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How can insights in academic journals lead to real-world impact? Find a model in "Entrepreneurship Rapid Research Response," a new journal format.
Kogod School of Business, American University
How can insights in academic journals lead to real-world impact? Find a model in "Entrepreneurship Rapid Research Response," a new journal format.
For researchers to offer practical advice for managers, we need to change the way we research. We suggest a new approach.
50 researchers share their experiences translating research for practitioners. Use this crowd-sourced wisdom to bring your research to people who can use it.
Researchers often think they need to remove abstraction when they translate research for managers. That’s not true.
Two trailblazers in research impact joined 140 early career management scholars to discuss how academic research can help society.
The Impact Scholar Community supports early-career management scholars in developing impact capabilities. An initial inquiry reveals where we want to help most.
How does sustainability research get implemented by practitioners? New initiatives trace the journey.
Cocreation is an answer, say Tima Bansal and Garima Sharma. They discuss their research journey and their conclusions, now in press at AMJ.
You become part of the system you study, says Mark de Rond. Objectivity isn’t the goal; act as a human first, researcher second.
When academics and practitioners work together on research, there’s no standard template to follow. Two innovative projects provide models.