eleven percent of professionally managed U.S. assets were invested using these principles in 2007.

Firms planning to engage in CSR activities to interest stakeholders must decide which activities to announce – and which to keep quiet.

Research shows how your firm's comprehensive environmental risk management strategy can reduce cost of capital and increase opportunity for debt financing.

How can companies extend periods of exceptional financial performance and end those of substandard performance? This study found that good stakeholder relations were a key factor in sustaining above-average financial performance.

Data quality needs to improve. But carbon disclosure and reporting continues to attract attention from the public, media, government, and business alike.

Research finds good stakeholder relations are a key factor in sustaining above-average financial performance.

Discover how investing in CSR insures your firm by protecting your reputation and reducing financial impact of negative press.

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